Martial Arts? I Don't Know How To Do It, But I Only Know Magic!

Chapter 3 The Heavenly Master Descends From The Mountain

"Master, Master, something is wrong. The body of the dead man has disappeared from the nailed coffin."

The yellow-robed Taoist priest panted and ran to the Sanqing Hall, the main hall of Tianshi Mansion, and told Taoist Master Xuanxu the news immediately.

Fortunately, the Sanqing Hall at this moment was full of people from the Tianshi Mansion, and there were no lay people who came to offer incense. Otherwise, Xuanxu would have to punish him to copy all the scriptures in the manor.

"Araki, you are almost 30 years old, why are you still making such a fuss?" Xuanxu sighed. This was his only disciple. His parents died when he was young. He saw him at the entrance of the village when he went down the mountain to do errands. .

In the middle of winter, he only wore a thin piece of clothing, his feet were bare, his hair was messy, his face was red from the cold, and his lips were purple. He huddled up and hid in the haystack, shivering.

Xuanxu looked at him as if he saw himself when he was a child. He felt compassion for him for a moment and took him back to the mountain and took him as his disciple with the name: Araki.

Araki: "Master, it's like this..."

After roughly understanding the matter, Xuanxu touched his beard. He had been studying this kind of thing for more than fifty years, and this was the first time he encountered such a situation. He couldn't handle it himself.

After thinking about it, Xuanxu slapped his forehead, "There is nothing I can do about this as a teacher, but there is someone who can definitely handle it. Come on, follow me to find the Celestial Master."

Araki followed his master, Taoist Master Xuanxu, and told the story of the matter to Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan.

:Ding, the system is now releasing a special series of tasks. Task 1 is to find the missing body.

The villagers of Xiaohe Village have disappeared inexplicably. Please find the missing bodies.

Task 2: Understand the cause of death of the deceased

Task 3: Solve the problem properly

Different rewards are given according to the progress of task completion.

Reward for completing task 1: Mana +10

Reward for completing task 2: Mana +100

Reward for completing the third task: magical power (calling wind and rain)

Henry Zhang: “It’s okay, I’ll accompany you down the mountain to have a look.”

Originally, I wanted to give Uncle Xuanxu two talismans to make a trip, but the system gave too many, so I had to go down the mountain in person.

In addition to completing daily tasks these days, Henry Zhang is drawing talismans. After practicing for more than a month, Henry Zhang finally managed to get started, and there was still no problem with some ordinary talismans.

For example, soul-suppressing charms, corpse-suppressing charms, house-suppressing charms, etc., although they are useful, they are not spiritual charms.

When drawing a magic talisman, the following is important:

One stroke moves the world, two strokes scare the ghosts and gods; three strokes bring peace to the world, and four strokes bring salvation to the people.

With a small piece of talisman paper, you can mobilize the power of all things in the world, earth, fire, wind and water. Only this kind of talisman can be called a spiritual talisman.

It's a pity that I have never drawn a single piece of Xuan Zhang's Talisman, but don't be in a hurry, you have plenty of time anyway.

It is said that it has been more than a year since he came to this world. Henry Zhang has been staying in the Tianshi Mansion on the mountain and has not gone down the mountain once. The water ghosts in the system mission have come out, so he should go out on his own.

Henry Zhang: "Uncle and junior brother, you take a step forward. I will prepare something and I will catch up with you later."

Taoist priest Xuanxu nodded, "Then I'll go first."

Araki: "If Heavenly Master takes action, it will be no problem. You should prepare first. Master and I will go down the mountain first to appease the villagers."

The two came in a hurry and left in a hurry. After taking a look at the old and strong figure walking away, Henry Zhang walked towards the room.

Dress yourself up, and you will become a Heavenly Master after all. It represents the facade of the Taoist sect, and every word and deed represents the Heavenly Master's Mansion. You can't do it carelessly.

Bring all those ordinary talismans. Although they are not magical talismans, they can still deal with some little monsters.

