The old man was so young, but he was still young.

Mu Wanqing looked at the tall and straight figure of Gongsun Hao in front of her and thought to herself.

Why could he tell that she was a woman? !

Gongsun Hao looked at Mu Wanqing in front of him, smiled slightly, and whispered: "Girl, I met Brother Duan Yu once in Mantuo Villa in Gusu!"


When Mu Wanqing heard that Gongsun Hao had seen her brother Duan Yu, a look of disbelief appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she whispered: "Do you know where my elder brother is now?"

Gongsun Hao shook his head and said: "At that time, I saw him with a Tibetan monk, and I was traveling in Taihu Lake. I had a conversation with them for a while, and then I heard that monk say something about the Six Meridians Divine Sword. I didn't ask much at the time, and I said goodbye!"

Mu Wanqing heard this, a trace of sadness flashed across her pretty face, and said:

"I'm afraid my elder brother is in danger. He is such a fool. He obviously doesn't know any martial arts, but he still has to go out to travel in Wuliang Mountain. If he stayed in the Dali Palace honestly, how could he have the disaster today?"

Gongsun Hao smiled slightly and thought to himself.

A man of luck like Duan Yu would survive even if he fell off a cliff. If he hadn't appeared, Duan Yu would have been prosperous and had many wives and concubines.


Gongsun Hao always went his own way and let others talk!

While Gongsun Hao and Mu Wanqing were talking, Xiaolei extinguished all the candles in the inner study and saved this group of useless people with weak internal strength.

"Her Highness the Princess has arrived!"

At this moment, Xiaolei's voice came slowly, and Princess Yinchuan of Xixia came to the inner study surrounded by eight maids.


because all the candles in the room had been extinguished at this time, everyone could not see the princess's appearance.

Xiaolei said as the princess instructed:

"Heroes, the princess has three questions for you to answer in turn. The first question is where are you happiest in your life?"

"The second question is what is the name of the person you love most in your life?"

"The third question is what does the person you love most look like?"

When everyone heard these three questions, they all rushed to answer them, fearing that this hard-won opportunity would be snatched away by others.

Gongsun Hao stood with his hands behind his back, but he was not in a hurry. The secret code between him and Li Qinglu was only known to the two of them.

Half an hour later,

Dozens of people had answered the princess's questions, but no one could get the princess's favor.

Mu Wanqing immediately strode forward, looked in the direction of Xiaolei, and said, "I am the prince of Dali, 'Duan Yu', meeting the princess!"

Xiaolei smiled slightly when she heard that it was the prince of Dali, and said, "The arrival of the prince of Dali has brought honor to Xixia. Please answer the princess' questions in turn, and then make a decision."

Mu Wanqing nodded, and after thinking for a while, she said lightly, "The most carefree place in my life is in a stone chamber in Dali Wanjie Valley!"

Gongsun Hao's smile froze slightly when he heard this.

He almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda!

The stone chamber in Dali Wanjie Valley, wasn't it the time when she and Duan Yu were injected with Yun Zhonghe's 'Yin Yang He Huan San'?

The two of them also had a touching kiss scene, which almost made a big mistake!

Mu Wanqing continued, "His name may not be that important, but he is the person I love most in my life."

Gongsun Hao smiled faintly when he heard this.

This Duan Yu is indeed quite capable. Even though Mu Wanqing knew that she was his biological sister, she still loved him deeply!

Mu Wanqing answered the third question again and said, "He has a very good appearance and his temperament is no less than that of a prince or noble. I can't find anyone better than him in the world!"

Gongsun Hao sneered when he heard this.


Women are just sitting in a well and looking at the sky!

There are at least 8,000 people on this continent who are a hundred times stronger than Duan Yu.

Who is not a destined prince?

After hearing Mu Wanqing's answer, Xiaolei smiled and said, "I think Master Duan's lover is also a rare and extraordinary woman in the world. Master Duan, please rest here, and the next person will come!"

Gongsun Hao's eyes flashed, and he immediately walked over with big strides, clasped his fists and said:

"I am Gongsun Hao, the master of Jueqing Valley, and I am here to answer three questions for Your Highness the Princess."

"The first question is that the happiest place in my life is in an ice cellar!



Hearing this, the princess dropped a white jade teacup in her hand to the ground, and her pretty face showed an expression of disbelief.

This voice seemed to be the man she had been thinking about day and night?!

In the ice cellar,

It was their secret code!

Gongsun Hao continued to answer the second question, "I don't even remember the name of the person I love the most, but I will remember her voice for the rest of my life!"

Gongsun Hao's answer immediately caused everyone present to laugh.

"You don't even know the name of the woman you love the most?"

"Are you here to make fun of me?"

"Hurry up and get off the stage, don't embarrass yourself!"

"That's right, that's right, we are waiting in line to answer! "

The voices of the martial artists around were endless.

Xiao Lei frowned and stopped everyone's discussion immediately, and then continued to ask Gongsun Hao the third question.

Gongsun Hao stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly:

"The appearance of my beloved, because the ice cellar was exactly the same as now, and it was also in darkness, so I don't know her appearance, but I am sure that her appearance is definitely a fairy on earth, and Diao Chan, Xi Shi, and Yang Guifei all have to stand aside!"

Hearing this, the Princess of Xixia was moved, and this person's words hit the mark.

And the voice was also the familiar Meng Lang.

Her pretty face showed a look of great surprise, her voice trembled a little, and she asked aloud: "Meng... Meng Lang, is it you? Meng Lang?"

Hearing Li Qinglu's familiar and beautiful voice, Gongsun Hao couldn't wait to respond: "It's me, Menggu, is it you? "

The Princess of Xixia was overjoyed and stood up from the soft chair, saying, "It's me, Menglang. It's been so long, have you ever thought of me?"

Gongsun Hao smiled happily, stepped on the sole of his foot, and his figure turned into a blurred afterimage. A moment later, he appeared beside the soft chair of the Princess of Xixia and said solemnly:

"Of course I miss you, Menggu. The time with you is also my happiest day!"

Xiao Lei heard that the princess and the prince consort seemed to have endless love words, and immediately drove all the other people in the inner study out, creating a world for them.

The remaining martial artists who had not answered the question kept cursing, and at the same time, they had no way to do anything, so they could only retreat in disappointment.

At the same time.

Gongsun Hao's big hand gently placed on the pretty face of the Princess of Xixia, and said softly:

"Menggu, we are finally not dreaming now, but really meeting each other! "

Princess Xixia burst into tears of joy and threw herself into Gongsun Hao's arms, holding his neck and saying, "Meng Lang, I feel like I'm dreaming right now. I haven't been as happy as I am today for a long time!"

Gongsun Hao smiled evilly and said, "If my Menggu likes it, we can be so happy every day in the future!"

Princess Xixia blushed and said angrily, "Meng Lang, you are so bad. Do you really want to be like this every day?"

Gongsun Hao nodded solemnly, "Yes, it must be every day!"

Princess Xixia heard this and her whole body softened completely. She collapsed in Gongsun Hao's arms and said, "Meng Lang, let's relive our old dreams, okay? !"

Gongsun Hao nodded immediately and smiled, "Okay, your Highness Princess's request is what I want!"

"Hate it!"


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