:Ding, congratulations to the host for sleeping for 9 hours and achieving +1 cultivation.

Henry Zhang slowly opened his eyes, and the outside of the window was already white.

It is already December, and this winter has been extremely cold. The south has not seen such heavy snow for many years.

Henry Zhang was just about to get up and put on his shoes when a furry little head popped out of the bed. This was the little fox from a month ago.

From the moment it stepped into the small courtyard, it stayed with Henry Zhang. It ate and drank here every day, caught butterflies or played with the little cranes when it had nothing to do. It was very comfortable here and did not miss Shu.

After spending more than a month with Henry Zhang, this little fox became more and more courageous. No, it was too cold in winter, so it slipped directly into Henry Zhang’s bed.

The little white fox rubbed his eyes with his little paws. The fox smiled at Henry Zhang and barked a few times.

Henry Zhang grabbed the soft flesh on the back of its neck, took it out of the bed and put it on the ground, and said to it: "Hey, oh, oh, oh, I gave you the right name. I've known you all day long, good for you. It's just a fox, otherwise it would be a monster."

The little white fox (he will be replaced by "嘤嘤" from now on) is obviously not awake yet. Although he doesn't know what "嘤嘤" is that Henry Zhang refers to, he knows that it is right to laugh.

As a result, its two big eyes narrowed with a smile, forming a crescent shape. Coupled with the smile on its face, it looked like a little fox that had successfully stolen a chicken.

Henry Zhang got up quickly, opened the door to the room and saw that there was a layer of snow twenty centimeters high at the door. Mingyue happened to bring out a basin of hot water from the kitchen, and Qingfeng also brought out breakfast, two bowls of steaming noodles. .

Today's Tianshi Mansion is different from the past. Ever since the spiritual energy revived and the demons danced wildly, there has been no shortage of people coming to Tianshi Mansion to burn incense. There is an endless stream every day.

In order to make it easier for everyone to go up the mountain, the government, after consulting the Tianshi Mansion, specially built a road from the foot of Longhu Mountain to the middle of the mountain. In this way, if some people have special circumstances, they can greatly reduce the time they have to go up the mountain to seek help.

In this way, it was also convenient for those wealthy businessmen to donate incense, and the entire Tianshi Mansion was ten or twenty times richer. Xuanxu specially built a small kitchen in Tianshi Zhang Xuan's house.

Before Henry Zhang finished washing, the little white fox Yingying was already staring at the noodles eagerly. This little guy is not picky about food, as long as it tastes good, not to mention that there is a fragrant poached egg on one of the bowls of noodles. This is its favorite.

After Henry Zhang started to eat, the little fox jumped on the stone bench, put his two forelimbs on the stone table, and ate with relish.

Not long after breakfast, Mr. Cheng from the 13th Bureau came to the door again. Before he could speak, Henry Zhang asked directly: "What big thing happened again?"

Mr. Cheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the Heavenly Master would speak first. He first praised the Heavenly Master a few words, and then said: "The Heavenly Master is really good at predicting things. Something happened to Ruolan Temple, a thousand-year-old Buddhist temple."

Henry Zhang took a sip of tea first, and then said calmly: "Buddhist Ruolan Temple, then you should go to Master Kongwen of Shaolin Temple.

This is a matter for Buddhism, and it is not convenient for us, the Taoist sect, to interfere. This can easily cause disputes between Buddhism and Taoism.

If it is a Taoist matter, it is normal for a poor Taoist to take action. Buddhism, with all due respect, unless the leader of the Buddhist sect personally invites or the abbot of Ruolan Temple comes to my Tianshi Mansion for help, otherwise, it will not only be my Tianshi Mansion, but also any Taoist sect. No one will take action. "

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