Wearing a purple robe, Henry Zhang came to the gate of Tianshi Mansion. Xuanxu and Huangmu walked for nearly half an hour first. Looking down from the stone steps going down the mountain, there was no human figure at all. They would definitely not be able to catch up when they went down the mountain normally.

But who is Zhang Xuan? The contemporary Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain Celestial Master Mansion, a man with a system, jumped directly from the cliff next to the stone steps.

With his golden elixir cultivation, he could just pick up a martial arts secret book and use it easily without any practice.

For more than a month, because of the original group photo, I showed up in front of Master Xu and showed off his magic.

Longhu Mountain, which is originally a famous tourist destination, has been visited several times by tourists. Anyway, they are all traveling, not going anywhere.

In particular, some people who like to burn incense and worship Buddha have changed their way to Longhu Mountain. The magicians here have real skills.

The Heavenly Master must be more powerful. Maybe the gods here are more powerful than other places. What if they show up?

There are also some people in the second grade who want to go up the mountain to become apprentices and learn Taoism and immortality. Every one or two days before the Tianshi Mansion opens to the public, tourists always go up the mountain in advance. There are too many people and they can't go up the mountain late.

Tomorrow happens to be the first day of the month, the day when Tianshi Mansion is open to the public. A normal trip up and down the mountain would take almost five or six hours.

It was almost noon when Taoist Araki returned to Tianshi Mansion. By the time he finished talking to Henry Zhang and went down the mountain, it was already noon.

Araki said it completely in the main hall with his loud voice, and all the other Taoist priests in the hall knew it.

The mountain is quite boring, and everyone knows about the slightest disturbance. If you share it during lunch, the entire Tianshi Mansion will know about it.

This kind of strange thing happened once in a lifetime. They gave full play to their imagination, and a ghost legend was born.

"I'm not dreaming. Are today's Taoist priests so awesome?"

Seeing Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan jump directly from the sky, the live broadcast room exploded.

Henry Zhang leaped down in the air and happened to see Xuanxu Araki and his party continuing to walk down the mountain halfway up the mountain. In addition to the two of them, there were several red-robed Taoist priests who also came to take a look.

"Uncle Xuanxu, I'm here." Henry Zhang stepped directly into the void and stood firmly in front of Xuanxu and his group.

Xuanxu and the others were just surprised for a moment, and then returned to normal. They were no longer surprised.

The group of people quickly bowed their hands and saluted Henry Zhang, "Heavenly Master."

Henry Zhang: "Don't worry about it, let's go together." The further down the mountainside, the less cloudy and foggy it becomes. His purple robe is particularly conspicuous under the refraction of the sun. If he continues to jump, it will be too obvious, so he should restrain himself.

The group of people was led by a purple-robed person, followed by a yellow-robed person at the bottom, and five or six red-robed people in the middle. This group of Taoist priests came down the mountain and attracted countless eyes.

Fortunately, the tourists were just taking photos and videos and did not come forward to disturb them. These Taoist priests knew something was wrong at first sight, especially when Tianshi led the group. Many tourists who had originally gone up the mountain followed them and planned to go and have a look.

Li Yilong followed them from a distance: "Brothers, brothers, look, Celestial Master, this is a living Celestial Master.

There must be something going on. There are five or six red-robed Taoist priests, and the anchor will live broadcast the whole process for you. "

Li Yilong's face went numb with laughter when he saw the number of people soaring because Tianshi and his group appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, with this lineup, Grandma Shu from Ruonan Temple in Liaozhai, the old demon from Black Mountain from Wushui City, and the national master pretending to be Buddha, Centipede Jing, even one piece together is probably not enough for them."

"Upstairs, what you said is just a matter of points. The mage can probably take it down."

"Brothers, the Heavenly Master has appeared in Li Yilong's live broadcast room. Everyone, hurry up and go there!" In the live broadcast rooms of Kuaiyin's major anchors, someone began to send messages to refresh the screen.

