:Ding, congratulations to the host for sleeping for 9 hours and achieving +1 cultivation.

:Ding, considering that the host is at risk of being captured and sectioned for research, the system now opens all functions in advance to increase the host's survivability. Please check it yourself.

The beautiful day started with +1 cultivation. Henry Zhang crawled out of the bed and stretched beautifully. This day was so exciting.

"Hey, why did the system sound twice this morning?" He had just woken up and had not fully recovered his energy. Henry Zhang garbled his mouth in a daze, picked up cold water from the wooden basin and washed his face. Well, now The spirit is up.

He looked at the system message: "Am I at risk of being sliced ​​for research?

Damn, I have long been mentally prepared for the relevant departments to come to check the water meter. Is the risk so high? "

Henry Zhang was shocked. It was not serious. He had not done anything evil. He was so frightened that the system opened all functions in advance. It seemed that some people were ready to attack him.

Although it is said that Henry Zhang has the golden elixir cultivation and can live for five hundred years, the spiritual energy in this world is currently cut off, resulting in Henry Zhang only cultivating the soul and not the physical body.

Although you can fly over walls and walls with just a little bit of magic power, without magic power, you can be taken away with a bullet, and you can only survive in the form of your soul.

Based on Henry Zhang's current cultivation level, if only his soul is left, he will not be able to continue cultivating immortality. He can only turn to the method of ghosts and immortals or the method of incense.

Refining the body requires consuming a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. There are hundreds of thousands of ginseng and the like in this world, but they only have medicinal power and no spirituality. Immortal cultivators can make their bodies stronger by taking them, but they cannot be upgraded. For the body of a fairy spirit.

Just like those martial arts masters, although the body is said to be strong, it still cannot escape the law of reincarnation of birth, old age, illness and death. When you are young, you are not afraid of bleeding and injury. Even because your body is too strong, it will be very painful when you die.

Only when they grow in a place full of spiritual energy can ginseng and the like produce spirituality, and then give birth to the energy of wood spirit. To cultivate the body of immortals, they need to take heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing the energy of wood spirit to make their bodies healthy. It also produces spirituality, which is to replenish the body with life force.

The spiritual tea tree is an exception. It is directly rewarded by the system. It is a spiritual tree in itself. Normally, it takes the power of spiritual energy to gather to produce spiritual plants. Spirit trees have intelligent animals, while flowers, plants and trees can originally be produced. Those who produce oxygen, when they become spirits, the oxygen they produce will naturally turn into spiritual energy.

The spiritual veins of heaven and earth in this world were severed, and all the spiritual plants withered, resulting in no spiritual energy and the path to immortality in the world was cut off.

It can be said that it is impossible for spiritual plants to exist in this world at present, let alone to possess spiritual energy. But the spiritual tea tree is the spiritual tree, and there is a bug.

The crane has fairy energy in its body, which is innate to it. If you use a little or less, the fairy beast cannot produce spiritual energy.

The so-called rebirth of a broken arm can only occur when the physical body is strong enough.

Henry Zhang is indeed the best in the world in terms of personal strength, but he is not yet to the point where he can completely ignore hot weapons. After all, his magic power is limited.

Open the system, and there are two more functions on the interface [Fengshen] and [Mall].

To confer a god, Henry Zhang has the power to pardon and confer a title to the gods of heaven and earth. There is no hint on how to confer a pardon.

In the mall, you can exchange for everything you need. As long as you have enough merit, even if you want to exchange for the status of a saint, it is not impossible.

Position: Celestial Master

Cultivation level: Early stage of golden elixir (136/1000)


Kung Fu: Nine-turn Changchun Kung Fu

Magical power: [Samadhi True Fire] [Call the wind and rain]

Immortal weapons: Celestial Master Sword, Celestial Master Seal

Immortal pet: Crane (early stage of Qi refining)

Looking at his personal interface, Henry Zhang: "Time waits for no one, I must speed up my improvement of my strength."

Arriving directly at the Sanqing Hall, Taoist Master Xuanxu took the lead in handling all matters in the house, with other red-robed Taoist priests as assistants. Originally, they were all managed by Henry Zhang, but it was too troublesome, so he left them all to them.

Today is not a day when Tianshi Mansion is open to the public. There are almost no locals who come to Tianshi Mansion to offer incense. Tianshi Mansion has no time limit for them and they can come on any day.

There were quite a few tourists, but they were all stopped outside the house and couldn't think of going in.

