"You mean he jumped out directly from the firewood pile?"

Tan Huacong looked at where the firewood was piled, and then at the distance from the courtyard wall. He seemed to be thinking about something, and then asked Chen Pingan.

"Which position did you turn in from?"

"Huh? I was a little nervous and confused about the situation at that time. I don't remember it very clearly." Chen Pingan thought for a while. "Let me think about it?"

In fact, Chen Pingan had already designed the location on the courtyard wall where it would be turned over. The current thinking is just to make things appear more real and believable.

"It should be at this location!" Chen Ping'an took two steps by the courtyard wall, and finally pointed to a place and said firmly.


"Yes." Chen Pingan nodded.

Tan Huacong walked to the courtyard wall pointed by Chen Pingan and looked at the location of the firewood pile. After appraising the distance between the two, he found that there was no problem. He nodded and motioned for Chen Pingan to continue.

"He jumped out from here, and I was shocked. I was completely confused. To be honest, although I have been a sergeant for a long time, I have never encountered a situation like this. The opponent was tall and tall. And with such decisiveness, the momentum really frightened me. My mind went blank at that time, and when I saw the opponent approaching fiercely, my first reaction was to squat down. "

"Squat down?" Tan Huacong looked at Chen Pingan with a strange expression.

This enemy was coming, and it looked like it was going to kill him. His first reaction was to squat down?


For a young man who has never started martial arts, facing danger, this reaction seems to be in line with the real situation.

"Yes, squat down." Chen Pingan showed a hint of embarrassment. "I didn't know what to do at the time. I just followed my instinct and squatted down. I deserved my death. Looking back now, my reaction seems to have saved my life. As soon as I squatted down, he seemed to directly I threw myself against the wall. I don’t know what happened, but the other person also fell down. When he fell, my mind became clearer and I immediately stood up and ran towards the entrance of the hospital.

But the other person got up faster than I thought. Before I even reached the entrance of the courtyard, he flew up and kicked me. There was nothing I could do, so I kicked him hard in the chest. That force directly kicked me to the ground. "

Chen Pingan pulled up his clothes and exposed his chest to Tan Huacong.

Tan Huacong looked around by the light of the torch and found that there was indeed a large blood stasis on Chen Pingan's chest. It looked like he had been kicked by his legs and feet.

"You mean, you, an ordinary person, got kicked by a fish?" Tan Huacong looked at Chen Ping'an in disbelief.

"Yes." Chen Pingan nodded.

"You were so injured after eating his kick? And you can still stand up now?"

"I don't know this either." Chen Pingan shook his head in confusion. "Anyway, I felt a lot of pain in my chest at that time. But I didn't know how I got a burst of strength out of thin air and stood up directly. As soon as I stood up, the opponent's fist came over. The fist he originally hit was My head, but because I suddenly stood up, it hit me in the chest.”

Tan Huacong looked at the small blood stasis next to Chen Ping'an's large blood stasis and nodded.

"I got punched by him and was very scared at the time. I didn't think much and just ran backwards. I ran behind him and he chased me. I don't know what happened, but he just chased me for a few steps and fell down. He fell. I didn’t know where I got the courage at that time. There happened to be a stone next to my feet. When I saw him falling, I picked up the stone and rushed forward, hitting his neck.

I hit him the first time, but he still wanted to resist and kicked him with one foot. Without thinking, I just hit him with a rock. He hit his kicking foot and hit his neck. Later, his resistance became weaker and weaker, but I didn't dare to stop. I'm afraid that if I stop, I will die. "

Fear flashed across Chen Pingan's face.

"When I reacted, it was like this."

"Yeah." Tan Huacong nodded calmly.

He thought about what Chen Pingan said.

It sounded to him that everything was generally fine. However, there are two doubts. One is that judging from Zamaoyu's martial arts cultivation, Chen Ping'an was kicked and punched, and his injuries were somewhat minor. There is also a case where the miscellaneous fish fell down twice during the process.

Chen Pingan looked at Tan Huacong with fear on his face. However, under the fearful look, he felt a little nervous.

What he and Tan Huacong said just now were half true and half false, half true and half false. Including the scenes in the yard, they were all faked and covered up by him. It is generally consistent with the battle process he said.

As long as it is not the most professional and meticulous on-site inspection, no problem will be found.

However, despite this, Chen Pingan could not hide his nervousness before receiving Tan Huacong's approval. But he hid this emotion well.

Sometimes, I have to say that he really has some potential as an actor.

"I have to say, you are really lucky!" Tan Huacong thought for a long time and couldn't help but sigh. "If there is a problem in any link, you may be the one lying here."

"Yes." Chen Ping'an also said happily. "Maybe the old man has a spirit in heaven and is protecting me."

When Chen Pingan said this, Tan Huacong also thought of Chen Tianan.

"Okay, that's enough. I got it. I never thought that Zamaoyu from the Green Fish Gang, a martial arts expert with the second level of Qi and Blood, would die in your hands by accident."

The two doubts that Tan Huacong had heard were temporarily suppressed by him. Perhaps, in order to break through, Zamaoyu's injuries were more serious than they thought. So serious that it might be difficult for him to move normally.

This can also explain why the opponent's punches and kicks were greatly reduced in power, and he fell down after walking a few steps.

Come to think of it, the opponent was wanted by the Zhenfu Division, and he had money but no place to buy medicinal materials and food. Without enough food and medicinal materials, the opponent's injuries would probably only get worse. It is normal for Zamaoyu to steal food at Chen Ping'an's house tonight.

Of course, these are also Tan Huacong's reasonable speculations. They are not necessarily the truth.

However, for Tan Huacong, as long as it is confirmed that it is Zamaoyu himself who died in the yard, it will be fine. As for the process, it is actually not important.

"Boss Tan, what about my bounty..."

"Well, I will record it and report it. Don't worry." Tan Huacong nodded. "However, it's very late now. If I record it now, I can't report it all at once. Why don't you go back first and talk about it tomorrow."

"Boss Tan, why don't I go back to the Zhenfu Division with you to record everything? When I record it, Boss Tan can ask me for supplementary details of the process in time."

As for the identity of a formal official, Chen Ping'an was a little worried and proposed it immediately.

Tan Huacong glanced at Chen Ping'an and understood his thoughts.

After all, it was about the middle-level merit, and no one could rest assured at once.

"In that case, let's go back together." Tan Huacong agreed.

"Okay, thank you, Boss Tan." Chen Ping'an smiled.


PS: New books are free, no income, shamelessly recommend old books "Mouse I'm just a little monster", "Practicing is so simple", "My world cultivation" (oh, by the way, this one has been blocked).

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