The team of the Black Mountain Old Demon is walking in the human world, and no living thing can survive wherever it goes.

Many righteous people went to stop it, but unfortunately no one succeeded, and they all became its prey.

Mr. Cheng: "Master Tian, ​​this old Black Mountain demon is so abominable. At least hundreds of thousands of people have died tragically in the past few days. Can you take action and deal with it?"

Although traffic between major cities was blocked, the importance of Bureau 13 was reflected at this time.

The 13th round included talented people and strangers from all over China. Mr. Cheng and the other 12 people only had the highest combat power on the surface. No one knew their true power.

After all, the 13th Bureau mobilizes the efforts of the whole country. It has existed since the founding of the People's Republic of China and has a heritage of more than 200 years.

Henry Zhang said with a smile: "Don't worry, someone will take action. Pindao has already calculated it. Today is the day for its death."

Mr. Cheng said in surprise: "If you don't take action, who in the entire Huaxia Kingdom can kill the old monster of Black Mountain?"

Henry Zhang smiled mysteriously: "There are so many, can't you just do 13 rounds?"

Cheng Lao: "You are kidding me. How can I have this ability in the 13th round?"


Huaxia Kingdom, Beijing, Government Logistics Support Bureau, in an airtight room.

"Let's take action. If we delay for a second, dozens more compatriots will die."

"No, unless we reach a critical moment of human extinction, we cannot interfere with human affairs."

"Hmph, your little kid from Tianshi Mansion hasn't taken action yet, so he just wants to sit back and watch the show.

If it doesn't work, give up the position of Heavenly Master, and I, Shushan, can also bear this responsibility. "

"You are so outrageous. Do you need to explain to an old man like you the actions of the Tianshi Mansion?"

There are dozens of figures in the room, and among them is a purple-robed Taoist priest. If someone from the Taoist sect sees it, they will have to doubt their life.

Purple robes can only be worn by heavenly masters. The Taoist sect only allows one purple robe to exist, and here, the second one appears.


In Jinshan City, the team of the Black Mountain Demon was stopped by a young monk.

Black Mountain Old Demon: "Bald Donkey, are you so anxious to die? I am in a good mood today. As long as you get out of the way, I can let you go."

Monk: "Amitabha, you are a bold evildoer and practice rampantly.

In front of the poor monk, he didn't surrender. "

The monk held up the bowl in his hand. The mouth of the bowl was facing the team of old demons from Montenegro. The mouth of the bowl was flashing with Buddha light. Countless ghosts were crying and being sucked into the bowl one by one.

The old Black Mountain demon said angrily: "Very good, monk, you have successfully aroused my anger."

The old demon of Montenegro smacked forward, and several black dragons flew out from its robes and pounced directly on the monk.

Seeing this, the monk inserted the Zen staff in his hand into the ground, threw the Dharma bowl into the air, and cursed angrily:

"You are a daring evildoer with little skills. He dares to do everything in front of a poor monk."

The monk tore off his cassock and threw it at several black dragons. The cassock continued to grow in size and directly covered all the black dragons.

The old demon of Montenegro used his magic form, and a huge black mountain fell from the sky, trying to crush the monk directly into a pulp.

Seeing this, the monk did not panic. He clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and shouted:

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the World Honored Ksitigarbha, the Prajna Buddhas, the Prajna Bama Kong."

The monk's upper body shone with golden light, and eight golden dragon tattoos emerged from his back.

The monk opened his eyes and smacked the Black Mountain that was falling in mid-air. Eight golden dragons flew out at the same time, roaring and charging forward.

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