Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 39: State of Mind (Please read on~)

Chen Pingan left the police station expressionlessly. He knew the outcome of this matter from the very beginning. However, he still went to find Zheng Chatou.

Now, he can be completely sure.

This matter is also related to Zheng Chatou. If Zheng Chatou had not escorted them, it would not be so easy to take credit for his contribution.


His weakest point, the biggest reason why he couldn't prove his innocence, was that on the surface he was just an ordinary person who didn't know martial arts!

Martial arts can indeed be explained by some techniques, but without the necessary practice process and medicine, he can't show his martial arts skills. If he can't show his martial arts skills, he can't prove that he killed Zamaoyu.

He is undoubtedly trapped in a dead circle!

"Pingan, congratulations, congratulations! You kid, you have done such a big thing quietly. Come and tell me what happened last night."

When Chen Pingan walked to the door of the Zhenfu Division, Houtou and Dashan were already waiting there. As soon as they met, Houtou punched him lightly in the chest.


Chen Pingan grinned hoarsely.

"Pingan, you are kidding! I didn't use any force."

Houtou was startled.

"No! There is a wound here." Chen Pingan lifted his clothes, revealing his chest full of blood clots.

"What's going on?" Houtou asked with concern. The injury didn't look light.

"It's still about the mixed hair fish! Let's talk while walking!"

"Well, okay."

After leaving the Zhenfu Division, Chen Pingan told Houtou Dashan what happened last night.

However, he didn't tell Houtou about his killing of the mixed hair fish. He just followed what Zheng Chatou announced and briefly explained how he found the clue. In the end, he was still kicked.

Houtou is a very loyal person. Chen Pingan was afraid that if he told the truth, Houtou would be very stunned, so he went straight to him. At that time, the matter was not done, and Houtou himself was implicated.

While patrolling the streets, Houtou and Dashan were very happy. Chen Ping'an reported the clues and could be rewarded with five taels of silver and a small merit. They were sincerely happy for him. In the end, they even made a fuss and asked Chen Ping'an to treat them.

"Okay, I will treat you when the reward is issued." Chen Ping'an readily agreed.

He still cherished these two partners.

The whole day was full of joy. Even the fire in Chen Ping'an's heart subsided a little.


This matter is not over yet!


When I got home, Chen Erya was cooking dumplings. She cooked a lot, a whole pot.

"Brother~ You're back~ Let's eat dumplings tonight!"

Chen Erya bent her eyes and showed a pair of small tiger teeth.

"Okay, dumplings are good!"

Chen Ping'an was full of smiles. All the fatigue during the day seemed to be eliminated at this moment.

Looking at Chen Erya busy in the kitchen, Chen Ping'an suddenly changed his mind.

Perhaps, his ideas during the day were too radical! The risk is too great! Once exposed, he can't afford the consequences!

Well, at least he can't afford it now!

If it was just him, it would be fine. But he still has...a sister.

During the day, Chen Ping'an's idea was very simple.

That is, damn them!

Zheng Shiyong and Tan Huacong dared to take credit for his work, die! Tonight, let them know what it means to bully the wrong person!


Bai Ri's idea was still too impulsive!

Let's not talk about Zheng Shiyong for now, Tan Huacong is a formal errand boy of the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division. If he died, it would not be a disappearance, and there would definitely be special people to investigate.

The people who came to investigate were not just cats and dogs. They were all professional arresting personnel.

This investigation would inevitably lead to him. In this way, the risk is extremely high!

Looking at Chen Erya, Chen Ping'an hesitated.


Sometimes, we have to suffer some grievances! When you can't help but lose your mind and break the jar, please think about whether there are people who care about you behind you.

When you are not strong enough, please be patient and learn to be friends with time!

One day, you will be proud and return all the grievances intact!

"Brother, let's eat~"

Chen Erya smiled and brought out a large plate of dumplings.

"Nannan is great!" Chen Pingan smiled and hurried to help.


Chen Pingan has a big appetite, and most of the dumplings cooked by Chen Erya in the evening fell into his mouth.

After dinner, Chen Pingan warmed up and started tonight's iron shirt practice.

However, just after taking off his clothes. Chen Erya found the blood stasis on his chest.

"Brother, what's wrong with your chest?"

In the morning, Chen Erya was busy with breakfast and did not notice the injury on Chen Pingan's chest. Now I can see it clearly, and I can't help but feel a little distressed.

"It's okay, I was accidentally injured during the sparring at noon." Chen Pingan didn't want his sister to worry too much, so he made up a lie to deal with it.

He walked into the pile of rocks with his upper body naked and began to roll around inside.

As he rolled around, the scenes from the day kept flashing through his mind.


He has a gold finger panel, and time is on his side. Compared to the hopelessness of most people, his future is full of hope. He is destined to shine! He must not foolishly gamble his life to take revenge when he is still weak.

Revenge is also taken! But life must be saved!

Now he is only the second level of Qi and blood, the stage of training flesh! If he is the third level of Qi and blood, he can change tendons! The fourth level of Qi and blood, forging bones! If... and above!

These things are not a big deal. They are all trivial matters! A mere quota for a formal official... It's nothing to mention!

Chen Pingan kept practicing the iron shirt.

As the saying goes, if you endure for a while, the wind will be calm, and if you take a step back...

The more you think about it, the angrier you get!

Chen Pingan punched the stone heavily.


A gentleman's revenge is never too late!

I am not a gentleman, at most two months, I will take revenge!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Pingan kept rolling in the pile of rocks, hitting the rocks while rolling.

As time went on, experience symbols flashed in his sight.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Qi and Blood Level 2

Martial Arts: Iron Shirt Mastery (20/100)


Chen Pingan climbed up from the pile of rocks. He didn't know whether it was because he made a vow in his heart or because he had vented his anger, but he felt a little relieved.

"The reason why martial arts practice is practice is that, not only do you have to practice martial arts, but you also have to cultivate your mind! Having strength but no mind is nothing in the end! It's just a little bump on the road of practice. Looking back in the future, these are not a big deal!"

"There are so many twists and turns and bumps along the way of martial arts practice. If any bump affects my mentality, then it means that I am just like that!"

"Those who practice martial arts must be brave and resourceful, and have a calm demeanor in the face of praise or criticism. They must also be decisive and enterprising. I will remember this today. But there must be an explanation in two months at most! Only in this way can you relax and do what you want!"


With a clear mind and a clear mind, Chen Pingan felt that his state of mind seemed to have been sublimated.

That night, Chen Pingan slept particularly sweetly.

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