Martial arts immortality, I will eventually be invincible

Chapter 73 Professional Selling of Stolen Goods

Master Jin's case was decided and he was exiled for three thousand miles.

When Master Jin learned the verdict, he was not very sad and said bluntly: "I don't know if I will be able to return to the capital in my lifetime."

Chen Guanlou originally wanted to comfort the other party, but then he thought that Lord Jin's sister-in-law was the concubine of the King of East China Sea. Even with the support of the King of East China Sea, he could not change the outcome of his exile, and his words of comfort would only seem extremely feeble.

"Strive to live a good life, be willing to spend money, and you can always live your life. Maybe one day His Majesty will grant amnesty to the world, and you will be able to return to the capital."

What Chen Guanlou said is close to reality.

The scary thing about exile is not the place of exile, but the road to exile. As long as they didn't die on the road to exile, people like Master Jin would be talents when they arrived in the exile. If you are more flexible, you may not be unable to seize opportunities. On the day of universal amnesty, all the hardships will be over and the joy will come, and there is hope for turning over.

Master Jin nodded, his face still gloomy, and there was some hope in his eyes. To live is to hope! Thinking on the bright side, at least the whole family can still be together without the decision.

"Can I please give Chen a favor?"

"You said it." Chen Guanlou is very tactful in dealing with things now. Compared with the C-shaped prison who would stick to the bottom line, his bottom line is now lowered repeatedly. The prisoners under management are all prison officers. No matter what their future will be like, just establish a romantic relationship first, just to buy peace of mind. In order to prevent any adult from remembering the days in Tianlao after turning over, he would come back to take revenge.

"Last time, the old servant told me that maybe the person who searched the house didn't know the goods. There were two orphan books in the house that were not confiscated. Can Mr. Chen help me find a buyer at a suitable price? It's not convenient for my family to travel now, so it's not suitable to go out to find a buyer. And I am afraid that someone will take advantage of the situation and lower the price. This time of exile, I need to take care of things along the way. Now I need money to live in the place of exile. Now only two unique copies can be sold at a high price, which can solve the urgent need. "

"This is a small matter. I will help you find a suitable buyer. However, the orphan copy you mentioned was really missed during the house raid. Is there no trouble or dirty hands?"

Chen Guanlou is willing to help, but he cannot get himself into trouble because of his help.

He knows the urinary nature of these officials, and they are cunning and cunning. It is unlikely that the person who ransacked the house did not know the goods. They are all veterans, how could they miss something as valuable as a unique copy.

It is very likely that the Jin family hid a small amount of valuables before the house was ransacked and were lucky enough to escape the raiders. Now he was eager to cash in, but he was also afraid of being discovered, so he was more guilty, so he found him.

Mr. Jin is indeed an old bureaucrat. When Chen Guanlou questioned him face to face, he did not panic at all.

"Tou Chen is just looking for a buyer. I promise that nothing will happen. I am willing to give up 10% of the profit."

So generous.

In the end, money still has to be used to clear the way.

Chen Guanlou said to him: "Since I came to the A-shaped prison, I have been helped by you several times and solved many questions for me. I have always kept it in my mind. Now that your case is decided, it will cost money. The place is indispensable. It’s easy to help find a buyer. I don’t care how the goods come from. If something happens, I won’t admit it later and blame it all on you. It’s not too much.”

Master Jin nodded and said: "When the goods are sold, Chen Tou can get 20% of the profit."

It was indeed a pleasure.

Chen Guanlou didn't refuse, which seemed pretentious.

"Okay! This is a pure transaction. I wish you a safe journey and get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible."

He agreed to Master Jin's request.

But he kept an eye out, and when he met the old servant of the Jin family, he disguised himself and changed his identity. He only said that Mr. Chen sent him here and took out the token.

Although the other party had doubts, due to the situation, he could only choose to believe him. I hope silently in my heart that I don't want to get away with the goods.

Chen Guanlou couldn't do such a thing as escaping with the goods, and he didn't have any deep hatred, nor was it a one-time deal. With a warehouse as big as Tianlao, many people will beg him in the future. There is no need to ruin your reputation and cut off your future financial opportunities just for a little money.

The Jin family has no grievances against him, and he will not do anything to push people to a dead end.

Buyers are hard to find.

Just go to the pawn shop. But lowering prices in pawn shops can scare people to death, and it’s not worth it.

He specifically asked Du Fuzi, who was a man of culture and helped him estimate the price. "If you meet a buyer who likes these two unique copies, it's not a problem for three to five thousand taels. But since you are helping others, you are in a hurry." If you ask for money, you will definitely not be able to sell it at a high price.”

"Approximately how much can it sell for?"

"Well, I estimate it can be sold for two thousand five hundred taels."

"Do you know any buyers, Master? You also know that for the work I do, I can't find any suitable buyers."

Du Fuzi laughed, "The right buyer is far away and right in front of you."

"Master, do you want to buy it?" Chen Guanlou was shocked. He was a poor man and a poor man. He always thought that Master Du was financially strapped, but he didn't expect that Master Du turned out to be a rich man.

"I misunderstood. I don't have the financial resources to buy such a valuable single copy. Although I can't afford it, I know people who are rich and willing to buy it."

"Who is it?"



Chen Guanlou was surprised and asked in a low voice: "If I remember correctly, the eldest master is a military commander."

"Although the eldest man is a military commander, he is also a well-educated man who is good at literature and martial arts. He loves calligraphy and painting, and likes to collect unique books from previous dynasties. As far as I know, the eldest man specially built a study room to store his collection. "

That's good.

"I'll have to trouble you, Master. Can you help me with this?"

"It's late tonight. I'll go there for you tomorrow. Are you sure you can leave these two rare books with me?"

"Don't worry! I'm sure you won't lie to me. I'll leave them with you."

Master Du was very satisfied and felt relieved for Chen Guanlou's trust. He would never let him down.

The next day, after handing over the invitation, Master Du successfully met the master and sold the two rare books.

The master couldn't let them go when he saw them. After asking about their origins, he said he would buy them on the spot.

"But I am only willing to give him two thousand taels of silver. He must have found these two rare books from the prisoners in the prison. If his surname was not Chen, I would not have given him even one thousand taels of silver."

Master Du was speechless and finally said, "He was just helping."

"You dare to say he didn't get any benefits from helping. Tell him to bring similar good things to him in the future. Let him go through the back door and I will talk to him in person."

Master Du had no choice but to tell Chen Guanlou the truth.

Chen Guanlou thought about it for a while. He changed his appearance and went to the pawnshop to ask. The pawnshop was only willing to pay six hundred taels of silver for the two rare books. It was obvious that he was in a hurry to use money to lower the price. Moreover, pawnshops are connected with each other. If one pawnshop offers a price, other pawnshops will not raise the price.

Unless he leaves the capital and goes to another place to find another pawnshop.

It's not worth it.

Two thousand taels is two thousand taels, which is already a high price compared to the pawnshop. He mainly considers long-term interests.

It is perfect to contact the master and sell the stolen goods to him in the future. I don't believe that any government office dares to investigate the first-class marquis of the dynasty.

No wonder Lord Jin asked him to help find a buyer. I guess Lord Jin himself knows that if his family sells the goods, he will not even get 600 taels, and may even be blackmailed.

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