After listening to Xu Jinkui's story, Chen Pingan nodded slightly.

"I see."

Xu Jinkui's face was dark and he said: "The dog is naughty. This time he got into trouble and should be punished appropriately. It can be regarded as a lesson. But being imprisoned in Nancheng Prison, life and death are unpredictable and his life is in danger. Xu is really uneasy. I hope that today will happen. ,all the best."

"Then I wish Xu Yuanwai all the best." Chen Ping'an said: "However, Xu Yuanwai, don't worry too much. This Nancheng Prison is not a dragon's den or a tiger's den. Staying in it for a few days will not cause any serious problems."

Hearing this, Xu Jinkui waved his hands repeatedly: "Mr. Chen, you don't know something! This Nancheng Prison is a dangerous place, with countless heavy-duty prisoners inside. They often beat and scold fellow prisoners. The jailers are cruel, and if they don't get what they want, they will It’s a form of lynching and torture. Besides, there are so many connections inside. If you’re not careful, you’ll be doomed!”

After hearing Xu Jinkui's words, Chen Ping'an couldn't help but laugh.

Unexpectedly, in Xu Jinkui's eyes, Nancheng Prison was still a dangerous place.

Why didn't he feel anything at all?

Are jailers cruel?

How come everyone is as docile as a little sheep in front of him.

Seeing Xu Jinkui's serious look, Chen Ping'an knew that he had gone astray. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Nancheng Prison is just such a place.

The reason why he couldn't feel it was because his position was high enough compared to ordinary people.

What he sees as a docile sheep may be seen by others as a ferocious tiger.

Depending on the location, you see different things.

"It's true that Chen is ignorant. Thank you, Councilor Xu, for clearing up the confusion."

Xu Jinkui kept in mind what he would say when he met Cha Tou later. When chatting with Chen Pingan, he looked worried and worried.

It happened that at this time, Xu Jinkui bent down and cupped his hands slightly: "Mr. Chen, you are a member of the public family and have wide connections. If this fails, please ask Mr. Chen to worry about the dog. Afterwards, Xu will be very grateful."

Just when he met Chen Ping'an, Xu Jinkui was also seriously ill and sought medical treatment. In his mind, Chen Ping'an was just an ordinary public servant and couldn't be of much help. But with many people, there are many paths. Maybe through Chen Ping'an's relationship, other paths can be found.

Xu Jinkui had a sad expression on his face. Compared to his appearance when we first met him, he seemed to be several years older.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an somehow thought of Old Chen Tou.

Father's love is like a mountain!


Chen Pingan helped Xu Jinkui up with both hands and said, "Executive member Xu, we are destined to meet each other. Chen knows about this."

"Thank you Mr. Chen."

Xu Jinkui bowed his hands.

For him, Chen Pingan's response was undoubtedly a good start. I think it will be extremely smooth when I ask the chaotou at the banquet.

Chen Ping'an exchanged greetings with Xu Jinkui and left without disturbing him.

Shortly after Chen Pingan left, a dignified man in regular clothes came to the door of the restaurant. With a smile on Xu Jinkui's face, he was welcomed into the restaurant.

Money cleared the way, coupled with years of ups and downs in courting skills, Xu Jinkui achieved satisfactory results.

This Min Chaitou from Nancheng Prison agreed to release his son Xu Renchang.

Xu Jinkui felt relieved with the guarantee of the difference. At the moment, I toasted to please him.


Early on the next morning, the first thing Chen Ping'an did after arriving on duty was to inquire about Xu Renchang.

Upon inquiry, it was found that there was indeed an inmate named Xu Renchang in Nancheng Prison. He was imprisoned on the ground floor of Nancheng Prison a few days ago.

In addition, Chen Pingan also made a more detailed understanding. The reason why Xu Renchang was imprisoned in Nancheng Prison was because the other person he fought with had an uncle who was on duty in the alleys of Nancheng. He was considered an extremely senior police officer and had once brought out a police officer.

After a few twists and turns, Xu Renchang was imprisoned.

"There was a fight in the street. According to his situation, he should be detained for a few days according to law."

