Soy milk flows out of Dourudao's eyes, and the smoke around it is tofu skin if you look closely!

Chu Feng grinned and hurried to collect the soy milk and tofu skin.

These things can be used to cook a pot of soup, which is super delicious.

After cleaning up, Chu Feng returned to the octopus watermelon.

"What's the situation?"Atasino asked,"What's with those weird heads just now?"

She also saw a lot of men's heads appearing in the air before, and even heard the sounds they made.

It really surprised her.

Chu Feng explained, and then said:"We have gained a lot, let's have a good meal."

Let the octopus watermelon stop on Yuto Island.

Looking around, the whole island is like a maze, with extremely complex terrain and full of unknown dangers.

However, Chu Feng didn't care at all.

He took out the ingredients from the system space.

One-armed beaked pterosaur.

Leech beast.

Soy milk.

Tofu skin.

And so on.

Then, put out the kitchen utensils and tableware.

""Let me be your assistant!" Atasino said with a happy smile on his face.

The cooking started!

The two began to get busy.

Although they were all ingredients from the gourmet world, they were not difficult for these two chefs.

After a while.

All the ingredients were cooked.

Soy milk, tofu skin and other ingredients were cooked into a pot of soup, which was shiny and fragrant, making people drool.

The one-armed beaked pterosaur was made into crispy and delicious fried meat cubes, paired with Melk's stardust, which looked appetizing. The detoxified leech beast was mixed with platinum orange vinegar, cut into thin slices, and steamed. Dip in garlic, onion, salt sauce and mellow plum egg yolk.

Looking at the cooked ingredients, the two had bright smiles on their faces. After taking a big sip of the soup, Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

The soup is thick but not greasy , it is so delicious that you can't help but drink bowl after bowl of it.

Grab a piece of tofu skin!

What a beautiful tofu skin...

Open your mouth and eat it, it's just like the best quality Juan cloth, the layers of thin films melted, the taste is really irresistible!

Grab a piece of leech meat and put it in your mouth, the deliciousness immediately stimulates all the cells in your body, and your spirit is suddenly lifted. The crispy taste makes people unable to stop eating, and it is even more unforgettable!!

Atasino is also enjoying these delicacies. Although he didn't say anything, the satisfied expression on his face says it all.

All the ingredients were eaten by the two.

Chu Feng entered the system interface and took a look at the strength bonus.

Host: Chu Feng

Physical fitness: 11000+

Cooking skills: Level 6+

Food luck: full level+

Spiritual awareness: 20,000 meters+

Abilities: Sonic Fist, Air Step, Food, Food Righteousness, Displacement Flash, Golden Body, Meteorite Shield, Ertianyiliu Sword Skills, Thunder Strike, Shattering Sky Fist, Still Field, Detection of Opportunities, Tyrant Body, Reversal Eye, Ape Martial Secret

System space (20,000 cubic meters): Second-generation kitchen knife, a small amount of ingredients, wooden house...

Capture level: estimated to be 1100

Shattering Sky Fist can burst out 3 times the power.

Really good.

However, Chu Feng was not satisfied, his eyes flickered, and suddenly he remembered that there was a super delicious food on Yuto Island... Ghost Shell.

This is an ingredient in the golden maze under the golden swamp of Yuto Island.

In the original book, this is the ingredient for awakening the third gourmet cell demon white ghost of A Lu.

Its taste is naturally beyond doubt.

Chu Feng looked at Atasino, smiled and said,"Let's go, I'll take you to eat more delicious ingredients"

"More delicious?" Atasino's eyes moved, and then his face changed," are not going to capture the salad air of Acacia's Western full meal, right?"

Salad air is the ultimate ingredient in the eighth area and the most delicious in the entire area.

Chu Feng said:"I really want to eat salad air, but now is not the time, and I don't want to die yet. In addition to air, there is actually another very powerful ingredient."

Atasino breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't go to capture air.


At this moment, the roar of the motor came.

I saw a frog-like car whizzing over, then made a beautiful sharp turn, and finally stopped in front of the octopus watermelon.

A frog man jumped out of the car, wearing sunglasses, carrying a travel bag, and looking alert.

""Hmm?" Atasino frowned.

She didn't know the frogman.

But Chu Feng knew him. It was Mabi, the frogman from the Monster Food Village.

A very powerful weirdo.

He was one of the three old monster warriors from the Monster Food Village.

