Chapter 8 Zhang Sanfeng’s shock, and then evolution (seeking flowers).

In the valley, Li Zhuo looked at Zhang Sanfeng and found that Zhang Sanfeng’s luck had also increased a lot, more than Yin Liting and Song Yuanqiao.

Zhang Wuji was expelled from the cold poison, and his state looked much better than before, which could be described as radiant.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the martial arts secrets moved by Song Yuanqiao and others in the valley.

There are many of these cheats.

Some were created by Zhang Sanfeng, and some were collected in the rivers and lakes over the years.

“You want to practice internal martial arts like a human being?”

He looked at “Li Zhuo” with some shock, could it be that “Li Zhuo” absorbed the vitality and the essence of the sun and moon, didn’t he rely on exercises.

If that’s the case, it’s somewhat amazing.

His insight naturally understood the difference between having exercises and not having exercises, and at the same time, he was also surprised by Li Zhuo’s whimsy.

What kind of scene should a snake practice martial arts.

“Please advise!”

Li Zhuodao.

Whether he can create cultivation exercises, even if he has a clear Dao mind, he is actually not very sure.

After all, his current body is a snake, and he does not know whether human exercises have reference value.

But if it has reference value, then what martial arts cheats can have reference value for Zhang Sanfeng, a martial arts grandmaster.

So looking at martial arts cheats, it may be better to ask Zhang Sanfeng.


Zhang Sanfeng was stunned, it was his martial arts cultivation and insight, and he didn’t know how to teach a snake cultivation for a while.

This involves knowledge blind spots, after all, people have a dantian qi sea, will snakes also have this thing?

“I wait for those who practice martial arts to cultivate internal strength true qi, and the first step is to know where the dantian is, and then produce a sense of qi…”

After saying a few words, Zhang Sanfeng found that he couldn’t say any more.

He gritted his teeth and said, “I’ll practice it again and show you!” ”

With that, he sat down cross-legged.


Li Zhuo’s eyes lit up, he remembered that in the warrior, Shi Potian’s Ah Huang also watched Shi Potian practice every day, and eventually became a dog who could do internal skills.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng’s cultivation, it may not be a way.

His own essence is still human, can he be worse than A Huang in wisdom, not to mention the ability to have such an ability as Dao Xinming, there is no reason to lose to a dog.

He poked his head over, approached Zhang Sanfeng, and then turned on the Yuan Qi Control Talent and carefully observed the running route of True Qi on Zhang Sanfeng’s body.

At the same time, his talent for enlightening the heart is also at play, analyzing the different roles of acupuncture points, meridians, and dantian in the exercises.

In his thinking, he also corresponds these things to different places in the body.

In fact, Li Zhuo has been pondering about martial arts since he crossed over, and after obtaining the Dao Heart Clearance, he was also thinking about this when he absorbed the Sun and Moon Essence.

After watching Zhang Sanfeng’s True Qi run for a big week, he quickly had a calculation in his heart.

“Some eyebrows, I’ll try, you help me protect the Dharma!”

He quickly stopped Zhang Sanfeng and tried it himself.

This moment really shocked Zhang Sanfeng.

Just read it once, you have eyebrows? It won’t be bragging.

He stood up half-heartedly, waved his hand to let Zhang Wuji, who was still here, to retreat, and he gave Li Zhuo a protector.

A snake cultivates, and no one knows what will happen.

For a while, Zhang Sanfeng looked forward to it.

If you teach a snake internal strength, it must be a groundbreaking thing.

“What is qi sense?”

Li Zhuo was in the lower abdomen position, and he was sensed by the place where he thought it might be a snake dantian, and there was no sense of qi.

The reason why he thought that this would be his dantian was because when he absorbed the Yuan Qi and Sun and Moon Essence, he found that these things would pass through here and would eventually be absorbed by his body.

“The so-called qi does not mean air!”

“The so-called true qi of those who practice martial arts in my generation is actually the transformation of the spirit qi in the body, and the inner practice is the spirit qi, not the air.”

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have sensed the problem Li Zhuo encountered, and his voice sounded.

“Yes, the qi of those who practice martial arts is not the vitality of heaven and earth, but their own spirit qi, I sense it here, how can I sense it.”

In an instant, Li Zhuo only felt suddenly cheerful.

In fact, he already has “qi” in his body, but he does not associate with true qi.

Strength, blood, and essence are all qi, and before myself, I thought of “qi” too mysteriously.


The moment he figured out all this, Li Zhuo was blessed with his heart, and in an instant, a blood-red blood qi appeared in the dantian like a.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhuo controlled these blood qi and began to circulate in his body according to the meridian acupoints he had understood before.

His nineteen-meter terrifying body had actually produced majestic qi and blood in his body a long time ago, but Li Zhuo did not associate it with the true qi of the warrior.

Once enlightened, everything fell into place.

In the words of a person who practiced martial arts, he had already refined his body innately, and his body spontaneously produced qi, but he didn’t realize it.

“Cheng . It worked…….. Or step directly into the innate realm. ”

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned, shocked to sense the changes that had occurred in Li Zhuo’s body.

A snake has really practiced internal skills, is it that he is too good at teaching people, or the other party is too against the sky.

With such a huge body, the cultivated True Qi should be so majestic.

“Grandpa Snake is powerful!”

Zhang Wuji was also stunned, this was too against the sky.

He knew that “Li Zhuo” could practice internal strength, but in fact, it had little to do with Shigong Zhang Sanfeng, and this was the real shock.

A snake made out the inner strength heart method by himself, and I am afraid that others will say that he is crazy.

“I’m witnessing a groundbreaking feat!”

Zhang Sanfeng couldn’t describe his mood at the moment, shocked, excited, surprised…

It’s hard to imagine that a person like him, his body is a little trembling at this moment, it turns out that it is not only people who can cultivate.

[The host independently creates exercises, completes spiritual evolution, and doubles the progress of reward evolution! ] 】

Li Zhuo ran his qi for a week, and before he had time to comprehend the harvest, the sound of the system sounded at this time.

This is an affirmation from the system, he created the method successfully, and has his own cultivation method.


This is evolution in the true sense, from the evolution of thinking, otherwise even if he evolves into a dragon, it is only a powerful dragon, only animal instincts.


PS: Ask for flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets!!!

The data is not too ideal, and the authors kneel for a wave of data support!!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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