Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 31: The Doorway (Please Read)

The bounty list posted by the Zhenfu Division is undoubtedly an opportunity for Chen Pingan.

He was thinking about how to legitimately get the status of a formal official, and then the pillow came to him.

On the surface, he was just a temporary official who didn't know martial arts. With the help of the golden finger, even the deputy official Tian Fuliang couldn't see through his true situation.

The easiest way for him to become a formal official is to show his true martial arts realm. Then, with a certain amount of merit, he can become a formal official of the Zhenfu Division of Nanquan Lane.

However, this road is not feasible!

How did he get started in martial arts? Where did he practice martial arts? How did he get this second-level martial arts cultivation of qi and blood?

These are all pitfalls, all problems! Chen Pingan couldn't explain.

His past experiences and life were clear and couldn't stand up to investigation.

Therefore, the route Chen Pingan planned for himself was to find a way to get the status of a formal official without showing his martial arts cultivation. After becoming a formal officer, the Zhenfu Division will grant the official officer the standard sword technique, the Thirteen Swords of the Official Gate.

With the Thirteen Swords of the Official Gate, he entered the martial arts and began to practice martial arts. Later, he gradually showed his martial arts talent and established his reputation as a martial arts genius, so that he could gradually stand out in the Zhenfu Division and be reused.

A long journey of thousands of miles, now he is about to take the first step!

Become a formal officer of the Zhenfu Division of Nanquanlixiang.

Now is a perfect opportunity.

If he can get a medium-level merit, he can directly become a formal officer. At that time, almost all problems can be solved smoothly.

If he becomes a formal officer, the monthly salary of the Tiger Head Gang?


Even if he is willing to give, I am afraid the Tiger Head Gang will not dare to accept it!

The formal officers of Nanquanlixiang represent not only himself, but also the face of the Zhenfu Division of Nanquanlixiang.

Collecting the monthly money from the official runners of the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, is this the old man hanging himself?

If he is a formal runner, would the little tiger of the Tiger Head Gang dare to break into his house openly? Would the ruffian Liuer dare to slam his table? Would he dare to mock him in person?

They dare not do all this!

But they dare to do what Chen Pingan actually experienced! What they lack is the identity of a formal runner.

Many things are powerless, that is because of insufficient ability! Insufficient status! Insufficient background!

Chen Pingan has no background, and all he can rely on is himself. He strives for what he wants bit by bit and weaves the life of him and his daughter.

On this day's patrol, Chen Pingan and Houtou Dashan patrolled very seriously. Even the time for slacking off at noon was greatly shortened. It's a pity that nothing was found until the end of the mission.

Come to think of it, if they were discovered so easily, the remnants of the Qingyu Gang would not have been able to break out.

"Where is this guy! Where did he hide?"

"Za Mao Yu, Za Mao Yu, my Monkey's bright future depends on you?"

Until the time of handing over the waist badge and saber, Monkey still said with lingering thoughts.

Chen Pingan patted Monkey's shoulder and gave him a look.

"No hurry! What is coming will come!"

"Well, come again tomorrow!" Monkey was full of fighting spirit, and looked determined to win. "Da Shan, have a good rest tonight, and continue tomorrow!"

"Well, I know." Da Shan nodded heavily.

Several people said goodbye at the Zhenfu Division and went home.

After finishing his work, Chen Pingan did not go home directly. He first went to Uncle Zhang's house and said that he wanted some stones with clear edges and corners, and the number was about the same as the sand and gravel before.

Uncle Zhang happened to be at home and agreed happily.

Chen Pingan gave some silver money first, but was repeatedly rejected by the other party. Chen Pingan saw that the other party's expression was not polite, so he gave up. He was thinking about how to repay this favor later.

After returning home, Chen Pingan was greeted by Chen Erya's familiar smile.

"Brother, you're back~ Let's get ready for dinner!"

Chen Pingan's chest was filled with warmth.


Chen Pingan smiled and responded, walking into the yard.

It feels so good to have a home!

After dinner in the evening, Chen Pingan began to practice the iron shirt.

He thought he could try to get 4 experience points, but in the end he only got 3 points.

"Wait until the stones come tomorrow, and try again!"

After the iron shirt was perfected, the training effect of sand and stone was much worse. Continuous stimulation weakened the effect, and it was still a bit difficult to practice 4 experience points continuously.


On the second day, after Chen Pingan finished practicing the iron shirt and gained 3 experience points, he went on duty as usual. With yesterday's lesson, he went to work earlier than usual today.

Only two heads of the team came to the regular meeting before the mission today. Obviously, it is not normal for the heads of the team to attend the regular meeting before the mission. As a leader, at critical moments, it is enough to show up and dispatch the work. How can you be like a policeman who has to report for duty every day?

After the regular meeting, Chen Pingan and Houtou Dashan began today's patrol.

"Dashan, let me tell you, you asked a very good question. Why should we call Mr. Tian, ​​instead of Deputy Chief Tian? Listen carefully and speak carefully, there are many tricks in this."

"In the Zhenfu Division, the rules are strict. There is one level after another! Not to mention pleasing the superiors, at least you can't offend them. So, speaking well is a science."

"You are meeting the deputy police officer in public. When the police officer is not present, you should call him "Sir"! This is a sign of respect for him. It is also a sign of respect for the police officer. It not only highlights the status of the deputy police officer, but also implicitly shows respect for the police officer. Such a title will not offend the deputy police officer or the police officer."

"If you meet the deputy police officer alone, then don't call him "Sir". You should call him "Sir"! Don't be so stupid as to call him "Sir". You are slapping him in the face in front of him. Doesn't he know he is the deputy police officer? Do you need to tell him?"

"When you meet the police officer, no matter what the occasion, you must call him "Sir"! To show that he is special and unique in Nanquan Lane! Calling him "Sir" is a display of his authority and submission."

"When both the police officer and the deputy police officer are present, the police officer should call him "Sir" and the deputy police officer should call him "Sir."

"These are all tricks. You can't learn them from books. They are all my understandings. Dashan, you must remember them well."


All along the way, Houtou showed Dashan his deep and solid knowledge of the side door. Chen Pingan also found it interesting.

Houtou is really interesting!

With his funny, the time of this day passed very quickly.

On this day, they still didn't care and didn't find any traces of the remnants of the Green Fish Gang.

Back to the Zhenfu Division, Houtou asked around and then shared it with the two excitedly.

"Ping An, Da Shan, no one has found any traces of the remnants of the Green Fish Gang. There is still a chance. Let's continue tomorrow!"

"Yes, let's continue tomorrow." Chen Ping An responded.

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