Mabi's eyes fell on Chu Feng and Atasino, and then asked,"You are humans from the human world, right? It has been many years since we have seen humans coming from the Evil Spirit Harbor."

"I am Mabi from the Monster Food Village, welcome to your arrival."

In fact, he was quite happy to see the humans from the human world.

Many years ago, a human named Yilong came here and got along very well with the people of the Monster Food Village.

Chu Feng smiled and said,"Hello, my name is Chu Feng. This is my partner Atasino!"

"Thank you for your welcome!"

According to Chu Feng, the people in the Monster Food Village all look very strange, but they are kind-hearted and warm to others.

In the original novel, A Lu and others stayed in the Monster Food Village and received a warm reception.

In fact, speaking of it, the weirdos in the Monster Food Village were originally human beings!!

So it is normal for them to have a good impression of humans.

"Mr. Chu Feng, Miss Atasino, I invite you to the Monster Food Village to enjoy delicious food, okay?"Mabi said, her eyes full of anticipation.

Finally seeing a human from the human world again, she must treat him well.

"Sure!" Chu Feng thought about it and answered happily.

There are indeed many delicious foods in the Monster Food Village, and there is even a food city. If you go there to have a meal, it is really good and can increase your strength.

Anyway, catching ghost shells is also a good way.

"Great!"Mabi said,"Let's go! The villagers will be very happy to see you!"

Chu Feng ordered Octopus Watermelon to follow Mabi's frog car.

""There won't be any problem, right?" Atasino asked in a low voice.

This frog man was so enthusiastic that it was a little surprising.

Chu Feng smiled and said,"Don't worry, there won't be any problem. Maybe it knows the president!"

Hearing this, Atasino's eyes moved slightly, and he said,"Mr. Mabi, do you know President Yilong?"

In order to eliminate doubts, he decided to ask.

Hearing this, Mabi's eyes sparkled:"Yilong? Are you talking about Mr. Yilong? Do you know Mr. Yilong too?!"

""Yes!" Atasino nodded,"Mr. Yilong is my president!"

""I see!" Mabi nodded, looking excited."Mr. Yilong is such an interesting person. I haven't seen him for many years. I really miss him."……"

Then he told Yilong a lot of things, which dispelled Atasino's suspicion.

"Mr. Chu Feng, Miss Atasino, you are so amazing. You passed through the Sea of Thorns, defeated the Douru Road, and came here unscathed!"Mabi exclaimed with admiration in her eyes.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said nothing more.

After walking for a while.

Suddenly, there was a golden light flashing in front, as if the ground was covered with gold, reflecting dazzling light under the sunlight.

At a glance, Chu Feng couldn't help but show a trace of surprise in his eyes.

In front of him was a wide swamp, a golden swamp.

It was like melted golden water.

It looked quite beautiful!

"What is that? So beautiful!"Atasino's eyes were immediately attracted by the golden light.

Mabi introduced:"It is the Golden Swamp"

"This is the swamp that connects Yuto Island and the main island of the eighth area. As long as you cross here, you can land on the main island where the Monster Food Village is located."

The frog car and the octopus watermelon walked on the golden swamp.

Strangely, they floated on it, just like they stepped on the ground of the sky vegetable garden, without sinking.

Mabi introduced:"This is one of the 100 food scenes. It is a swamp formed by heavy gold sand. Because of its strong buoyancy, you can swim in it without sinking at all.……"

Chu Feng and Atasino did not speak, and stopped Mabi to explain.

Half an hour later, they entered the center of the Golden Swamp.

Chu Feng's eyes moved slightly, and he muttered in his heart:"This is almost the entrance to the Golden Maze, we can go down and capture the ghost shells.……"


However, at this moment, there was a loud thunder in the sky above.

Looking up, I saw that the whole sky was covered with dark clouds, which looked very heavy, as if they were not clouds, but countless iron blocks.

Atasino's eyes moved slightly.

Is it going to rain again?

And Mabi's expression changed drastically:"Oh, no, the steel cloud is coming!!"

""Steel cloud?!" Atasino didn't understand.

But Chu Feng knew very well.

The steel cloud was formed after the real fog of this island accumulated for tens of thousands of years. The thick steel cloud was decreasing in height little by little due to its weight. Once every few hundred years, it would sink to the point where it could touch the ground. At that time, in order to regain buoyancy, the steel cloud would drop a large amount of"rain".

In this situation, the steel cloud was obviously about to"rain"!

Crackling. Thunder and lightning roared.