Tourists continued to come in and out. After it was proved that Tianshi was really present in Li Yilong's live broadcast room, the number of people in other anchors' live broadcast rooms began to plummet.


Ignoring the crowd behind them, Henry Zhang and his group chatted while walking, giving each of them a few talismans and telling them how to use them.

Going down the mountain was much faster than going up the mountain. In less than an hour's walk, Henry Zhang arrived at the foot of the mountain. Several villagers had already been waiting here in their cars for a long time:

"Master Tian, ​​you have finally come down. Our village is now in chaos. If you don't come down, we will go up the mountain to look for you."

Henry Zhang: "Blessings and Infinite Heavenly Lord, we have kept the lay people waiting for a long time. Let's go now. I'm afraid something will happen if the time goes by."

The group of people sat in several cars. Zhang Xuan sat in the front car. The driver was the old village chief’s son. .”

The tourists who followed down looked at the car leaving and had no choice but to disperse. Fortunately, Li Yilong's car was parked in a parking space not far away. He trotted to his car and drove after him.

It's a rare opportunity to live broadcast Tianshi, so I have to follow him no matter what. Fortunately, there are many tourists at the foot of the mountain, and the car can't drive fast, which gives Li Yilong time to follow.


After leaving the scenic spot at the foot of Longhu Mountain, the car drove quickly on the country road.

Xiaohe Village is relatively remote. There is a small river running through the middle of the village, so everyone in the village has been able to swim since they were young. Over the years, no child has drowned, let alone a young man.

The son of the old village chief kept talking while driving along the way. Henry Zhang occasionally replied with a sentence or two. The road was full of potholes and the car was very bumpy when driving on it. It was like driving a bumper car. It lasted less than twenty years. Within minutes, we arrived at Xiaohe Village.

Because there has been no rain for two or three months in a row, large areas of the river bed have become dry and cracked. Can people drown at this depth of water?

It was the time when schools were on summer vacation, and because the weather was too hot, many children were watching by the river and wanted to play in the water.

There is an adult guarding the river at regular intervals. Someone has just drowned in this river, but they dare not let children go down.

The car stopped in front of the deceased's house. Henry Zhang and his group got out of the car. As soon as they opened the car door, they heard noisy sounds. The villagers here were all panic-stricken. Fortunately, they were here.

The old village chief was the first to trot out to greet him.

The old village chief: "Er baby, why did you bring the Heavenly Master over? Taoist priests, you have worked hard all the way. Come in first and have a sip of tea before going to the mourning hall."

The villagers felt a lot more at ease when they saw Zhang Xuan, the heavenly master who was dressed in purple robes and seemed to have immortal energy in him, and five or six red-robed Taoist priests who looked like they were powerful magicians.

As for Mr. Araki? Sorry, behind so many big guys, I was completely ignored by the villagers.

Araki, who transformed into a small transparent person, looked at the elders of the sect who were warmly received by the villagers, but no one paid attention to him, so he couldn't help but murmur in his heart:

"Damn it, no one is paying attention to me now. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don't bully young people into poverty. Give me Araki another thirty years. Then I won't allow anyone to ignore me."

Henry Zhang is not tired and does not need to rest, but the same cannot be said for all the uncles. The average age is over 55. He first walked down the stone steps for an hour and a half, and then experienced the bumper car for nearly 20 minutes. It is considered good if he did not vomit after getting off the car. .

Without rejecting the old village chief's kindness, Henry Zhang and the others rested for half an hour, regained their mental state, and then headed to the mourning hall.


Li Yilong was blocked outside the door. No matter what he said, he was not allowed in. This made him angry to death.

Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcast room began to drop, the remaining water friends even typed and sent barrages threatening: If the Celestial Master is no longer seen, we will all leave.

Finally, he secretly stuffed a few hundred dollars into a relative of the host's family, and then brought him in.

As soon as he walked in after disguising his mobile phone, Henry Zhang and his party happened to go to the mourning hall, and Li Yilong quickly followed them.

