Chen Guanlou had money in his hands, so he was generous.

That night, he invited Xu Fugui to the brothel to listen to music.

The new girl in the brothel was beautiful and could coax people. She took money to do things, and made Xu Fugui very happy.

Chen Guanlou took the opportunity to show his loyalty, saying that the jailers of the entire C-shaped prison hoped that he could become the warden, and everyone could also benefit from it and move forward. He pretended to inadvertently reveal that Zhang Wantong had found a new backer and had received a promise.

Xu Fugui: ...

He said viciously: "Zhang Wantong doesn't know the rules, he actually tried to cling to the thigh of Zhang the prison guard. Humph, I have disliked him for a long time. When I am promoted to the prison warden, I will be the first to deal with him."

Chen Guanlou pretended to be very surprised, "Why did I hear that Zhang Wantong is Wan the prison guard's man. Today, Zhang Wantong has been hanging out in the Jia-shaped prison. Everyone said that he wanted to be transferred to the Jia-shaped prison as a servant. After all, there is a lot of money there, and you can also deal with officials."

"What? Are you sure?" Xu Fugui asked again and again.

Chen Guanlou panicked, "I, I don't know, I just heard it from others. Uncle Xu, you know, the jailers have all kinds of messy news, and I can't tell which is true and which is false. However, it is true that Zhang Wantong has been hanging around in the A-shaped prison all day. I heard that he lost a lot of money today. He always had a stinky face when he lost money. It's strange today, he laughed after losing money. Uncle Xu, what do you think he laughed at?"

"What else can he laugh at? Damn, this bastard! Xiaolou, you are very good, this news is very timely." Xu Fugui obviously listened to Chen Guanlou's words and filled in a lot of content in his mind.

"It's good that this news is useful to Uncle Xu. Uncle Xu, is there any problem with the prison warden?"

"Everything depends on human efforts. Don't worry, Uncle Xu will remember your kindness. As long as Uncle Xu eats, you will benefit from it. In the future, pay more attention to the conversations between the jailers. Like this time, the news about Zhang Wantong is very useful."

Xu Fugui was angry for a while, but he was comforted by the beauty and soon became happy again.

He wanted to be shy and politely say that he would not stay overnight. When he learned that Chen Guanlou was very sensible and had paid the overnight fee in advance, he followed the beauty into the house and repeatedly promised that he would never forget Chen Guanlou if there was any benefit in the future.

Chen Guanlou:...

Just listen to it, but it would be really stupid to take it seriously.

The idle piece has been dropped, and the seeds of doubt have been planted. Chen Guanlou is not sure how much effect it will have.

Do your best and leave it to fate!

He did not believe that Wan Yuli was the son of heaven, and could cross the class from clerk to chancellor in one step.


Zhang Wantong was sure that the god of bad luck must have moved into his house. These days, he has been unlucky.

First, he was kidnapped in the middle of the night, then he lost all his money playing cards, and now Xu Fugui came to trouble him again and made things difficult for him everywhere. A higher-ranking official can crush people to death. He can ignore Xu Fugui, but Xu Fugui has a way to make him miserable. This life is unbearable.

Chen Guanlou is like a bystander, paying attention to everything. He only hopes that the water will become more and more muddy. Only in muddy water can you fish, and only in muddy water can the superiors pay attention to it.

Wan Yuli wanted to take advantage of the loophole and be promoted from a clerk to a magistrate. He was betting that the superiors did not pay attention to Tianlao and the position of Tianlao magistrate, so that he would have room to operate.

This is the truth that Chen Guanlou thought about for a few days.

In his previous life, he ran business, and he earned money by pulling more business, and it was divided by region and customer. In fact, there was no direct conflict of interest between the company's salesmen. He was familiar with eating, drinking and having fun, but he was not familiar with internal fighting and had little experience. Now it comes to the struggle in the officialdom, all relying on the experience summed up from countless movies in the previous life. Only when the matter is made bigger and more and more people are involved, the officials above are willing to give a straight look. He only needs this one look to destroy Wan Yuli's plan. Except Wan Yuli, anyone can be the magistrate.

No matter how those people fight, he still patrols Tianlao according to the schedule.

The Minister of the Ministry of War was very angry, so the case of the flower thief was quickly sentenced and executed.

The flower thief realized that he was really dead this time, with no room for maneuver.

Before he died, he just wanted to have a few good meals.

However, his money had been squeezed dry by the jailer, and now he couldn't even afford a pot of wine. Knowing that Chen Guanlou liked to collect secret books, he planned to exchange his unique kung fu for the enjoyment before his death.

"Anyway, I'm going to die, and there's no use keeping the secret books. I don't ask for anything else, just ask that the brother can take care of me a little bit in the next few days, give me some good food and drink, so that I can be a full ghost."

Chen Guanlou agreed.

He was always willing to give a little more care to the dying, and he was willing to release the kindness within his ability.

The unique kung fu that the flower thief used for trading was Qinggong. He had picked countless flowers over the years, and he was able to successfully escape the pursuit of the government, all thanks to his exquisite Qinggong. He also boasted that his Qinggong could at least rank in the top ten in the world.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Kongkong next door. He knows my reputation in the martial arts world."

Mr. Kongkong confirmed what the flower thief said, "Below the fifth rank, Qinggong can barely rank in the top ten. Above the fifth rank, it is a natural barrier and there is no qualification for ranking at all."

"Above the fifth rank, does it mean that you have entered another realm of martial arts?" Chen Guanlou was very curious.

Mr. Kongkong said with regret: "I am only a second-grade warrior, and I am not qualified to feel how terrifying the strength of the fifth-grade and above is. But I have seen two sixth-grade warriors fighting with my own eyes. The scene was comparable to the sky and the earth, and the momentum was like a tidal wave. The shock is indescribable. You may not believe what I said, but in the future, if you have the opportunity to see a fifth-grade and above warrior take action with your own eyes, you will understand my feelings."

After completing the transaction, the flower thief gave Chen Guanlou a formula for aphrodisiac incense.

"Don't worry, brother Chen, this formula is very clean, it is not used for that matter, it is a must-have for killing and robbing."

"I am a jailer, I don't kill people or rob."

"In short, it's better to be prepared. Anyway, I'm going to die, these are exclusive formulas, it's a pity to go into the coffin with me."

"You have ruined countless good women, you should have thought of this day. Forget it, I will accept your kindness."

Chen Guanlou said he disliked it, but his hands were not slow. It is a must-have for killing and robbing. Although he didn't hurt people, he had to guard against others hurting him. This thing is useful.

The prisoners in Tianlao are indeed talented, and they all speak well and have abilities.

Since he started working, he has been very satisfied with his gains in Tianlao. The decision to hold the iron rice bowl in Tianlao was the right one.

He is a trustworthy person!

In the next few days, he paid for the food of the flower thief, two meals a day, and every meal had wine and meat. The other jailers knew about it, but they didn't say anything.

A flower thief who was about to be beheaded wanted to eat something delicious before he died, and Chen Guanlou was willing to be a good person, so let him do it.

Even Zhang Wantong, who usually likes to talk about his seniority and point fingers, has been in a mess recently because of bad luck, and he has no time to pay attention to Chen Guanlou's behavior. He just cursed: "Stupid!"

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