The next moment, a huge steel foot rushed out of the steel cloud and stomped down violently.


The Golden Swamp collapsed.

The frog car was so scared that it trembled and dared not move!

The octopus watermelon was also scared.

Atasino was no exception, his expression changed drastically:"This... is this a steel foot? ?"

She knew that there would be all kinds of rain in the eighth area, but she didn't expect that there would be rain of steel feet.

And this power is no weaker than the meteorite rain. If you are stepped on, it will be very dangerous.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, more and more steel feet fell from the cloud, like a heavy rain.

Their attack power and destructive power are very terrifying.

If an ordinary person is stepped on, he will be smashed to pieces!

This is also called the rain of steel clouds, steel stepping!

A huge steel foot stepped directly towards the frog car and the octopus watermelon.

"It's over, it's over!" Mabi's face was ashen,"This is a steel foot that is harder than steel, we are going to be crushed!"

It never dreamed that it would encounter such a situation, it was so unlucky!

Chu Feng looked normal, his figure flashed, rushed up, and punched out:"3 times the broken air fist!"


In an instant, the steel foot that was stepped on was smashed to pieces!

Mabi's eyes widened instantly, and his mouth opened wide.

He smashed the steel foot with one punch, what a strong strength!

Chu Feng didn't waste any words,"Sucking Palm" burst out, sucking Mabi, who was still surprised, and the frightened frog car over, and then said:"Hide in the octopus watermelon."

Everyone quickly hid in the octopus watermelon.

However, Mabi was still very worried:"The octopus watermelon is terrifying and can't withstand the iron step!" Atasino was not as panicked as before, because he knew that Chu Feng must have thought of a way to deal with it.

Sure enough, Chu Feng immediately ordered:"Octopus watermelon, dive under the golden swamp immediately."

Hearing this, Mabi's expression changed drastically:"Under the golden swamp? No, you can't sink.……"

However, it didn't care.

The octopus watermelon followed Chu Feng's instructions and immediately went under the golden swamp to avoid the steel steps.

Atasino asked in confusion:"Mabi, why can't you hide under there?"

Mabi sat down on the ground with a deathly pale face and a look of fear:"It's over!"

Under the golden swamp, there was another beautiful scene.

Countless golden fish were swimming happily.

It was beautiful!

Chu Feng smiled.

Mabi was wilting, and he was about to turn from a frog man into a tadpole.

The frog car was also shrunk a lot.

Atasino asked:"Mabi, why did you turn back into a tadpole? What's going on?"

Mabi said with a bitter face:"The gold sand in the golden swamp is called pure gold... The transparency is very high, quack...……"

"But we are doomed, there is no hope for us!"

God Atashino asked,"Why do you say that?"

"Aren't we fine?"

Mabi said with a depressed look:"The steel cloud will not float up at least in the next few years, it's useless for us to hide here!"

This is indeed true.

In the original book, it was the horse king who launched a jet to blow away the steel cloud, otherwise it is unknown how many years it would stay.

Atasino said:"This is easy, just dive across the golden swamp!"

Mabi said in panic:"It's impossible to dive out of the golden swamp. The gold sand in the swamp will flow into a huge cave, which is the entrance to the maze where it is impossible to return again, and its name is also called the Golden Maze."

"No one has ever walked out of this maze in the past!"

Hearing this, Atasino's expression changed drastically:"Golden maze?!"

She had heard of this place and understood how scary it was, but she didn't expect it to be right below the golden maze.

This really scared her.

At this time, a powerful devouring force came over.

The octopus watermelon was sucked over.

Mabi showed despair in her eyes:"It's over, we've entered the maze! Gua..."

Atasino was also a little nervous:"Chu Feng, it's not good, let's use the Flying Thunder God Technique quickly!"

Using this skill to transfer out instantly, there will be no problem.

Chu Feng can definitely do it.

But Chu Feng smiled:"Don't panic. We will be fine!"

Mabi is right. This is a very scary maze. It is very complicated, like a ball of hemp rope tangled together by naughty children. It has no head and no tail, but it seems to be both the head and the tail.

There are countless crises in the maze. If you go wrong, your life will be in danger.

This is really an incredible maze!

However, there are countless ingredients in the maze, including the super delicious ghost shells.

Chu Feng's goal is the ghost shells.

So, he will not leave.

As for whether he can leave the golden maze, Chu Feng is not worried at all.

The way to leave the golden maze generally requires food luck. Only those with strong food luck can leave.

