Xuanxu: "Master Tian, ​​after receiving your notice, all the major leaders have rushed over and are now waiting in the main hall in the backyard."

There is a main hall at the front and back of the Tianshi Mansion. The front hall is responsible for receiving visitors and lay people and answering their questions. The back hall is specially used to receive the elders of the Taoist sects and hold meetings.

Qingfeng Mingyue wanted to get up and go together, but Henry Zhang refused directly and said: "At this time, I don't need you to accompany me to serve tea and water. You should stay and stabilize your realm."

Henry Zhang and Xuanxu walked towards the main hall together, and the little fox followed behind them. It especially liked to follow Henry Zhang.

In the main hall, all the heads of the five major sects of Kunlun, Emei, Shushan, Maoshan and Wudang were present. Henry Zhang walked into the hall and exchanged a few words with everyone before taking the first seat.

The little fox was wandering around in the hall. Although the heads said they were a little curious, they did not ask specifically. It was normal to adopt an animal. Even if it was a fox, Maoshan also kept zombies.

Henry Zhang: “Masters, this is actually a great thing for everyone to come here.

The founder asked me in a dream to select a thousand Taoist disciples with good conduct within seven days and organize an exam in my dream, with me as the examiner.

Then from these thousand people, the best one hundred will be selected to serve as the ninth-grade earth god. "

Shi Jian of the Maoshan Sect was the first to speak: "This is indeed a great thing, and it is worth celebrating. The Celestial Master can win such an honor, and he will definitely be ranked among the immortals in the future.

I just don’t know, what is your purpose in calling us here? "

Henry Zhang: "Of course something good is coming to you. The task assigned by the founder is too short, and I definitely can't choose it by myself.

It has been less than two years since Pindao took up the post of Heavenly Master. Except for the Heavenly Master's Mansion, he is not very familiar with other Taoist disciples. For this reason, he specially invited everyone to come and help.

It is up to you to select these one thousand people. You will give priority to those who are older, have low cultivation level, and have a short lifespan. Choose those who are highly virtuous and respected, and add up to one thousand.

Everyone just needs to report their names to me. After the exam, these one hundred earth gods will be supervised by the entire Taoist sect. "

Everyone was overjoyed. This was a great thing. Whose family had only a few older and respected disciples? This was so easy to get together. No wonder the Heavenly Master asked himself and others to come over. This was to give everyone a benefit.

In just one hour, these sect leaders wrote a thousand names on paper and reported them to Heavenly Master Zhang Xuan.

Henry Zhang accepted the list and said to the leaders: "You all will stay here for a night. After the assessment is completed tonight, Pindao will give you the list of the hundred people early tomorrow morning.

When the time comes, when the disciples of each sect are slaying demons, they can see if there is an earth god nearby and ask him to help them. "

After packing up the list, Henry Zhang left the hall directly, leaving Master Xuanxu to entertain everyone. He needed to prepare in advance for the exam in the evening.

These sect leaders were very happy. The list was full of disciples from their sects, and it was up to them to see who had more disciples who passed the Earth God Examination.

At night, Henry Zhang went to bed on time. As soon as his head hit the pillow and his eyes closed, he was immediately pulled into a dream by the system.


In the dream world, Henry Zhang was located in a huge examination room, with a thousand sets of desks and chairs for candidates neatly arranged. Henry was sitting directly on the stage, waiting for the arrival of the candidates.

Henry Zhang didn’t know how long he had been waiting. At the entrance of the examination room, candidates came out of the sedan one by one, entered the examination room in a daze, found their own seats and sat down.

Each of these candidates was in their sleep when a mysterious voice called their souls out of their bodies. Then they sat on a sedan outside the house and were carried directly to the entrance of the examination room by four bearers.

Except for Zhang Xuan who fell into a dream, all the candidates had their souls taken over to take the exam.

The exam is very simple. There is only one question, which asks about their hearts and whether they have done anything wrong. Only those with a true conscience can pass.

The so-called examiner actually allows Henry Zhang to know who has passed the exam, and he does not need to take care of the rest.

To put it bluntly, this task is to increase the strength of the Taoist sect to deal with more and more demons and monsters. Henry Zhang only needs to provide the list.


:Ding, congratulations to the host, you have slept for nine hours and your cultivation level is +1.

:Ding, congratulations to the host. Once the task is completed, the reward has been distributed. The current merit balance is 40,000 points.

:Ding, the exclusive promotion channel and exchange mall for gods are now open. All gods issued by the system can use their own merits to exchange for redeemable products in the mall. By consuming the merits, they can be promoted to the priesthood on their own.

All redeemable goods will be added by the host and marked with prices. The price of promotion to the priesthood will be marked by the host.

The host can redeem commodities and priesthoods within the system and then distribute them to other gods.

Henry Zhang did not expect that waking up would be so beneficial.

This means that the prices of the products and priests in the system remain unchanged, and Henry Zhang only needs to consider which products to add to the mall of the gods.

Henry Zhang can mark the price himself and make a profit from the difference, and the gods also have the motivation to work hard to earn merit. It’s the best of both worlds!

Henry Zhang happily took the little fox out of the bed and directly told Qingfeng Mingyue to give it two more poached eggs today.

This also made the little fox extremely happy. Although he didn't know why Henry Zhang gave him extra food, the little fox didn't care so much. The more poached eggs the better, which was his second favorite after chicken.

Henry Zhang handed the list of one hundred people directly to Qingfeng Mingyue and asked them to make a trip and forward the list to the major leaders. While he was eating breakfast, he was thinking about how to price it.


Early in the morning, Lin Yishan received the message from the god, and saw an exclusive waist tag appearing in his hand. This waist tag is like a smartphone used by mortals. It can be used to communicate with other gods, use merit, and exchange goods. Promotion to the priesthood.

The method of obtaining merit is very simple. You can obtain merit by killing demons and ghosts that do evil things, or benefiting the people of a certain area. The current function is only open, and Lin Yishan's merit value is 0.

What Lin Yishan is most concerned about is the price of priesthood promotion. He wants to enter the underworld, but the belt clearly shows:

Formal priesthood, 200 merit points

From the ninth level, 4000 points of merit

Positive ninth grade, 8000 points of merit

From the eighth level, 16,000 merit points

Lin Yishan put away his cards and said secretly: "First set a small goal for yourself to earn 16,000 merit points."

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