Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 111 Farewell (Don’t keep the book~ If you keep it, you will really have to say goodbye~)

Two pieces of heavy news exploded among the gangs in Nanquanlixiang, like a huge rock falling into a pool of muddy water, splashing water all over the ground.

Nanquanlixiang Zhenfusi Officer Shen Shikang had a careful plan and commanded in moderation. He was promoted to the head of the Nanchengcheng Zhenfusi Office for his meritorious service in destroying the Wanmojiao stronghold.

Nanquanlixiang Zhenfusi Officer Chen Pingan captured the leader of the Wanmojiao alive. He was bold and careful, and was able to do his job well. He was promoted to the candidate for the Nanquanlixiang Zhenfusi Officer.

Most people expected the merit reward of Officer Shen Shikang. After all, Shen Shikang has a deep experience and has been a officer for a long time. He was just one step away from promotion. With the merit of destroying the Wanmojiao stronghold, it was reasonable for him to be promoted to the Nanchengcheng Zhenfusi Officer.

In comparison, the merit reward of Chen Pingan made everyone a little unbelievable.

This is a candidate for the officer!

In the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, he was a real high-ranking official.

Such a position was given to a young man! ?

It was simply incredible!

But no matter what the outside world thought, Chen Ping'an's promotion was a foregone conclusion and irreversible.

The news spread within the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, and many runners were even more respectful when they saw Chen Pingan every day.

Li Chatou, Liu Chatou and others, who were considered peers with Chen Pingan on weekdays, were more cautious in their words when they saw him.

Candidate for the errand! This was their next boss, who dared to be so blind and make fun of him casually like before.

After the news was announced, a few days later, the appointments of Shen Shikang and Chen Pingan were completely issued.

Shen Shikang was transferred to the Nancheng Town Zhenfu Division on a certain day to serve as the head of the errand room.

Although the head of the errand room of the Nancheng Town Zhenfu Division did not have as much power as the current Lane Chashi. But the scope of jurisdiction is larger and deeper, which is definitely a good opportunity for promotion.

In addition to connecting with the adults of the Nancheng Town Fusi, the head of the Nancheng Town Fusi Office has many opportunities to deal with people from other town Fusi. The stage is bigger and there are more people to contact, which means a higher ceiling for future development!

Chen Pingan was promoted to a candidate for the post of post, and was given a fish scale suit, and his monthly salary increased to eight taels of silver.

Of course, at his level, he no longer has to rely on his monthly salary. If you want to make money, there are too many places to get your hands on.

The two people who gained the most from the encirclement and suppression of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect this time were Shen Shikang and Chen Pingan. But there is another person whose actual gains are not much less than theirs.

After Shen Shikang was transferred, the Nancheng Town Fusi did not plan to send a new post, but let the deputy post of Tian Fuliang temporarily take over the post of post of post of Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi.

In other words, after Shen Shikang left, Tian Fuliang had the final say in the Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi in the following days.

Acting as a police officer!

It's called acting, but it's actually an inspection.

In the following days, if Tian Fuliang is in office for a period of time without any changes, he can be promoted to the position of police officer.

Of course, if you want to get to this step smoothly, Tian Fuliang needs to make some connections.

In addition, the police officers and police officers of the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division have received different degrees of commendation and rewards.

With the change of blood at the top and the change of the pattern, the work of power division was also completed in the fastest time.

After being promoted to the candidate of police officer, the number of police officers under Chen Pingan's control increased to eight teams. There are a full forty police officers in the eight teams, which is very impressive. In addition, in name, all the police officers are under the control of Chen Pingan.

In addition to the promotion of his position, Chen Pingan was able to do this because of Tian Fuliang's intention to make friends. He also saw the relationship behind Chen Pingan clearly this time. Tian Fuliang was acting as the deputy commander, and his position was not stable for a while, so he urgently needed the support of his subordinates.

At this time, Chen Ping'an's attitude was very important.

The person who was most happy about Chen Ping'an's promotion in the entire Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division was not himself, but Houtou Dashan Zeng Jiji. As the saying goes, when one person succeeds, everyone will rise to heaven.

Dashan was immediately placed in the position of acting team leader by Chen Ping'an. Zeng Jiji, Chen Ping'an also officially gave him a title.

Chen Ping'an is now the second-in-command in the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division. With such a status, he naturally needs to have trustworthy people around him.

Two temporary officers were selected and assigned to Zeng Jiji's men. These three people were considered his attendants.

With the division of power announced, the date of Shen Shikang's transfer was also set. The night before leaving, several people had a good meal in the largest restaurant in Nanquan Lane.

As the cups and plates were intertwined, several people talked enthusiastically and the atmosphere was harmonious.

In a slightly tipsy state, Shen Shikang seemed to be recalling the bitter past and thinking of the sweet past, recalling every bit of his time in the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division.

"Shen started as a temporary errand boy, and climbed up all the way, from a formal errand boy to a reserve errand boy, and then to a errand boy..."

"Thinking back then, Shen also fought his way out of a pile of dead bodies. He made great achievements and was successfully promoted to the position of errand boy."


Naturally, everyone praised Shen Shikang's recollection and flattered him.

"Sir Shen, congratulations on your promotion. This glass of wine, I toast you." Tian Fuliang held a glass of wine, looking sincere and affectionate.

Shen Shikang laughed, and the two clinked their glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

Chen Pingan also participated in the process and toasted Shen Shikang and Tian Fuliang with two glasses of wine each. During the banquet, more of the servants came to toast him.

"Sir Chen, this glass of wine is for you."

"Sir, you are young and promising, and I admire you."

"Sir Chen, toast to you."


The few people drank until the early morning, and then left the restaurant reluctantly.

Shen Shikang and Tian Fuliang were both very proud and happy.

Chen Pingan was also very proud, but he was a little more sober in his heart. He knew how he got his current status. It was not based on the so-called background relationship, but on the real martial arts strength.

"Continue to practice!"

Late at night, Chen Pingan mobilized his blood and qi and practiced the Thirteen Taibao horizontal training in the yard.

Shen Shikang was transferred away, but for Nanquan Lane, it seemed as if nothing had happened. This life should be passed, and it still continues like this.

After being promoted to deputy police officer, Chen Pingan also moved to a larger public housing. The area is half larger than before, and the layout and decoration inside are also upgraded.

It is worth mentioning that after the news of Chen Pingan's promotion came out, there was an endless stream of forces coming to visit. Each family brought valuable gifts and silver.

The biggest one was the Red Bear Gang, which directly gave a large house.

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