Henry Zhang: "Uncle Xuanxu, there have been a lot of tourists coming to our Tianshi Mansion recently. They come from all over the country. It is not easy to find time to come. Tianshi Mansion is the leader of the Chinese Taoist sect and always turns them away. Outside the door, this has a bad impact.

In the past, it was because there were too few people in the mansion. Apart from these local believers, there were relatively few outsiders, so opening it once a month was enough.

Since everyone wants to come to Tianshi Mansion so much, how about changing the opening hours of the front yard of Tianshi Mansion to open every day?

In this way, we can not only meet the needs of tourists, but also take the opportunity to expand the influence and popularity of our door, so that more people can learn about our door.

Nowadays, people only know how to burn incense and worship Buddha, and wear consecration objects on their bodies, either Guanyin or Buddha. You must know that our Taoist sect is the local religion of China. Now it is squeezed by outsiders. It is almost impossible to survive. space. "

Taoist priest Xuanxu nodded: "Indeed, there are tourists clamoring at the door every day recently, wanting to come in, burn incense and take a look at our Tianshi Mansion.

However, our regulations have made many tourists dissatisfied.

It's hard to come here but can't get in. It doesn't matter in a short time. If you do this for a long time, it will easily affect the reputation of our Tianshi Mansion.

In the capital, the ancient palaces are open to the public every day for tourists to enjoy. Our Taoist sect has been declining due to the invasion of foreign religions, and it is getting worse every year.

Like our Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, fortunately, it is the leader of all Taoist sects, and the Tianshi is even called the number one person in the Taoist sect.

The situation was a little better now. I don’t know how many other small sects were disbanded. "

Henry Zhang: "So, Uncle Xuanxu, you agree?"

Although it is said that Zhang Xuan of the Tianshi Mansion can have the final say alone, the people in charge below are these red-robed Taoist priests. It is best to seek their opinions and discuss with them.

Taoist Master Xuanxu: "Tianshi, you have said so. Pindao must have agreed, but we don't have enough manpower.

With just these dozens of people, when more people come in to play, anything could happen.

It's okay for a day or two, but doing this every day will be too much for the people in the house. "

Henry Zhang: "Let's do this. Let's notify those who have completed their studies and come down from the mountain to see if they are willing to come back?

In the past, we couldn't afford to support so many people, so we had to let them find their own way out. Now, even if our Tianshi Mansion has ten times the number of people, it will be no problem.

At the same time, our Tianshi Mansion can recruit a group of disciples to meet our urgent needs. "

The area of ​​Tianshi Mansion is not small, and the entire Longhu Mountain has been owned by Tianshi Mansion in all dynasties.

Now that there are so many tourists, it’s hard just to sell incense and candles, not to mention those who donate money for incense.

Xuanxu: "This is a good idea. Not all of my disciples from Tianshi Mansion have a lot of life outside. Most of them just make ends meet. I believe they will definitely be willing to come back.

After two days, the manpower in the mansion will be replenished and the batch will be officially announced to the public. "

Isn’t the merit coming now? To save the souls of the dead, this merit cannot be soaring.


Three days later, Tianshi Mansion announced on its Kuaiyin account that Tianshi Mansion would no longer limit the hours, and from now on, the front yard would be open to the public every day.

Tianshifu has always had an account on Kuaiyin, but it has never been very popular. It has only posted a few daily videos. Since Tianshi became popular, it has more than 100 million fans.

This news would at most make the fans who wanted to go and were preparing to go to the Tianshi Mansion happy. But the next news made the fans explode and the entire Internet exploded.

Henry Zhang: "Hello everyone, Pindao is the current Heavenly Master of Tianshi Mansion, Zhang Xuan.

Thank you all for your support of Tianshifu, and thank you for your attention to the official account of Tianshifu.

In order to thank everyone for your long-term support and love for us, we have now decided to recruit one hundred lay disciples on the first day of next month. Those who are interested can come and give it a try. "

When Zhang Xuan, the heavenly master wearing a purple robe and full of fairy spirit, spoke on Kuaiyin for the first time, fans went crazy.

At the same time, a video of a Heavenly Master praying for rain in Zhangjiacun also became popular abroad and returned to China. The government and the 13th Bureau could only control the situation domestically, but not abroad.

Female fans:

"Ahhh! He is so handsome, Jimei, I declare that he is my husband."

"Mo Shang is as beautiful as jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world. He must be the one I'm talking about! He's so handsome."

I have to say that Henry Zhang’s appearance is simply a killer for girls. Coupled with his status, he is no better than a domineering president.

