At this moment,

Facing the murderous and aggressive Xiao Feng, Duan Zhengchun nodded.

"Yes, but the big mistake has been made, and it's too late to regret it now."

Xiao Feng said coldly: "Okay, since you admit it, then I will settle the account with you, and you have nothing to say?!"

Duan Zhengchun smiled bitterly: "I have nothing to say!"

Xiao Feng sneered: "Okay, since you have nothing to say, then die!"

Facing this big villain who led a large number of martial arts masters to kill his parents, he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and was unwilling to say anything more. He suddenly activated the strong Shaolin internal force in his body and slapped Duan Zhengchun with a palm.


A dragon roared in the flat ground, deafening!

The strong and powerful palm power brought up a strong wind, blowing up the dust in the sky, and burst out with a bang, like a force that could overturn the sea and the earth, extremely fierce and domineering.

The dust in the sky was wrapped up by the palm power and turned into a gray dragon, rushing out with its head held high!

Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing!

The arrogant dragon will regret it!

"Duan Lang, get out of the way, it's the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing!"

Seeing such a terrifying palm power, Ruan Xingzhu was shocked, and her beautiful eyes were full of horror.

Who in the world dares to take on the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing of Bei Qiao Feng, except for the strong men above the Grandmaster? !

And Duan Zhengchun has been focusing on women all these years, so his martial arts have been slack.

His One Finger of Yang magic has also been used on women, which is why so many women are devoted to him.

At this moment,

Faced with such a fierce Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, his face changed drastically, he raised all his energy, and his figure suddenly turned to the right, hurriedly dodging the attack.


There was a bang.

The soaring gray dragon smashed into an inn in front like a cannonball.

Suddenly, smoke and dust rose.

The huge inn was directly blown into debris, and even the ground was sunken.

"Don't hurt my father!"

Seeing Xiao Feng's palm out of the dragon, indestructible, A Zi's pretty face immediately turned pale as paper, and her left hand suddenly patted the bottom of her right sleeve lightly, and a green light rushed towards Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng felt the hidden arrow, and his face was expressionless. He flicked his sleeves, and an invisible strong wind came out, directly smashing the green hidden weapon fired by A Zi into powder.

At the same time, he glanced at A Zi coldly.

Seeing this young woman acting so viciously, is this the daughter of the evil man? !

To be able to give birth to such a femme fatale, this evil man is really good!

"Back off!"

Xiao Feng suddenly shouted angrily, and pushed out with a palm, and the strong true energy surged, and an invisible force directly knocked Ah Zi away more than a meter away.


Ah Zi fell heavily to the ground, and at the same time, she only felt the blood and qi in her chest surging, and a hot stream sprayed out of her mouth. Her face suddenly turned pale and she lost her ability to move.

At the same time.

Seeing that Xiao Feng was determined to kill, Ah Zhu was merciless to the woman. Her pretty face was pale as paper. She turned around suddenly, grabbed Gongsun Hao's arm tightly with both hands, and pleaded.

"Brother Hao, I beg you, help them!"

"This!?" Gongsun Hao frowned.

He was reluctant to take action.

Since Xiao Feng regarded Duan Zhengchun as the leader of the Yanmen Pass bloodbath, even if he wanted revenge now, he would not intervene!

"Sister Ah Zhu, it must be that Prince Duan did something wrong. Didn't he admit it when Xiao questioned him just now? This is between them, and we should not intervene!" Wang Yuyan admired Xiao Feng's efforts to help the four elders in the apricot forest, and said lightly.

"Yes, Sister Ah Zhu, Xiao Feng is the former leader of the Northern Beggars' Sect. He is chivalrous and righteous. He is a great hero and will not cause trouble for no reason. It must be that Prince Duan was wrong first!" Ah Bi also chose to believe in Xiao Feng's character.

"Ah Zhu, don't worry, let's wait and see!" Gongsun Hao looked at Ah Zhu, who was anxious and pale, with relief, and reached out to touch her head.

At the same time

Xiao Feng, who had repelled A Zi, frowned, gathered all his inner energy, and suddenly slapped Duan Zhengchun with two palms in succession. Two gray dragons raised their heads and rushed out, bringing with them a shocking momentum, forming a pincer force and rushing away.

Facing such a fierce and lightning-fast palm force, Duan Zhengchun had no way to retreat or avoid it, and he suddenly roared

, his eyes became fierce, he gathered all the internal energy, tapped the air with his right index finger, and a stream of hot finger energy shot out.

"Chi Chi Chi!!!"

One Yang Finger Divine Skill!

Its finger energy is hot and abundant!


This level of One Yang Finger Force was directly crushed by the gray dragon, and the gray dragon did not stop, and continued to rush towards Duan Zhengchun like a meteor chasing the moon.


Duan Zhengchun was hit by a palm, and spit out a mouthful of blood, as if he was hit by an invisible hammer. The whole person flew backwards and hit a ruin like a cannonball. Suddenly, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and there was dead silence.


"Duan Lang!"

A Zi and Ruan Xingzhu's faces changed drastically, and the latter ran towards the direction where Duan Zhengchun flew out in a panic.

Ah Zi burst into tears immediately, but at this moment, she was knocked back by Xiao Feng's palm and collapsed on the ground, unable to move at all.

She could only watch her father being knocked away, and was heartbroken.


Seeing Duan Zhengchun being knocked back by Xiao Feng's palm, Ah Zhu's face changed drastically, her body swayed, and she was about to collapse diagonally.

"Ah Zhu, are you okay?" Gongsun Hao was quick to extend his left arm to support Ah Zhu, and frowned.

"Brother Hao... I want to save people!" Ah Zhu suddenly lost control of her emotions, and she shot out of Gongsun Hao's arms, tears streaming down her face, and strode to Xiao Feng, blocking his way to chase Duan Zhengchun.

Now that she has practiced the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra", her light skills have become more and more exquisite.

Xiao Feng saw that the girl who suddenly rushed over was Ah Zhu whom he had seen in the apricot forest. He frowned and asked in a deep voice: "What are you doing?"

Ah Zhu's eyes were fixed on the tall and strong Xiao Feng. There was no fear on her pretty face. She asked in a hoarse voice:

"Xiao, I always thought you were a great hero, but why didn't you ask clearly today and just hurt people?"

Seeing the beautiful Ah Zhu, Xiao Feng felt a flash of pity in his heart, but she still couldn't stop him from taking revenge. He said coldly:

"It doesn't matter to Xiao whether she is a great hero or not,"

"And Duan Zhengchun is a man of great crimes and deserves death. Thirty years ago, he led a large number of martial arts masters to besiege my parents at Yanmen Pass, causing my parents to die tragically outside the pass. He is the enemy who killed my father. I will not stop until I kill him today!!!"


Ah Zhu was dumbfounded when she heard this.

She didn't know what kind of person her father Duan Zhengchun was in the past, and she didn't know the truth of what Xiao Feng said, but her father abandoned her for sixteen years, and he didn't seem like a good person.


Now that she finally saw her biological father, how could she just stand by and watch? !

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