As soon as he entered the mourning hall, Henry Zhang felt an evil aura. With his golden elixir cultivation, he was particularly sensitive to this evil aura. There was also a smell of dead fish, which was particularly unpleasant.

It was extremely hot outside the mourning hall, but it was freezing inside. This was very abnormal.

There was no one in the mourning hall at this moment. When he was just taking a rest, Henry Zhang had asked the old village chief to bring out all the people in the mourning hall.

Xuanxu and the Taoist priests also felt something was wrong as soon as they stepped into the mourning hall. Among the yellow talismans that Zhang Xuan distributed to them, the exorcism talisman was slightly hot.

The villagers gathered around the entrance of the mourning hall to watch. Li Yilong struggled to squeeze into the front row and continued to broadcast the live broadcast on his disguised mobile phone.

The closer he got to the coffin in the center of the mourning hall, the heavier the evil spirit that Henry Zhang felt: "Uncle Xuanxu, be careful, there is something wrong here, take out the evil-exorcism charm I gave you."

Without saying a word, Taoist Priest Xuanxu immediately took out the exorcism talisman from his wide cuffs and held it in his hand. Several others followed suit one by one.

They followed Henry Zhang cautiously, and as they walked in, the exorcism charms they held in their hands became hotter.

Henry Zhang and his party surrounded the coffin that had been pried open, and the cold atmosphere was exuding from the coffin. The exorcism charms they held in their hands had a faint light flashing on the face, helping them to dispel the coldness. Physical violation.

There was nothing in the empty coffin, but this evil aura was emanating from here.

Zhang Xuanwang threw an exorcism talisman into the coffin. As soon as the talisman entered the coffin, it quickly burned. The flames burst out and burned. It only lasted for five seconds before the talisman was burned to ashes.

The villagers watching the excitement outside did not know what was going on inside. They only saw Henry Zhang wave his hand towards the coffin, and the coffin caught fire.

And I don’t know what is burning, and there is a beeping sound. I don’t dare to blink my eyes and keep silent, for fear of missing some wonderful scenes.

One by one, they shouted in their minds: "You are truly worthy of being a heavenly master. This method is really enjoyable to watch."

There was not a single barrage in Li Yilong's live broadcast room, no one swiped a gift, and there was no movement in the chat box. All the water friends who were secretly watching the live broadcast at work stopped their work one by one and stared at the screen. For fear of missing any wonderful picture.

Henry Zhang: “Something’s wrong, the evil spirit in the coffin disappeared just after this exorcism talisman was consumed, but the evil spirit in the hall did not decrease.

There must be some evil thing hidden in the mourning hall. Araki, go and guard the door. Junior uncles, please look inside and be careful. "

Araki quickly walked to the door, holding the talisman in his hand and turned around to stare at the room.

Xuanxu and others held exorcism talismans and looked around the mourning hall. Zhang Xuan stood still.

Xuanxu walked up to a wreath, and the exorcism talisman in his hand burned violently. The flames exploded, and there was a sizzling sound in the air, as if water droplets were evaporating.

Xuanxu felt something staring at him above his head, and this gaze made him feel nervous.

Looking up, he saw a figure hiding on the beam above the mourning hall, staring at him.

Henry Zhang suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the beam above Taoist Master Xuanxu. With a little luck, several evil-exorcism talismans flew away in his hand: "Uncle Xuanxu, go away quickly."

The talisman burned instantly as it approached the beam, and the flames spread out. There was a corpse lying on the beam.

The corpse was soaked in water and turned white. Its head rotated 360 degrees, and its eyes turned from Xuanxu to Henry Zhang.

Half of the face was swollen and half of the face was rotten. A pair of eyes that could only be seen as white eyes were staring at Henry Zhang, and his mouth was slightly open with drool.



The villagers at the door also discovered the corpse. A few timid village women screamed. A few quick-eyed people saw the corpse's face clearly and vomited on the spot. It was so disgusting.

"It's a fake corpse. Why did this corpse end up on the beam?"

This corpse was the deceased who was originally lying in the coffin: Liu Erming.

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