Qian Shou: "Everyone, as long as you find the Undead Ghost King and hand him over to me, I will kill him with my own hands."

Araki was stunned, this was the Immortal Ghost King!

Are Maoshan disciples so brave?

Could it be that he entered the ghost world and was affected by the ghost energy here?

Araki: "Fellow Taoist Qian Shou, this is the most famous immortal ghost king."

Chishou nodded, indicating that he knew.

Qian Shou: "We, the Maoshan sect, have a secret technique. We can invite the gods to take over the body and use the power of the gods to deal with demons and monsters.

Just leave the Immortal Ghost King to me, no problem. "

Araki asked curiously: "Is this the legendary art of inviting gods?"

Qian Shou: "Yes, I have been practicing this technique for more than 20 years in Maoshan. With this technique in my body, I am confident that I can completely eliminate the undead ghost king.

It's just that this technique has a limited time, and it will briefly enter a weak state after use. The rest is up to you. "

Li Xiaoyao patted his chest: "No problem, you can kill the big monsters by yourself. Leave the small monsters to me and I'll take care of it."

When Lin Yishan heard Qian Shou's words, he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "The art of inviting gods is so powerful, I must find a way to get it."


The Undead Ghost King is easy to find, right in the middle of the Undead Ghost Realm, and it sits on a high bone throne.

The Undead Ghost King is sitting on the throne of bones, closing his eyes and concentrating. There is not a single undead person within a radius of one mile.

When Araki and the others walked under the throne of the Undead Ghost King, it suddenly opened its ghost eyes:

"You human monks are so brave, you dare to enter the ghost world. Are you tired of living? You plan to sacrifice your flesh and blood to me."

Qian Shou: "Hmph, your undead men entered the human world and destroyed many lives.

Every wrongdoer has his own owner, and every debtor has his own owner. They are all trying to satisfy your bloodlust. Today, we are here to seek justice for them. "

The Undead Ghost King looked around at these people unscrupulously, laughing loudly and saying: "Just a few of you make me laugh to death. I can kill you with just one finger.

Let's go. For the sake of the sect behind you, I will let you go. "

Araki didn't want to listen to its ramblings. The golden light spell and lightning running fist were working together, and he just rushed forward and did it.

The Undead Ghost King had no intention of taking action at all, and Araki's attack had no effect on it.

Undead Ghost King: "Come together, I'll give you a chance. If you can make me move, you will be considered powerful."

Araki: "Five Thunder Curse!"

Li Xiaoyao: "Ten Thousand Sword Jue!"

Lin Yishan, Luo Yiyi and Edward all spoke together: "Samadhi True Fire!"

Where is Chimori?

He did not take action, and was preparing to use the magic of inviting gods. This magic of inviting gods takes a long time to activate. Even if it is used, it still has to communicate with the gods to see if the person is willing to possess him, which is very troublesome.

The Undead Ghost King yawned and glanced at the people who kept attacking it. Although it was not painful or itchy, it made it irritated.

Undead Ghost King: "Is this the Five Thunder Curse? It's so weak, I can't feel it at all.

Wan Jian Jue? Is this tickling me?

Samadhi is really hot? It won't burn at all on my body.

Stop wasting your efforts and trying to kill me. Go back and practice for hundreds of years before you come back. "

The Undead Ghost King waved his hand, and dense crowds of undead emerged from the ground and fought directly with the Araki people.

They were so weak that the Undead Ghost King didn't even want to take action. If it wasn't for the sake of the Demon Suppressing Sword, it would have eaten them all in one go.

Demon Suppressing Sword Master, you can't afford to offend it. There is no need to cause big trouble. The Undead Ghost King doesn't want to offend Shushan. What if the man in black robe comes back to kill him? The Undead Ghost King can't defeat him.


Taoist Master Qian Shou was surrounded by everyone. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground quietly, closing his eyes tightly, communicating with the gods in the dark, and inviting them to come down to earth.

There were too many undead people, and even though the Undead Ghost King was trying to let loose, they were still struggling to cope. Before Qian Shou succeeded in summoning the gods, they could not allow him to be interfered with in any way, otherwise all the previous efforts would be wasted.

A huge ghost hand fell from the sky. Seeing that he could not escape, Edward used all his strength to push Luo Yiyi out of the scope of the ghost hand. However, he and Lin Yishan were directly caught by the big hand.

Lin Yishan looked at the giant hand in despair. He was unwilling to give in. His future was so bright, how could he die like this.

Although he resisted desperately, unfortunately it was meaningless to the owner of the giant hand, who could only welcome his own death.

I saw a black-faced ghost king with horns descending from the sky, directly stuffing Edward and Lin Yishan inside his hands into the bloody mouth, and started chewing them.

Along with several screams from Edward and Lin Yishan, blood flowed from the corner of the black-faced ghost king's mouth and he swallowed the two of them directly.

As soon as the souls of the two people appeared, the ghost king grabbed them with his big hands, bit into pieces and swallowed their souls one by one, making them completely disappear from this world.

The speed was so fast that Araki and the others could not react, not even the Undead Ghost King.


In Tianshi Mansion, there were only three small clay figures left in the Demon Sealing Hall. Two of them exploded and the mud was scattered all over the ground. Only Luo Yiyi was left unharmed.

Henry Zhang sighed: "It's time and fate. I didn't expect that the two of you would die completely. After seeing it, this means that you and my Tianshi Mansion are destined to die here, and you have no chance of being a priest!"

Henry Zhang looked at the only little clay figurine left: "Luo Yiyi, among the lay disciples, the cultivation level is the highest, but the combat is the weakest. It's interesting. It seems that you are destined to my Tianshi Mansion.

No matter what, no matter what, our Tianshi Mansion can't let all the lay disciples go away and never return. If this spreads out, it won't sound good, and it's your fault. "

Henry Zhang instantly arrived at the place where the official roster of disciples of the Tianshi Mansion was stored. Two red-robed mages were meditating and practicing in the main hall. When they saw Henry Zhang, they quickly stood up and saluted.

Henry Zhang: "Two master uncles, only one of the lay disciples who went to the ghost capital is alive. If this spreads out, they will think that our Tianshi Mansion deliberately harms the disciples.

Now that disciple is still in danger, I want to make her an official disciple in advance and receive the blessings of the founder of Tianshi Mansion.

Break the rule once and put her name on the roster now, okay? "

Although this does not meet the requirements, Zhang Xuan is a contemporary heavenly master. He has said so, and it is not easy for the two mages to object.

That's all. Since the establishment of the Tianshi Mansion, I don't know how many Tianshis have broken the rules, and this one is no exception.

The two mages nodded, opened the list of contemporary disciples placed on the table of Zhang Tianshi's stone statue, and asked: "Tianshi, what is the name of that disciple?"

Henry Zhang: "Luo Yiyi."

The two mages nodded and formally wrote Luo Yiyi into the roster. The remaining procedures will be completed when she comes back.

Luo Yiyi was the first to become an official disciple of Tianshi Mansion during Tianshi Zhang Xuan's tenure. She was also the first to become an official disciple of Tianshi Mansion since the revival of spiritual energy. What a blessing.

With the successful writing of the name, a huge amount of luck instantly blessed Luo Yiyi.

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