After successfully practicing the iron cloth shirt and gaining some experience again, Chen Ping'an wanted to get up to speed and continue practicing.

However, the feeling in his body told him that he could not continue.

If you take a day off, you will have to go to work tomorrow. It would take a lot of effort and energy at that time. Chen Ping'an thought about it and decided to leave it like that for today and continue tomorrow.

After packing up his usual close-fitting clothes for practice, Chen Ping'an washed himself casually and prepared to go to bed.

Chen Erya finished washing up early and was waiting for him on the bed.

Ordinary families have limited space at home, and there is not so much care between siblings. Growing up, Chen Pingan and Chen Erya slept on the same bed.

Of course, the beds are made separately.

"Brother, you have practiced martial arts well."

Chen Erya said excitedly.


Chen Pingan responded, got into bed and got into his own bed. The bed was made in advance by Chen Erya.

"Nanny, my brother will go to work tomorrow. I'm alone at home. Don't take care of lunch casually. Remember to eat something good. I bought a lot of eggs today, so feel free to eat them tomorrow. There's no need for the remaining beef. Leave it to my brother and eat it all."

Chen Ping'an, who was familiar with Chen Erya's character, ordered.

"The money I owe is still due in ten days. My brother is already under a lot of pressure to make money to support the family by himself. If I really eat as my brother says, how can I survive this life~"

Ten days later, he would have to pay back the principal and interest to Mr. Xiaohu for fourteen taels of silver, which undoubtedly became Chen Erya's current worry.

"Nanny, you can rest assured to eat. The family is fine. My brother has already taken care of the money issue."

Chen Pingan comforted him.

Under the moonlight, Chen Erya looked at Chen Pingan with disbelief.

"Really, brother didn't lie to you! How can brother joke with you about this kind of thing!"

Chen Pingan was lying half-lying and stretched out his hand to touch Chen Erya's head.

In fact, he actually had some ideas on how to get the remaining money together. However, if you want to implement the idea, you still need to take some risks.

There are still ten days left, no hurry. Let’s wait until the iron cloth shirt becomes famous first!



"I knew my brother would have a solution."

Chen Erya smiled happily.

"Well, by the way, don't worry about money tomorrow, buy some pork thigh meat, and then..."

Chen Ping'an was talking nonchalantly.

The brother and sister communicated for a long time, and Chen Erya finally got sleepy and gradually fell asleep.

The moonlight was shining, and Chen Erya's face showed a calm and peaceful expression, and his breathing was steady and orderly. It's like sleeping in mother's arms. This is a feeling of dependence and the embrace of home. There is a person who will always stand by her side, facing the troubles of the world together.

The crossbar on the door latch was kicked off during the day. When I go to work tomorrow, I will stop by to see if I can get a suitable one from somewhere. Use a stick to hold it up, but it's still a little too thin after all.

Hmm... It seems that old Uncle Pan's house in the alley still owes our family half a tael of silver, and it's been some time. I'll find a time to pay it back as well.

Now that I have started practicing martial arts, my food, clothing, and household expenses are no longer what they used to be.

Also... Mr. Xiaohu promised today that he would be given a grace period of ten days to pay back the money. But beware of him changing his mind temporarily. Although the probability of a change of heart is small, this possibility cannot be ruled out, and preparations and plans must be made.

Also, I deliberately showed some hesitation during the day so that Mr. Tiger could see it. Different from other members of the gang, this young Mr. Tiger looks like he is big and strong, but in fact there is some finesse among the rough. Otherwise, Mr. Hu would not value him and train him as his successor.

I can show courage appropriately, but not too much. This slight hesitation should be just right. If it’s too little, my city seems too deep; if it’s too much, it seems too useless and I’ll be bullied...

Under the moonlight, on the bed, Chen Pingan was thinking carefully.


Early the next morning, Chen Ping'an drank a bowl of porridge and went to Fusi Dianmao in Nanquanli Lane Town to report. Although he is an unregistered sergeant, he still has to abide by the corresponding regulations like a formal sergeant. In fact, the implementation and management of some regulations will be stricter than those of formal sergeants.

When Chen Ping'an arrived at Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi, many officers had already arrived. The positioning pattern of these officers is very obvious. They are in groups of twos and threes, and groups of five, five, six and six. At a glance, they have their own factions.

However, these have little to do with Chen Pingan. His relationship with Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi Li was both good and bad. No one would deliberately make friends with him, and no one would deliberately make things worse.

After greeting a few familiar people, Chen Pingan found a corner and waited quietly.

"Ping An, you came later than usual today. In the past, you always came earlier than me."

A young man with a thin stature and a monkey-like look walked towards Chen Ping'an.

"Hericium. I slept a little late yesterday and squinted a little longer in the morning."

Looking at the visitor, Chen Ping'an showed a smile on his face.

The visitor's name was Hou Fugui, nicknamed Heritou, and he was one of the few people Chen Pingan had a good relationship with in Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi.

Hou Fugui, like him, was also an unregistered officer of Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi. The family's business is blacksmithing, and the old man in the family is tall, thick, and extremely strong. I don’t know how I got here and ended up like this.

The two exchanged a few words, and another person walked in from outside the Zhenfu Division. After looking around for a few times, they saw two people standing in the corner.

"Dashan, here!"

Houtou greeted the newcomers.

"Ping An, Houtou."

The man called Dashan walked towards them and greeted them with a smile.

Dashan had rough features, dark skin, and a strong body. He looked very strong.

"Good morning, Dashan."

Chen Ping'an greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Ping An."

Dashan responded with a simple smile.

Unlike Houtou, Dashan's family was just an ordinary farmer outside the county city. In the early years, he accidentally helped the Zhenfu Division to solve a case. In addition, he had a lot of strength, so he became a servant of the Zhenfu Division who was not on the list.

Although he was not on the list, it was also a glory for Dashan's family. After a lifetime of digging for food in the soil, he never thought that Dashan's generation could get rid of it.

Speaking of which, Dashan's strength is not ordinary.

Once, Chen Pingan saw with his own eyes that the millstone-sized stone was easily lifted above his head by him.

As time went by, more and more runners came in from the gate of the Zhenfu Division.

Most of the runners who came late were official runners.

With the next person coming in, the noisy voices in the Zhenfu Division in Nanquan Lane immediately quieted down.

"Zheng Chatou is here."

The monkey head whispered, and then stopped talking. He looked at the newcomer like everyone else.


PS: Wai Wai Wai~ Is anyone watching?

If so, please let me know~

The feeling of playing alone is really sour and refreshing!

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