It can be said that everyone in China is paying attention to what Henry Zhang will do.

Just go up and do it? It feels great, but this is obviously a trap. Maybe the Heavenly Master will be defeated miserably, or even die miserably.

Not going up? Everyone can understand it, but it will inevitably leave a timid image.

You are a heavenly master! The dignified number one person in the Taoist sect, the Celestial Master of the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master's Mansion, the Western religion is all over you. How can you bear this?

What's more, this is only the Holy Son of the Western Church, and there are also Cardinals and Popes above.

You are the number one person in the Taoist sect. According to your level, at least the Pope is qualified to talk to you!

Monks from both Buddhism and Taoism are watching, and even foreign religions besides Western religions are also watching. Look at the Tianshi Mansion after a thousand years, and see what he will do?

It can be said that Henry Zhang must win this battle, and he is only allowed to win, not lose.

After a great victory, foreign gods did not dare to invade the land of Blue Star China for the time being.

If you lose or win a small victory, then you will be embarrassed.

This is Blue Star's first divine system. I don't know how many treasures are left. They will definitely take action together and eat them.


Witnessed by billions of people in Blue Star, Henry Zhang smiled, and his laughter was full of confidence.

Henry Zhang: "You are a small skill, but you dare to do it in front of a poor man.

In the battle between gods thousands of years ago, have you forgotten how to lose in heaven?

In this case, Pindao should go down. In the land of China, my Taoist sect is the master.

Tonight, I'm just going to borrow your head to see who dares to come to China and let me go wild.

In the land of China, alien gods are forbidden to pass. Without the permission of our Taoist sect, trespassers: die! "

:Ding, the Taoist sect cannot be insulted, the Heavenly Master cannot be insulted, and the land of China cannot be invaded by strange gods.

The gods of China do not allow such heretical people to exist in the land of China. The host should promote the power of my Taoist sect and pass on my name as the master of China.

Taoist Buddhist Immortal Cultivation System, licensed host, Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan, invincible for five minutes within the Magic City.

Within five minutes, the demon city is invincible, even if God comes in person, he is invincible.

However, these five minutes are only effective within the Magic City. Once outside the Magic City, the effect will be lost.

Special reward, the magical power [Golden Mouth Jade Words] is upgraded to [Words and Dharma Followers].


Henry Zhang stepped into the holy light. Under the illumination of the holy light, all the mana and cultivation in his body were imprisoned.

When the Holy Son of the Western Sect saw this scene, he laughed so happily that he almost burst into tears.

The Holy Son: "Xuan Zhang, Henry Zhang, should I laugh at you for being stupid, or should I laugh at you for being stupid.

You can't see such a low-level provoking method. You know it's a trap, but you dare to come in?

If you don't come in, I really can't do anything to you. I really can't beat you.

I'm not afraid to tell you that I can only last five minutes here. If five minutes pass, I have to return to heaven.

But what are you going to fight with me for? You can’t use your magic power or magical powers here, hahahaha!”

Seeing the Shengzi's triumphant look, Henry Zhang also smiled, even happier than him.

The Holy Son became angry from embarrassment: "Smile, can you still laugh now?"

Henry Zhang: "Are you done laughing? Now that you're done laughing, you can go on your way with peace of mind."

Henry Zhang silently said in his heart: "System, enable invincibility for five minutes."

:Ding, the activation is successful. Please pay attention to the time. The timing starts!


Henry Zhang leaned his hands behind his back and looked at the door above the sky:

"You commit suicide. I allow you to cut off your own tongue, and then cut off all the flesh on your body within five minutes, and throw it to the ground to feed the dogs."

People who watched the live broadcast thought that they heard it wrong and that the Heavenly Master was talking rubbish.

Shouldn't you go up and fuck him at this time? Don't lean back with your hands. Is this your plan to give up on yourself?

In the next scene, their eyes widened, and they even slapped themselves before they dared to believe that what they saw was real.

A sharp knife appeared in the hand of the Holy Son, and he looked at his hands in horror.

Holding the knife in one hand, he pulled his tongue out of his mouth with the other hand and cut off his tongue cleanly.

The Holy Son was in pain, but couldn't make a sound. He could only watch this scene and cut himself.

The Holy Son personally cut off his own tongue and dropped it from the sky with a painful expression.

The ground beneath him was filled with wild dogs, vying for tongues from who knows when.

A big black dog with shiny hair jumped up high, swallowed the tongue in one gulp, and then fell to the ground.

The big black dog fell into the group of dogs and barked, but his voice changed: "Oh, you killed me, this thing is not delicious, grab a hammer."

Get out of here, Mr. Dog, I’m about to be trampled to death by you guys, WC, what kind of dog stepped on your dear Mr. Dog, stand up, Mr. Dog will challenge you to a duel. "


Before it was over, Shengzi took off all his clothes, pants, shoes and socks, leaving nothing behind. He appeared naked on the live broadcast screen, with the bird fluttering in the wind.

Next, the bloody content appeared. Starting from the head, the Holy Son cut off the flesh from his body one by one, threw it on the ground, and let the dogs snatch it.

The audience can clearly see the expression on the face of the Holy Son through the live broadcast.

No, it should be said that he has no shame. He is cutting his flesh one by one. Time is limited. The movements of the Holy Son's hands must be fast. If he is slow, he will not be able to finish.


The adults hurriedly rushed their children back to their rooms. The next scene was too bloody and children could not watch it as it could easily lead to problems.

Many adults may not be able to accept it, and may need to see a psychiatrist after reading this.

The government did not turn the camera around, but just put a mosaic on it just to be on the safe side.

Netizens quickly posted barrages in the Kuaiyin official live broadcast room on their mobile phones. This Tianshi is so awesome.

"Hahaha, this little bird is flying freely."

"Tianshi: You can kill yourself. Me: Okay, commit suicide immediately."

"Follow the instructions of the Heavenly Master. You are so awesome. You don't even need to ask your parents to come out and make trouble."

“There is a Buddha in Buddhism who cuts meat to feed eagles and cannot bear to harm the animals on his mission.

Nowadays, there are Western saints who cut meat to feed wild dogs, fearing that the wild dogs will starve to death, cattle 13. "

"This Holy Son is a ruthless man, a little less than a werewolf. He cuts himself one by one. I admire him!"

"I've been killing pigs for twenty years and he doesn't know how to cut the meat. This holy son is a good material to be a butcher."

"You were so happy just now, but now you are so miserable. Facts have proved that you should not be too arrogant as a person or a god, otherwise you will die miserably."

"Holy Son: Dear viewers, I chopped myself up alive to cheer everyone up."


Henry Zhang didn't pay attention to the Holy Son, he just looked at the gate in the sky, and suddenly had an immature idea in his mind.

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