Martial arts immortality, I will eventually be invincible

Chapter 558: The son is honored by his mother

"You were too harsh."

Thirty thousand taels were beaten in one breath. No wonder the Earl's Mansion felt pain in his heart and wanted to recover the thirty thousand taels without even caring about his face.

The big housekeeper thought that the amount of money from Tianlao was worth a few thousand taels at a time.

This time it opened his eyes. It also let him know how sinister Chen Guanlou was.

Chen Guanlou smiled and said, "Zhu Ruhai is a special case. We don't attack every prisoner so harshly."

"Why is he a special case? Has he offended you?"

"It's not like he offends me. But I really don't like him."


"Maybe the eight characters are in conflict with each other." Chen Guanlou said casually.

The chief steward thought carefully and vaguely guessed the truth, "Because of his business?"

Chen Guanlou was noncommittal.

The chief steward coughed lightly, "You still have to be careful when making your next move. You are lucky this time. The Earl's Mansion has declined and there is little power. If you meet a powerful person next time, you will be in trouble."

"Thank you, Chief Butler, for the tip. I'll keep it in mind."

He has been in Tianlao for so many years, so he must be measured in what he does. In Zhu Ruhai's case, he deliberately exploited it.

After leaving the Hou Mansion, Chen Guanlou went to the Su family to visit his eldest sister Chen Xiaolan and his two nephews. By the way, he gave his eldest sister a sum of money and several gold bracelets and rings. Mrs. Su was so jealous that her eyes turned green.

A gift from the brother-in-law to the daughter-in-law. This is the private property of the daughter-in-law's dowry. Even if Mrs. Su was blinded and thick-skinned, she could not snatch her daughter-in-law's dowry and private property. If word spreads, will the Su family be shameless?

The Su family is considered a respectable family in the neighborhood, and they are somewhat particular about respectability.

Moreover, the two brothers of the Su family are thinking of dividing their families. If Mrs. Su robbed the second daughter-in-law of her dowry and private property, should she also treat the eldest daughter-in-law fairly?

With a smile on her face, Chen Xiaolan teased Chen Guanlou, "You obviously did it on purpose."

The gift can be given in private, but it must be given in front of Mrs. Su, obviously to stimulate her.

"I sent wine and meat to the Su family."

Every time he came to Su's house, he would bring wine and meat as gifts.

"If she hadn't seen you give me the gold bracelet, the wine and meat you brought would have made her smile. This is terrible. I guess no one in the family will have an easy time in the next few days. Especially my father-in-law, if I don't get a gold If the bracelet comes back, life will not be peaceful."

"The Su family should also suffer the pain of maternal love." Chen Guanlou joked with a smile.

Chen Xiaolan smiled narrowly, feeling very happy in her heart. Having a brother stand up for her gives her a lot of confidence when quarreling.

"Are you okay in the Yamen? Is there anyone making trouble for you?"

"How could anyone make things difficult for me? Your brother and I are very popular."

"Yeah, it's very good. I hang out with some shady people all day long, and I don't know how to seriously marry a wife and go home."

Here it comes again!

The matter of urging marriage is late but arrived.

"Sister, please don't imitate Mrs. Su's nagging. It's annoying to death."

"You actually compare me with my mother-in-law, you bastard. You haven't given me a beating for three days. Don't think that I can't beat you because you're older."

"Fight, fight. Once the fight is over, stop nagging me and don't urge me to get married. I have my own opinions on my own affairs."

"But you have to stay behind."

"It's not easy to have a child. You can have one at any time."

"Who do you want to give birth to? You can't find a brothel girl to give birth to your child, right? Are you really not picky about the identity of the child's birth mother? Aren't you afraid that the child will be discriminated against after it is born? Do you understand this truth that a child is more valuable than his mother? Back then, we had no father and no mother, and we had nothing to rely on. Why were the Su family willing to fulfill their engagement and marry me? It was because my surname was Chen and I was from the Hou family. The children I gave birth to were naturally better than those from a small family. The children born to women are precious.”

What Chen Xiaolan said was correct.

The emperor's son, a dignified prince, also needs to see the identity of his biological mother. No matter how valuable a prince was born to a foot-washing maid, he could not be compared to a prince born to a daughter of a noble family.

Before the late emperor passed away, the princes sat in a row, and the courtiers chose the emperor. In the first round, the princes whose biological mothers were of low status were screened out. The birth mother's status is low and she is not even qualified to run for election.

Those who were left to the end were all princes whose biological mothers were of noble status.

Besides, Chen Xiaolan has no father or mother. If this was a small family, they would have been eaten to the bone long ago, and it would be impossible for her to get married successfully.

The Su family is willing to fulfill the engagement because her surname is Chen. Now her children can go to the clan school in the Hou Mansion and enjoy the meals provided by the Hou Mansion. The children of the Su family cannot enjoy this treatment.

Chen Xiaolan’s two children have truly realized that children are more valuable than mothers. Now it is time to study, in the future it will be women getting married, and men going out to do work, and they will be able to get a glimpse of the honor of the Marquis.

Where did this light come from?

Naturally, it’s because Chen Xiaolan’s surname is Chen.

Children are more valuable than mothers, which will be reflected in all aspects of the growth process.

If the mother is from a humble background, the child can only count on relatives from the father's side. It would be fine if the biological father had only one child. If there were more children and the biological mother was not able to support him, you can imagine how difficult it would be for the child to grow up. Unless you are gifted, you have shown genius attributes since childhood.

However, genius is so rare.

If the talent value is in the wrong direction, such as carpentry instead of studying, you may suffer more hardships.

In order to stop Chen Xiaolan from nagging, Chen Guanlou hurriedly promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely not have children randomly."

"Really not?"

"Definitely! It's very troublesome to raise a child. I'll have to think too hard and cause trouble for myself."

"It's not too much trouble. You just need to pay for two wet nurses."

Chen Guanlou:......

I still have no idea of ​​having children for the time being. He didn't even think about getting married.

In some ways, he followed the locals and adapted very well. In some respects, he did not do as the Romans did, and still adhered to the ideas he had in his previous life.

He has to live forever and can have children anytime he wants.

But he, from the bottom of his heart, did not want children.

At least that's the plan for now.

After chatting with the eldest sister, seeing that it was getting dark and it was time to have dinner, Chen Guanlou left decisively. He was determined not to stay at Su’s house for dinner.

The food in the Su family tastes good, but if the people are wrong, eating is like being punished. He'd be crazy to stay for dinner.

Chen Xiaolan knew his temper.

In the past, when I was in a humble position, I had no money and no power, but I was still willing to endure it. Now that I have money, I really don’t want to endure it.

He only told him to come and see him when he had time, and saw him off in person.

"If Granny Su makes things difficult for you, tell me. I'll go find Su Dacheng and vent your anger on your behalf."

"No need! I'm not a bun, and I won't let her tease you. Your sister and I have the means to protect myself."

"You'd better separate your families as soon as possible."

"I don't have to say anything about the separation of families. There is still work to be done."

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