Martial Arts? I Don't Know How To Do It, But I Only Know Magic!

Chapter 46 The Little Green Zombie Left His Hometown!

Maoshan Sect, located in Maoshan, is known as the first blessed place of Chinese Taoism and the eighth cave.

There are over a thousand formal disciples, and together with the registered disciples, the total number can exceed 5,000. It can be regarded as the largest sect in Taoism.

There are not many sects in Maoshan, but there are many zombies. There is a special place for raising corpses. Don't look at it when I went to Shushan. There was only one golden elixir Shi Jian. In fact, after the three-headed hair zombies from Tianshi Mansion were delivered, there were three golden elixirs. A real person will soon be born in the Maoshan Sect.

Zhang Xuan rode on the back of the little crane, and the Maoshan faction, led by leader Shi Jian, was now ready and waiting for Zhang Xuan to come.

After all, this was someone else’s territory, and it was hard for Henry Zhang to just barge in. He patted the little crane on the head, pointed to the entrance of the mountain, and the little crane flew down directly.

As the little crane flew, he was punching and kicking Henry Zhang in his mind, and yelled at him: "Stop shooting, I will have a concussion if I shoot you Mr. Crane again."

It's time to die. When I grow up, Mr. He, I will beat you to death, you little brat. I will take off your head, Henry Zhang, and put it on the ground as a ball for kicking.

You humans have a good saying, three years to the east of the river, three years to the west of the river, don't bully the crane. The three-year period has come, hahahaha, little Xuanzi, look at Lord Crane, how I will punch you and make you cry. "

The little crane became more and more excited as he thought about it, and almost ran into the door of the Maoshan sect. The people in Maoshan who were standing at the door to greet him were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

If they hadn't seen Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan riding on it, they would have thought there were bird demons planning to attack the Maoshan Sect.

Henry Zhang had a black line on his head. There must be something wrong with this little crane. He kept giggling. He really couldn't stand it anymore, so he rewarded it with a blow to his head.

Only then did the little crane return to normal in severe pain and avoid the tragedy of crashing into someone else's door.


The little crane landed in the open space at the entrance of the Maoshan sect, and Henry Zhang steadily walked down from its back and greeted everyone in the Maoshan sect.

Henry Zhang: "Master Shi, we meet again. This time I want to trouble your Maoshan Sect and cause some blood."

Shi Jian laughed loudly, stepped forward and bowed, and responded: "Celestial Master, it should be right, this Western sect is too courageous, this time it is the Tianshi Mansion, next time it may be my Maoshan Sect.

From the war a thousand years ago, it seems that they have healed their scars and forgotten the pain. A few birdmen dared to cause trouble in our Chinese Taoist sect and refused to return them. They thought we were easy to bully. "

As Shi Jian spoke, he personally led the way to Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan, introducing him to the various landscapes of the Maoshan Sect along the way, and took him to the place where the corpse was raised.

Henry Zhang looked at the many disciples in the Maoshan sect and couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed Maoshan. No wonder it is known as the most blessed place of our Taoist sect. The disciples are prosperous. This younger generation is much better than my Tianshi Mansion."

Shi Jian: "Hahaha, the Heavenly Master has given me the reward. I just have more people in Maoshan, far behind the disciples of the Heavenly Master's Mansion. The Heavenly Master is too modest."

Shi Jian said so, but everyone could see the proud look on his face.

He hurried back in a hurry, and specially arranged the disciples in the sect on the only way to show off in front of the Heavenly Master.


Shi Jian led the Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan and spent nearly half an hour to reach the place where the corpse was raised. If it were not for the Maoshan Sect and he was still asking for help from them, Zhang Xuan would have gone crazy. This was too tiring.

Maoshan Corpse Raising Ground is shrouded in fog all year round, making it difficult to see even one's fingers. There are dozens of formations set up here, large and small.

Without the leadership of the core figures of the Maoshan Sect, most people would die in this place without knowing how they died.

Finally, Henry Zhang reached the core of the corpse-raising place. This place is an extremely yin place, and the yin energy is very heavy. A strong man came here to stand for a minute, and would not go home and lie down for two or three days. Couldn't get out of bed at all.

If an ordinary corpse is thrown here, it will turn into a zombie in one month, a green zombie in a year, a hairy zombie in ten years, and a flying zombie in a hundred years.

Of course, there is no threshold between ordinary zombies and green zombies. They can be cultivated just by letting them go. But starting from hairy zombies, Yin Qi is not enough. Some special conditions are needed to appear. Otherwise, everyone in Maoshan will be a zombie. Golden elixir.

In the center is a huge basin with at least one hundred thousand coffins inside, filled with corpses.

Shi Jian: "The Celestial Masters are all here. This place has been sealed by our ancestors for thousands of years and has only been reopened in the past two months.

How much you want is up to the heavenly master, and I, Maoshan, have no say in it. "

Henry Zhang scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, and most of them were green zombies. It seems that the Maoshan Sect only needs to cultivate the disciples in the sect who are suitable for practicing with the power of zombies, and cultivate their moral character and character, so that all members can build the foundation anytime and anywhere.

Henry Zhang: "I don't want more. Nine is the ultimate number. Western religion is the leader of Blue Star religions, and the United States is the largest country on Blue Star. If it is worthy of the number of ninety-five, just 95 green zombies."

Shi Jian nodded: "No problem, Master Tian. In fact, I think there can be a little more. Anyway, those birdmen are so idle, so put more to keep them busy."

Henry Zhang didn't answer, and he wasn't stupid. Why did Shi Jian agree so readily?

It’s not because the green zombies here are all qualified to evolve into hairy zombies, but the Maoshan sect has no spiritual creatures to cultivate them. What should we do?

There is also the simplest way, which is to pile lives on top, but this method is detrimental to the moral character and will make people unable to die a good death and unable to be reincarnated forever. Once the Taoist sect discovers it, a killing order will be issued, which is abbreviated as: Ten Thousand Hair Jong.

With 10,000 lives, a hairy zombie can be piled up. If these 95 green zombies are released, maybe even flying zombies will have a chance to pile up.

Moreover, it was Zhang Xuan, the leader of the Taoist sect, who proposed this matter. All the sects acquiesced, and the Maoshan faction could not be blamed for any trouble.

It doesn't matter if it damages one's moral character. The Chinese underworld doesn't care about foreign souls, so this won't harm Zhang Xuan.

Faced with such a good thing, Shi Jian kept asking for it, hoping that Henry would want as much as possible.


At night, an American company's ship sailed away from the port of Shanghai, and 95 green zombies were lying quietly in the ship's cargo hold.

Henry Zhang stood in the distance and quietly watched the departing ship. He dressed up as a greedy Taoist priest and sold these green zombies to an American businessman at once.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, the American people have been very interested in various mysterious items, not to mention Chinese zombies. This American businessman happily paid 100 million yuan to buy these zombies.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, and to worry about the Chinese Taoist priest's regrets, the American businessman arranged to leave the port as soon as the transaction was completed.

Coupled with the quarrel between Henry Zhang and the government, and deliberately letting go, this group of green zombies left their hometown, Maoshan, and went to the United States to work hard in their careers.

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