"Ever since you went to Tianlao as an errand and came to deliver some food, wine, and gifts from time to time, my mother-in-law's attitude has changed a lot and she is more friendly than before. Last time for my father-in-law's birthday, even though you didn't come, the gifts you sent were not appreciated by them. I like it and hide it like a treasure.”

As Chen Xiaolan spoke, she lowered her voice and said with a proud face: "Now, my mother-in-law treats me much better than my elder sister-in-law. My elder sister-in-law does all the hard work at home and the kitchen work. I'm looking forward to it now." Give your brother-in-law a big fat boy.”

The eldest sister, Chen Xiaolan, has been married for several years and currently has only one daughter, who is over three years old and her nickname is Yaya. Playing wildly behind the cousin next door all day long. There is no one around here, so he must be playing outside again.

"Eldest sister will definitely be able to make her wish come true and have twin boys directly."

Chen Xiaolan smiled from ear to ear, "If I really have two sons in one birth, as you said, I can wake up laughing even in my sleep. You should also get married as soon as possible and give birth to blood for the Chen family as soon as possible."

"I know, I know." Chen Guanlou was impatient to hear this. He had no idea of ​​getting married now. Getting married would only delay his ability to draw the sword.

His secrets cannot be told to anyone, including his wife. Having a wife is a lot of trouble, and it's hard to prevent his secrets from being discovered by the person next to him.

You can carry on the family line at any time, there is no need to rush it now.

Afraid that his eldest sister would continue to nag him, he excused himself from the yamen and left quickly.

When he got home, Mrs. Chunxiang next door invited him to dinner, and he casually agreed.

Mrs. Chunxiang told him that Mr. Zhao had recently made acquaintance with a great scholar in the city. The great Confucian scholar was very optimistic about Mr. Zhao's talents and future, and said that he would accept Mr. Zhao as his disciple. These days, Mr. Zhao has been living in the Confucian home and studying hard.

"Master Zhao will move out soon. In two years, when we see you again, you will have to call me Mr. Zhao. If I can have an official in this yard, and the reputation spreads, it will be easier to rent in the future. Xiao Chen, please wait. After Mr. Zhao moves out, should I take the opportunity to raise the rent? That is the wing where Mr. Zhao lived, and it is cared for by the Wenquxing in the sky. "

Chen Guanlou sincerely suggested, "How about raising the rent later? When Mr. Zhao is officially named on the gold list, it will not be too late to increase the rent, and it seems justified. What if Mr. Zhao encounters trouble and things don't go well..."

"Absolutely impossible! The first time I met Mr. Zhao, I knew that he was a literary star who would definitely be on the gold list and have a prosperous official career. But what you said makes sense. It won't be too late to raise the rent later." Mrs. Chunxiang was persuaded. , the rents of houses on the whole street are very high, and if she takes the lead in raising the rent at this time, it will definitely attract criticism. It is better to wait for a while and wait for the good news that Mr. Zhao has been named to the gold list. Then the rent increase will be convincing.

When neighbors get along, they need to be considerate, tolerant and compromise with each other. If you don't want to make enemies or become a local bully, don't fall out with your neighbors. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If something happens, you have to rely on this group of neighbors for help.

Just like a wanderer working in a foreign country, if something happens, his relatives back home cannot be relied on for the time being. He can only rely on colleagues, classmates and friends.

A few days later, Mr. Zhao indeed moved away. When he moved away, Chen Guanlou was on duty, and neither of them had a chance to say goodbye. Chen Guanlou originally wanted to treat the other party to a meal, but the timing of the two parties always didn't coincide. In the future, when Young Master Zhao is promoted to Lord Zhao, the two of them will have no chance to drink together.

Chen Guanlou could only secretly say that it was a pity.

The wing of Chunxiang's wife's house was vacant, and soon a new tenant was hired. He was a traveling businessman from out of town, and he rarely saw anyone, so he spent a lot of money. There is no stingy, stingy and fussy habit like other travellers.

Chen Guanlou had only met him once. His surname was Lai. He had a broad face, big forehead, and shrewd little eyes. He looked like he could make a fortune. When the other party learned that he was in prison, he obviously wanted to get close to him.

Chen Guanlou told him, "You who come from out of town will definitely not be able to handle the yamen business. You should stick to your old business first, and then consider other things after you have the capital."

"Chen Tou's words are right. If you don't come to the capital, you won't know how rich it is. Only after you come do you realize that you are a frog in the well. I will still have to thank Chen Tou for your care in the future."

"It's easy to say! If someone is deliberately making things difficult, don't force yourself to come forward. Come to me afterward."

Chen Guanlou only said to look for him, but did not say how to help.

Boss Lai is a shrewd man and will give away money on the spot.

Chen Guanlou followed the rules and confiscated his money.

He has always helped collect money and collected money to help. He didn't agree to pay the money in advance, act in his name, and use the tiger's skin as a banner.

This doesn't work for him.

Boss Lai was a little embarrassed.

He was not familiar with the place in the capital, and in his eyes, the jailers in the Tianlao were all people who needed to be fawned over. As a result, the other party refused to let him fawn over, which was embarrassing.

"Is Mr. Chen too young?"

Chen Guanlou waved his hand, "You misunderstood. You have just come to the capital and are doing serious business. It is when you need capital. You can just do your business and wait until the future."

"Yes, yes! Thank you very much, Mr. Chen! I don't know when Mr. Chen will be free. If you don't mind, I would like to treat Mr. Chen to a drink."

"There are plenty of opportunities when drinking. As I said, wait for the future."

Chen Guanlou dismissed Boss Lai.

Mrs. Chunxiang couldn't understand, "He gave you money, why didn't you accept it? If you didn't accept the money, Boss Lai would be so panicked!"

"I am just a little jailer. What do I do with his money? I don't owe him the money. To be honest, I am a jailer. The help I can do is limited. That is, I help to find out information and act as a pawn to others. I don’t have the ability to protect myself.”

Chen Guanlou could understand that he wanted to find a capable umbrella to protect him when doing business. But he knew his own business, and his identity and situation did not allow him to be anyone's umbrella. It was not worth it to expose his secrets for a little money.

Besides, he had many ways to make money. He didn't care about the little money from Boss Lai.

Sister Chunxiang said with a sigh, "You are so modest. You are more insightful than your father and you are more tactful in your words. If your father had half of your ability, he would not have been infamous and poor."

Recently, I often hear people mention his dead father. How rigid and stubborn his father was when he was alive! It's strange that he chose the profession of jailer.

He laughed, "Of course I have to learn from the experience and lessons my father has given me. Without my father's experience, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Chunxiang's wife was amused by him, "You are right no matter what you say. However, you are also capable of learning from your father. Tomorrow, when Dawang's father comes back, I will prepare a table of food, and you must come."

"Is Brother Qian coming back?"

Chunxiang's wife's husband's surname is Qian, and his full name is Qian Youli. This name is practical.

"According to the time, he should be back soon. I went to the escort agency to ask, and they said that this trip went smoothly and the journey was safe."

"I hope he comes back safely."

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