Xuanxu: "Master Tian, ​​do you still remember the little girl you brought into your house a few days ago?"

Henry Zhang: "Of course I remember it. Any questions?"

Xuanxu: "This little girl's parents died tragically at the mouth of a monster. I asked Luo Yiyi to accept her as a disciple.

Unexpectedly, she developed magic power very quickly and her talent was particularly good.

The most important thing is that she can communicate with the power of fire between heaven and earth and can control it freely. "

Henry Zhang: “That’s good, our Tianshi Mansion cannot miss such a talented girl.

Alas, I don’t know when I can take on a disciple for fun. "

Xuanxu: "Tianshi, my disciples and grandsons all have apprentices, you should also think about the inheritance of Tianshi Mansion.

For example, find a Taoist companion first? "

Henry Zhang was drinking tea. He almost choked on his tea when he heard this. He is a heavenly master, so why are there people urging him to get married?

Henry Zhang: "Don't rush, I'm only 22 years old, still young, take your time.

Uncle Master, I just remembered that I still had some things to deal with, so I left first. "

Before Xuanxu could speak again, Henry Zhang slipped back to his small courtyard. If he hadn't left, his uncle would have been talking about it all day long.

As soon as he returned to the small courtyard, Henry Zhang couldn't help but recall what happened that night, and waved his hand to catch the little fox in his arms.

Henry Zhang grabbed the two front legs of the little fox with both hands, looked into the little fox's eyes, and asked:

"Hey, you should know what happened that night.

If only you could talk, you could tell me what happened that night. "

As soon as he heard Henry Zhang's words, the little fox understood, and his face suddenly turned red, which became even cuter, but his eyes looked like he was about to cry.

Henry Zhang looked at the appearance of this little fox and couldn't help but stroke its fur with his hands. It was so cute.

Yingying secretly said in her heart: "Oh, I am so embarrassed as a fox, how dare I speak.

If you want people to talk about what happened that night, how can they say it?

Huh, bad woman, that woman is so bad. She did something like that to her brother. It was so shameless. She was forced to watch, which was so embarrassing. "

Henry Zhang didn't notice that the skin under the little fox's hair was almost red.


The young man from Shanqi City did not encounter any problems or dangers on the way to Tianshi Mansion. As long as it was something he wanted, he would always meet it on the road ahead.

Wherever he is, the demons retreat, giving the impression that he is out for a trip.

Ever since he had that idea that night, the boy has been thinking about it these days on the road.

What he didn't notice was that in the sky above him, a cloud of purple energy kept moving with him. With every step closer to the Tianshi Mansion, the purple energy became more intense.

It is precisely because of the existence of this purple energy that the new "Heaven" takes special care of him. Everything on his path is arranged by "Heaven".

"Heaven" knows that as long as he can successfully reach the Tianshi Mansion and worship under Zhang Xuan's sect, he can accelerate his growth and become more powerful.

Now "Tian" is this boy's nanny and bodyguard, and he is still the kind who doesn't rest 24 hours a day.

He is the first person in history who can let "Tian" work as a nanny and bodyguard. If Henry Zhang knew about this treatment, he would have to eat a few lemons to calm down the shock.


At the foot of Longhu Mountain, in Tianshi City.

Since the revival of the second wave of spiritual energy, this expanded city with Longhu Mountain as the center has been renamed Tianshi City.

The demons in the city were almost all dealt with by the Taoist priests of Tianshi Mansion.

With the efforts of the infrastructure madmen and the help of the Taoist priests of Tianshi Mansion, this city, which accommodates more than 30 million people, built a fifty-meter-high city wall.

Runes were carved on the city walls and barriers were set up so that no monsters could fly in from the sky above Tianshi City.

On the city wall, there are people patrolling 24 hours a day, and the city gate is closed for a long time. Unless there are special circumstances, the city gate will not be opened.

Two soldiers on patrol suddenly discovered that in the dense forest not far away, a large group of birds were hovering in the air.

A soldier looked through a telescope and found that a large group of humans were chasing after them in the dense forest, and behind them were densely packed with monsters.

The soldiers responded to their superiors immediately. Soon, the city walls were filled with soldiers, all of whom were holding firearms and ready for battle.

All the bullets and cannonballs are engraved with runes, and after being blessed by the Taoist priests of Tianshi Mansion, these weapons are enough to kill the monsters under the golden elixir.

Mr. Cheng and Long stood on the city wall, using binoculars to watch everything. Mr. Cheng was the only official person in charge of the city.

Long: "Mr. Cheng, these monsters are getting smarter and smarter. They actually know how to drive the fleeing people into the vanguard, forcing us to not be able to shoot at close range.

If you don't open the door, no one outside the city will survive; if you open the door, they can take the opportunity to rush in, which is really abominable. "

Mr. Cheng didn't say anything. He just watched this scene quietly. The safety of more than 30 million people in the city was in his hands. He couldn't make a decision easily.


Soon, the people who ran at the front had arrived at the city gate. They were crying and begging the people inside to open the door and save their lives.

Whether this special door is opened or closed, it takes two or three minutes. Now it takes at least six minutes to open and close the door.

Even if it only takes a minute, it is enough for the monster not far away to rush in.

More and more people were approaching the city gate. They slapped the door desperately, and the group of monsters began to slowly attack the crowd.

Instead of directly biting and eating the people in their mouths, they deliberately tortured them and made them scream in agony, irritating everyone outside the city.

These monster beasts in the lead are all rough-skinned and fleshy, and are not afraid of rune bullets. Unless they use rune cannonballs, there are so many people here, they can't use them at all.

Seeing that the compatriots under the city wall were being killed by monsters one by one, those soldiers who had studied in the Tianshi Mansion strongly requested to go to war.

Mr. Cheng was unmoved. If it were just these dozens of monsters, then of course it would be possible, but now there are hundreds of thousands of monsters watching outside the city.

If you go out, you will die. If you open the city gate, monsters will enter the city. If you open fire, you will hurt ordinary people outside the city. If you don't do anything, you can only watch the people outside the city die miserably.

All this has to be decided by Mr. Cheng. Everyone on the city wall is waiting for his order, but he has no intention of giving an order.

On one side is the safety of more than 30 million people, and on the other side is the safety of hundreds of thousands of people outside the city. Which is more important?

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