"Sir, I will be detained for seven days as usual."

The head guard who was called into the public room lowered his head and answered carefully.

To be honest, who knew how uneasy he felt when he was just summoned by Master Chen. Not only did he hope to be reused by adults, but he was also vaguely worried that he had made some mistakes and would be reprimanded by Master Chen as an example.

"How long was he held?"

"Come back to me, sir, it's been five days now."


Having understood the situation, Chen Pingan waved his hand and asked the class leader to retreat.

He and Xu Jinkui just met by chance and had no deep relationship. Only when he saw his appearance and thought of old Chen Tou, he was willing to understand.

After understanding the situation, Chen Ping'an already made a decision in his mind.

Xu Renchang's street fight did not have serious consequences, and the normal punishment should be seven days of detention. In this case, let him stay in Nancheng Prison for seven days before leaving!

In this way, there is neither favoritism nor bending the law!

All he did was put Xu Renchang and the other party in the fight under the same punishment.

After the class leader left the public room, he spent the whole time trying to figure out what Mr. Chen had just asked.

"Who is this Xu Renchang? He actually bothers Mr. Chen to care about him."

"The meaning of Mr. Chen's words just now is that he wants me to shine a light on Xu Renchang, or to take care of him!"

"Master Chen asked me how many days I should be detained as a rule. Then he asked me how many days I should be detained? What does that mean? Do you think seven days is too long? Or is seven days not enough?"

"Hmm...what a profound meaning!"

"I can't guess, I can't figure it out! Your Excellency is really unpredictable."

The class leader thought over and over again, chewed and reviewed it, and went back and forth several times, but he consciously failed to understand the essence of Mr. Chen's words.

Not long after he returned to the cell on the ground floor, he saw Min Chatou walking in.

"Why is Min Chatou here?"

The class leader was confused.

Logically speaking, Min Chaotou would not come to his place specially.

Doubts remain doubts, but they still do not affect his greetings.

"Min Chaotou, good morning."

Min Chatou walked over with a smile.

"Well, Lao Li, I want to ask you something?"

The class leader asked curiously: "Min Chatou, what's going on?"

"Are you imprisoning a young man named Xu Renchang?"

"Xu Renchang!"

Hearing this, the smile on the squad leader's face froze.

What's going on?

Why did Min Chatou also come to ask this Xu Renchang?

Seeing the difference in the squad leader's expression, Min Chaitou immediately asked: "Old Li, what's going on?"

Seeing Min Chao asking the question, the class leader then told the reason.

"What? Mr. Chen asked about Xu Renchang's matter?"

Min Chaotou's expression changed.

Who did Xu Renchang offend? Even Mr. Chen personally asked about it.

Damn Xu Jinkui, you almost cheated him!

"Damn it! You almost missed me! Lao Li, pretend I haven't been here before!"

Min Chai left a few words and hurried away immediately.

The class leader was left confused.

What is happening every day!


That night, Xu Jinkui waited for Min Chatou's arrival at the restaurant as agreed.

Seeing Min Chatou approaching from afar, Xu Jinkui's face lit up and he hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Min, Master Min."

It wasn't until he got closer that Xu Jinkui saw clearly that Min Chatou's face was gloomy and extremely worried.

His heart couldn't help but beat a little.

Min Chatou was furious and vented his anger directly: "Xu Jinkui, what the hell are you doing? You almost killed me!"

"Master Min, what are you..."

Xu Jinkui looked confused.

"Who did your son offend! You know! You blind thing!"

Min Chai, with his head covered and his face covered, scolded Xu Jinkui.

How dare Xu Jinkui refute, humbly accepting Min Chatou's scolding.

It took him a while to figure out what was going on. This made him completely stupid.

"Have all the top leaders of Nancheng Prison intervened?"

For Xu Jinkui, Chaotou is a high-ranking person. The top leader of Nancheng Prison is not bad at all, but he is simply a man who can stand up to the sky.

Such people have all been personally interrogated...

Xu Jinkui felt that his heart was filled with gloom and his whole body was not well.

Chang'er, who have you provoked?

Why is such a high-profile person involved?

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