Chen Pingan walked straight home from Fusi, Nanchen Town. Nothing special happened and everything went well. Pushing open the courtyard door, I saw Chen Erya's cute little face. This made Chen Pingan feel even better.

In the yard, Chen Erya was reading a book and reading. Chen Pingan began to practice Locust Stone and Gongmen Thirteen Swordsmanship.

After practicing hard for nearly two hours, the night was already deep. Chen Pingan then returned to the room with Chen Erya.

"Nanny, you go to sleep first, and brother will read some books later." Chen Ping'an told Chen Erya, and then he couldn't wait to read the newly acquired martial arts skills by the light of the lamp, "Thirteen Taibao Heng Lian".

The practice of the Thirteen Taibao is more complicated than that of Tiebu Shi. It involves the use of breath, the mobilization of qi and blood, and the coordination of the overall muscles and bones.

It is indeed a middle vehicle technique!

This made Chen Ping'an also look forward to the Thirteen Taibao Henglian. If he could succeed in practice, what would his martial arts realm be like.

As Chen Pingan finished browsing, this martial arts technique was completely included in his golden finger panel.

Chen Ping'an moved slightly and saw the panel information floating in the void.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: fourth level of qi and blood

Martial Arts: Iron Clothes Perfection, Locust Stone Dacheng (40/100), Gongmen Thirteen Knives Small Accomplishment (31/40), Thirteen Taibao Henglian (0/10)


"Just getting started requires 10 experience points!? It's twice as much as Iron Shirt!"

Looking at the information on the panel, Chen Pingan was slightly surprised. I expected that the horizontal training of the Thirteen Taibao would be more difficult than that of the Iron Cloth Shirt, but I didn't expect that the experience value would be doubled.

This means he needs to practice for longer! Fortunately, as his martial arts realm improves and his energy and blood become sufficient, the limit of practice he can endure at one time is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, the time that really needs to be spent does not need to be doubled.

That night, Chen Pingan stayed up until very late, and then fell asleep with excitement.


Early the next morning, Chen Ping'an finished his morning exercises and walked towards Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi after dinner. He has not officially started practicing the Thirteen Taibao Henglian. As a middle vehicle technique, it is quite difficult to practice. So Chen Ping'an thought that after he got off work tonight and had enough time, he would study the training of the Thirteen Taibao.

Today, he still has a big battle to fight! The matters involving Cheng Yuan, Zhao Hu and Lao Fan in the errand room have not been resolved yet. He didn't believe that Zheng Chatou would let him succeed easily.

When Chen Ping'an arrived at Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi, he felt a low-pressure atmosphere. Obviously, the servants at Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi are not stupid people. What happened yesterday has already spread throughout the entire Zhenfu Division. The conflict and entanglement between him and Zheng Chatou has long been made clear. Many officers were whispering in private, discussing what happened yesterday.

Compared with his surroundings, Chen Pingan's mood was not affected at all.

In terms of martial arts realm, his true strength, the fourth level of Qi and blood bone forging, is not inferior to Zheng Chatou in the slightest. In terms of background, he had just won the support of Nancheng Fusi Chief Cha Division, and even crushed Zheng Chatou.

Under such circumstances, he was not worried at all about what was happening to him.


Hericium's eyes were the brightest. As soon as Chen Pingan walked into the gate of Zhenfusi, Hericium spotted him and immediately waved to greet him.

"Hericium, big mountain." Chen Ping'an responded with a smile. After scanning around, he found that Qin Tou hadn't come yet.

Although he is much more restrained than before, Qin Tou is still an old man in the world, and he can steal as much leisure as possible.

"Be careful today." The monkey whispered quietly.

As keen as he was, he also felt that today was unusual. Obviously, Chen Pingan had lost face to Zheng Chatou in public before, and Zheng Chatou will definitely get it back today.

"Ping'an, if you can bear it, you can bear it." Dashan looked at Chen Ping'an with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry." Chen Pingan smiled at the two of them and walked to his seat.

"Chen Tou, here." Zeng Jiji waved his hand.

This kid is completely on board Chen Ping'an's boat. So far, he has given up.

What happened to Zheng Chatou! Anyway, they collected the donated money. No matter how you target them, you can still target them!

Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu stood aside, looking dead. He didn't say hello when he saw Chen Ping'an, he just smiled coldly.

As of today, a few of them have completely broken up with each other.

Chen Ping'an walked to his position without speaking, and just stood there calmly and calmly.

Zheng Shiyong walked in from the gate of Zhenfu Division, looked around, and saw Chen Pingan, with a proud smile on his face.

Mudlegs, you look great today!

Yesterday, they had already set the tone and mapped out the context. So what if they collected the money from Le Don? Whether it's meritorious or normal, it only depends on the first sentence. On the contrary, it was him who committed the crime and made it impossible for him to get off the stage in front of everyone. This matter can be made a big fuss about!

Compared with Zheng Shiyong, Tan Huacong, who was standing not far away, looked calmer. He was just looking forward to it secretly in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

The two of them had already become enemies with Chen Pingan. If they had the opportunity to beat Chen Pingan to death with a stick, he would naturally dream of it.

Soon, all the officers from Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi arrived. However, a few bad guys didn't come.

Many officers waited for a while, but still did not see the officer arriving, and gradually began to discuss.

Logically, the police should have come earlier! Did something happen?

Zheng Shiyong looked at the gate of the Zhenfu Division one after another, and confusion appeared on his face.

"Where is my uncle? Logically, he should have come earlier! Could it be that he was delayed by something?"

Just as the police officers were discussing and wondering, seven figures appeared at the gate of the Zhenfu Division. After Zheng Shiyong saw the figure walking in front clearly, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

Nanquanlixiang Zhenfu Division Police Officer, Shen Shikang!

In addition to Shen Shikang, Deputy Police Officer Tian Fuliang, and five other Nanquanlixiang Zhenfu Division police officers including Zheng Chatou, all appeared.

"Meet the police officer!"

The police officers bowed slightly and greeted in unison.

After waiting for Shen Shikang's nod, the police officers greeted Deputy Police Officer Tian Fuliang in unison.

"Hello, Lord Tian!"

As for the other five officers, they were naturally ignored when the chief and deputy chief appeared together.

Zheng Shiyong raised his head and found that his uncle Zheng's face was gloomy and not good-looking.

What happened?

Zheng Shiyong's first reaction was that his uncle was caught by the chief.

Tan Huacong and others had the same idea as Zheng Shiyong.

As for the other officers, more attention was paid to the chief. The chief suddenly appeared at the pre-official meeting. Could something have happened again?


PS: The plot later is a bit exciting. When awake, he kills people with a sword, and when drunk, he lies on the knees of a beauty. I, Chen Pingan, will take charge of the matter and try to write it within 100 chapters! ! ! (These words are free of charge)

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