Chu Feng and Atasino's food luck are strong enough to leave.

Even if the food luck is not good, Chu Feng can still use the"Flying Thunder God Technique".

Mabi said helplessly:"The golden maze cannot be passed through by strength. Those who can reach the exit are not strong people, but those who are blessed by luck.……"

Hearing what Mabi said, Atasino felt relieved.

If that was the case, Chu Feng would definitely be able to get through.

She knew that Chu Feng had a strong appetite!

Chu Feng ignored Mabi's muttering, released his spiritual sense, and covered a radius of 20,000 meters, and told the octopus watermelon to continue moving forward.

After a long journey, they entered a dead end.

There was a huge and ferocious crab monster inside, with two very scary claws, which seemed to be able to easily crush a 10,000-jin boulder.

This muscle crab, the capture level is 213.

Seeing this scene, Mabi's heart sank, and she shook her head helplessly.

Chu Feng, however, was full of smiles, and immediately came out of the octopus watermelon, rushed up to kill the muscle crab, and put it away.

Atasino helped Mabi up and said,"Don't worry, we will be fine. Leave everything to Chu Feng."

Chu Feng returned to the octopus watermelon and told the octopus watermelon to move to the other side.

After a while, they entered another dead end.

There were bones all over the floor!

A pair of big golden eyes flashed fiercely.


With a roar, a huge and ferocious golden crocodile rushed over, intending to kill Octopus Watermelon.

This guy is a golden giant crocodile, with a capture level of 298.

Mabi shook his head and said,"See, it's another dead end, we can't get out at all!"

"It's so frustrating to think that I'm going to die in this place!"

Atasino shook his head and comforted,"Mabi, relax!"

At this time, Chu Feng was smiling, and left Octopus Watermelon again, rushed up and smashed the golden crocodile's head with a punch, and then collected its body.

Mabi shook her head and said,"Mr. Chu Feng is really strong, but you can't get out of here just by being strong. You have to rely on food luck, strong food luck!" Octopus

Watermelon continued to move forward according to Chu Feng's instructions. It seemed that his luck was particularly bad, always going to a dead end and encountering wild beasts. Fortunately, Chu Feng was strong and killed the wild beasts and collected them.

After a period of time, he had entered hundreds of alleys and encountered hundreds of wild beasts.

Seeing this scene, Mabi's heart was already cold.

"See, I told you, we can't get out, we will die here!" Mabi was desperate.

Atasino said nothing more, she knew very well that Chu Feng didn't want to go out, but was just collecting food.

At this time, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly lit up:"Found it!"

Mabi looked at Chu Feng's happy expression and was too tired to complain.

The octopus watermelon whistled to the side as Chu Feng instructed.

After a while, they entered an alley again, where there were no beasts.

Chu Feng used the ability of"displacement flash" to pass through obstacles to flash out, and came back a moment later with a golden can in his hand.

Atasino took a look, frowned and walked over:"This can is……"

This reminded her of the speechless"18+ canned food""

"This is a good thing!"Chu Feng grinned:"Okay, let's go out!"

Hearing this, Mabi suddenly opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it,"Mr. Chu Feng, are you……"

Chu Feng chuckled and said,"That's right, I came here on purpose to capture ingredients, and now I have captured them!"

"We can go out now!"

Hearing this, Mabi was dumbfounded!

It turned out that people deliberately took the wrong road to capture food!

Thinking of this, Mabi felt her scalp tingling.

Damn, they actually captured food in the golden maze! I'm afraid only Mr. Chu Feng would dare to do this!

Chu Feng didn't say anything more and ordered Octopus Watermelon to move forward.

There are thousands of roads here, crisscrossing, but there is only one correct exit.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to walk out of here.

However, Chu Feng, who has divine consciousness and strong food luck, wants to get out of the golden maze. It's not too easy. He could have used the"Flying Thunder God Technique" more directly. method to leave.

However, the place where the mark was left was too far away from the Monster Food Village. If it was moved out, it would take a long time and it would be too troublesome.

After a while, the octopus watermelon floated to the surface.

At this moment, Mabi still couldn't believe it!

It came out?

Just like that?!

It was completely confused!

How could such a thing happen?

It must be a dream, it must be!

Mabi pinched herself hard, uh, it hurts!

Really, this is actually true!

So, Mabi looked at Chu Feng differently!

This human is not only powerful, but also has a strong luck in eating!

So scary!!

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