Male fans:

"He's coming, he's coming, the Heavenly Master is finally recruiting a disciple."

"Cultivation of immortals, salted fish turn over, serfs have the opportunity to sing."

"I must become a disciple of the Heavenly Master."

"Is this going from a scientific civilization to a civilization of cultivating immortals?"

"Don't miss it when you're passing by. Here's your chance to reach the sky in one step!"

"Call the wind and rain, what is this if not a god?"

All in all, male fans have one goal, to become a disciple and become immortal.

Immediately afterwards, the news of Tianshi Mansion recruiting disciples and the video of Tianshi praying for rain were ranked No. 1 and 2 in the hot searches on Weibo.

All trains, high-speed rails, and plane tickets to the vicinity of Longhu Mountain were sold out, and all local B&B hotels were booked. It was so popular that all the people participated.

Originally, everyone was not so crazy, but the rain-seeking video that was sent back to China from abroad was too explosive.

Even if the price is more than ten times higher, few scalpers are willing to transfer it.

They do scalping to make money. They don’t have to make money this time, because they can’t make enough money anyway.

What if I am chosen by the Heavenly Master and ascend to heaven in one step? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I cannot miss.

Why Tianshi Mansion recruits lay disciples? In the eyes of netizens, those words are directly blocked, that is, Tianshi Mansion recruits disciples.

It will be the first day of the new year in two days. From the moment the news was sent out, everyone put down their work and took various means of transportation with only one goal: the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

The heads of the major wealthy families in Daxia recruited their children one after another and issued orders: "Whoever can become a lay disciple of the Tianshi Mansion will be the first heir of the family."


Beijing, Bureau 13

Thirteen people gathered in the conference room again, but this time only half of them were present, and the others held remote meetings via video.

Mr. Cheng: “Let’s not talk about how this video spread abroad. Now is not the time to hold anyone accountable.

Nowadays, major foreign forces are eyeing Tianshi Mansion, and they are very interested in the mysterious power of Henry Zhang.

Our current top priority is to find out these forces that have already penetrated into the country and eliminate them.

At the same time, they are prevented from approaching the Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan to prevent them from obtaining that power. Long, how are you doing over there? "

Long: "Celestial Master Zhang Xuan has been staying in the Tianshi Mansion and has not come out. Our people have tried to contact him many times, but they have been rejected.

I think this time is a good opportunity. I will personally lead the team to participate and see if I can be selected.

Once successful, it will be convenient for us to get a closer look at the Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan and unravel the source of his mysterious power. "

Cheng Lao: "I will fully support you. If you need anything, let me know as soon as possible, and strive to get at least one spot. "

Relevant official departments held dozens of meetings overnight at the same time to formulate response plans overnight. This wave of people flow is more powerful than the Spring Festival travel rush, not to mention that there are foreigners coming to join in the fun.

Henry Zhang, as the video of asking for rain became popular abroad, was confirmed by countless foreign experts. The video did not add any special effects, attracting the attention of major forces around the world.

Therefore, the flights to China are full, and foreigners are crazy about knowing all the information about Henry Zhang, and they even want to obtain this mysterious power.

This time, if Henry Zhang cannot pass this level, he will most likely be cut into pieces for study. If he passes, the sky will be brighter.

For Henry Zhang, this is just to confuse them, and then wait until he is stronger to give Tianshi Mansion some room for development.

At that time, these so-called disciples can do whatever they want. Anyway, they have not officially started.

As long as his name is not on the list of the Celestial Master's Mansion, he has not been admitted to the Celestial Master of Dazu, and he has not received a conferring order, he is not considered a Taoist priest.

Today's Taoist sect in Daxia is mainly based on the Zhengdao lineage of the Ancestral Heavenly Master, and no other Taoist lineage, at least so far, can defeat it.

The Taoist sect has always had four great heavenly masters, but the only one who has always held the position of heavenly master is the Tianshi Mansion, which is under the rule of Zhengdao.

Because the Tianshi Mansion is a hereditary inheritance system, the four great Tianshis are all under the Zhengyi banner.

Under the Quanzhen Taoist tradition, there is no inheritance theory of the four great heavenly masters, so they do not have the position of heavenly masters.

Compared with Zhengyi's many sects, there is only one Wudang in Quanzhen today, which is the most famous.

What's more, Wudang is only classified as Quanzhen. Strictly speaking, it is an independent genre.

Because it is located in the south of Daxia (or China), it has a particularly good relationship with the Zhengyi sects.

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