"Chen Ping'an, your father is Chen Tian'an, an old sergeant of Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi. He was injured in the line of duty during an operation against the Ten Thousand Demons Cult. After he was seriously injured, he used all his connections to find a temporary sergeant for you who was not registered. . It has been more than half a year since I entered the Zhenfu Division. During this period, I have not heard of any signs of martial arts.

When we met that night, you didn't have any martial arts energy or blood in your body. You really don't understand martial arts. But today, you brought a temporary servant into the Hutou Gang's Hupao Gambling House to collect the donated money, but you showed your martial arts realm of both Qi and Blood! During the process, he also showed off his extremely skilled Gongmen Thirteen Swordsmanship!

It only takes a few days from the time you become an official officer and receive the thirteen swords from the public! In just a few days, he was able to practice the Gongmen Thirteen Swordsmanship to such a proficient level. This speed is difficult for ordinary martial arts geniuses to achieve! It seems that you are a delayed martial arts genius! Especially his talent in the art of swordsmanship! "

Mu Wanjun looked at Chen Pingan, and in a few words she explained that she had thoroughly investigated Chen Pingan.

"Master Chief Chaosi is so complimentary." Chen Pingan lowered his head just right.

Mu Wanjun looked at Chen Pingan, then suddenly stood up, flashed a few times, and appeared in front of Chen Pingan. She reached out her hand and patted Chen Pingan's waist and abdomen.

For a moment, Chen Pingan felt a wave of heat coming towards his body.

This is......

Inner energy!

Above the realm of qi and blood is the realm of inner qi. At the beginning of the inner qi realm, the sea of ​​qi is first formed, and there is inner qi gathering in the body. Compared with the Qi and Blood Realm, the Inner Qi Realm has more mysteries and is more capable of out-of-body attacks!

Of course, Chen Ping'an had only heard about it in a few words. He really didn't know the details.

After just a few breaths, Mu Wanjun retracted her hand and looked at Chen Pingan with a natural expression.

"Second Qi and Blood, it is indeed the case!"

The panel is awesome!

Chen Pingan praised in his heart. Even a great master like Mu Wanjun could not discover his true martial arts state under close inspection.

This dual level of qi and blood is just a state he deliberately revealed through the panel!

After all, in just a few days, the breakthrough was too fast and too shocking. If he had a background, it wouldn't hurt. But he was helpless, so he still had to avoid it as much as possible, step by step, and reveal his true strength bit by bit.

However, in a few days, he reached the second level of Qi and Blood, and practiced the Gongmen Thirteen Swordsmanship to a small degree. With such talent as a bargaining chip, he expected to be able to get enough support from Mu Wanjun.

"Show me how to use Gongmen's Thirteen Swordsmanship." Mu Wanjun said calmly.

"Master Chief Chaosi, are you right here?"


After receiving Mu Wanjun's affirmative reply, Chen Ping'an took out the saber from his waist and began to use the Thirteen Gongmen Swordsman.

Just like practicing on weekdays, Chen Ping'an displayed the sword skills of Gongmen's Thirteen Swordsmanship little by little. The sword wind is everywhere, and he doesn't look like a novice who has just practiced for a few days, but like a veteran who has been immersed in it for a long time.


As an experience symbol flashed in Chen Pingan's sight, he also stopped what he was doing.

Just show off your knife skills and practice to increase your proficiency. It’s great!

Chen Pingan felt secretly happy.

At this time, a look of surprise flashed across Mu Wanjun's face. But it disappeared in an instant.

Judging from Chen Pingan's performance, there is no doubt that he is indeed a martial arts genius. I have only been exposed to the Gongmen Thirteen Swords for a few days, and I can use it so skillfully. Compared to her, this kind of talent is only a few steps behind. If he can be discovered early and receive careful guidance early, he will definitely be a martial arts seedling that can impact the inner Qi realm.

But now, what a pity!

They are already close to their prime, and they have just come into contact with martial arts. Although he has martial arts talent, he started too late and his future achievements may be limited.

However, no matter how limited it is, it is relative to herself. As long as you cultivate it properly, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the realm of viscera refining or marrow cleansing!

Such talents are worthy of being taken as a confidant and cultivated.

With this in mind, Mu Wanjun glanced at the woman beside her and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the woman walked to the table nearby, picked up a wooden box, and walked to Chen Pingan.

"Let's take a look." Mu Wanjun gestured slightly.


Chen Pingan felt excited. I knew the meat show was coming!

He took the wooden box from the woman's hand, opened it, and found an iron token, a contract and a piece of white paper inside.

"Sir, this is..."

Chen Pingan hesitated slightly.

In fact, he already had some vague guesses in his mind. However, being too smart and clever in front of a superior is not necessarily a good thing. It would be better for him not to overdo it before he has figured out the tactics of the Chief Chaosi.

Mu Wanjun looked at Chen Ping'an with a calm expression: "That night, I was besieged by the Ten Thousand Demons Cult. If it weren't for your few gongs that scared them away, I'm afraid I would have to resort to desperate measures to escape safely. Now. It's a matter of my gratitude to you. Seeing you again today can also be regarded as the fate between you and me.

There are three things in this wooden box. You can choose one at will and it will be considered as a return gift from me. "

"Sir, my official status as a servant depends entirely on your support. The repayment you mentioned has already been given. And more than enough. I deserve these things." Chen Pingan declined.

"My return gift is not just a formal identity of a messenger. Since I let you choose, you can choose!" Mu Wanjun said quietly, with an unquestionable taste in her words.

As a superior, he naturally has his own momentum.

At this time, Chen Pingan naturally knew what he should say: "Thank you for your cultivation. Your kindness, I will remember it in my heart and will never forget it. If you have any missions in the future, I am willing to serve you!"

"Very good!" Mu Wanjun nodded slightly, very satisfied with Chen Pingan's reaction. "Pick it."

"Yes, sir." Chen Pingan nodded and looked at the three objects in the wooden box.

The first object is a token. Chen Pingan is very familiar with this token. Each of the five messengers of Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division has such a token. This is the messenger token. In this scenario, if you choose to take it, it means that Chen Pingan can immediately complete the transformation from messenger to messenger.

To be honest, this thing made Chen Pingan take some action.

If he became a policeman, the things that happened during the day would probably be solved immediately. Even Zheng the policeman would not dare to embarrass him. In addition, the little tiger master and the big steel teeth of the Tiger Head Gang were just ordinary gangsters. How dare they provoke him!

The second item was a contract, or more specifically, a land deed. Chen Pingan picked it up and found that it was the most central alley in Nancheng District, the land deed in the alleys of Nancheng. It contained several bungalows and courtyards. In terms of area, it was more than twice as large as the house he and Chen Erya lived in now.

Moreover, this was a house in the alleys of Nancheng! In terms of value, it was more than several times the house he lived in now.

The third item was a piece of white paper, a simple white paper. But there were some things written on it, which made this white paper look a little unusual. There were a lot of things written on it, about more than twenty kinds of things. There were weapons, skills, favors, medicines, silver and money... and so on. These things are in the Nancheng Town Fusi Merit Treasure House, and can be exchanged for merit.

If you choose this white paper, Chen Pingan can choose any one of the things written on it.

Chen Pingan thought for a moment and made a choice.

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