Chapter 30 Wind and Cloud Dragon, Song Yuanqiao’s Handwriting (Asking for Flowers).

“Meet Uncle Shi!”

“Meet Elder Taishang!”

Hearing Li Zhuo’s voice sound, several people from Song Yuanqiao hurriedly bowed and looked at him excitedly.

Myths come to life!

Dragons are not true dragons, but they also have many of the characteristics of dragons.

In the surprise of several people, Li Zhuo stepped on the auspicious clouds and floated over from above the waterhole.

“Congratulations Senior Brother!”

“Once the Dao, the wind and clouds turned into dragons, making the old Dao envious!”

Zhang Sanfeng smiled.

In the past, when Li Zhuo was still a giant python, he looked a little scary.

Now it has evolved into a jiao, although it is still that terrifying body type, but it looks like it can’t help but want to get close.

“You old way, when are you so hypocritical, learn to shoot dragon farts!” Li Zhuo said with a smile.

He scanned the past.

Zhang Wuji’s cultivation has reached the level of a grandmaster!

Song Yuanqiao arrived at the Grand Master Triple Layer!

Lin Pingzhi’s innate ninefold!

Zhou Zhiruo is congenitally heavy!

Yue Lingshan is innate eightfold!

Among the previous blessings, the one who gained the most benefits was Zhang Wuji, who had a grandmaster cultivation in his teens, and it could simply scare people to death when he passed it out.

The second is Zhou Zhiruo, who has only been practicing for a few days, and at this moment he has actually reached the innate realm.

“Uncle Shi, dare to ask what you mean when you expelled those disciples from Wudang before?”

Song Yuanqiao’s voice sounded, and Zhang Sanfeng also looked at Li Zhuo curiously.

I couldn’t figure out why the first thing he said was to let Song Yuanqiao expel more than twenty disciples from Wudang.

Li Zhuo said, “My descending blessings can only be enjoyed by those who are true disciples of Wudang and who are one heart with Wudang.” ”

Only those who are with Wudang are one heart can enjoy it?

Several people were stunned, and they suddenly realized.

People who did not benefit from Li Zhuo’s blessings were not the same heart as Wudang.

That is to say, these disciples have no loyalty to Wudang.

Or that some of these people are not disciples of Wudang at all, but undercover agents sent to Wudang by other forces.

“So that’s the case, Shi Uncle’s Fuze can even tell that those people are loyal to my Wudang.”

Song Yuanqiao nodded thoughtfully.

When he began to hear that some people did not get Li Zhuo’s blessing, he thought that these people were not lucky enough and could not enjoy Li Zhuo’s blessing.

He also comforted these disciples not to be discouraged, but it turned out that this was all a group of two or five.

“But it’s not good to be expelled directly!”

Song Yuanqiao frowned.

Expelled from Wudang, then what happened in Wudang today is bound to spread.

Although he had already said before that there were no dragons, it was some disciples who were dazzled.

But the plants in Wudang territory grew wildly, and the sudden breakthrough of many disciples’ cultivation could not be explained at all.

Expelling these disciples from Wudang will inevitably bring calamity!

“Then kill them all!”

According to his thoughts, just kill it.

However, he knew that people like Zhang Sanfeng could not do such cruel things.

If Zhang Sanfeng could kill so many people in one go, then he would not be Zhang Sanfeng.

Sure enough, as soon as his words came out, Song Yuanqiao and Zhang Sanfeng’s faces changed.

“Senior brother, you are now a dragon, representing Xiangrui, opening your mouth is killing, which damages your peace…”

Zhang Sanfeng had a headache, in fact, he also understood that this matter was difficult to handle.

Kill can’t bear it!

After all, these disciples are not all spies of other forces, some just have no sense of belonging to martial arts and have killed wrongs.

If you don’t kill, do you keep locked up?

After discussing for a while, they finally expelled these people from Wudang according to Li Zhuo’s words.

Because according to what Li Zhuo said, in addition to concealing the matter of his transformation, the matter of spiritual spread cannot be concealed at all.

In a few days, the spirituality spreading from the valley would exceed the scope of the Wudang Sect.

And near the Wudang Mountains, there are not uninhabited deep mountains and old forests, there are towns.

At that time, will you also kill the people under the mountain?

As long as the fact that Wudang lives with a dragon is hidden, the rest will be natural.

In fact, there is another point, Li Zhuo also hopes that this matter will be exposed, so that the world will know that Wudang has become a real blessed place, famous mountains and rivers, and is the most spiritual place in the world.

He wants all the peoples of the world to come here to worship and pilgrimage!

In this way, it is convenient for him to gather the dragon veins of the world and make Wudang the first of the ten thousand dragons in the world.

At present, as long as he is not exposed, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, now that his life has evolved and become the only dragon in eternity, he still has some confidence.

Even if it is exposure, he also has a sure way to deal with it.

“Clean up this group of problematic disciples, next, the disciples plan to popularize the snake devouring heaven to all Wudang disciples, and make every effort to improve the strength of Wudang, this matter, please also ask the master and the master to decide!”

Finding so many two or five is actually not a bad thing.

At least those who stay in Wudang can be cultivated with confidence.

Song Yuanqiao is also rubbing his fists, and he wants to do a big job, ready to popularize the immortal divine skill such as snake devouring the sky.

Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi were both shocked by such a handwriting.

The entire disciples of Wudang practiced snake devouring the sky, coupled with the increasingly strong spiritual assistance, one day, what a terrifying sect Wudang would become.

This scene is completely unimaginable and unimaginable.

You must know that the sects in the rivers and lakes are not without divine skills, but their divine skills are reluctant to pass on to disciples, and only the head or elder can cultivate.

Wudang actually wants to set such a precedent!

“Senior brother, the snake devouring sky was created by you, you say!”

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, praising Song Yuanqiao’s big hand.

“It doesn’t matter, Yuanqiao is the acting head of the sect, and I don’t interfere in the affairs of the development sect!”

Song Yuanqiao has such courage, if he wants to do a big job, how could Li Zhuo not have it.

And Wudang grows, and luck will grow with it, which is simply a good thing for him.

“It’s a pity that the snake devouring heaven will become a muscular reckless man after cultivating, otherwise I would want to betray Huashan and join Wudang.”

Yue Lingshan was very hungry.

If his father had one percent of Song Yuanqiao’s courage, not to mention passing on the Zixia Divine Skill to all his disciples, as long as he passed on four or five people, the Huashan Sect would not be so declining, becoming the lowest sect in the Five Yue Sword Sect.

“Thank you, Uncle!”

Song Yuanqiao was excited.

“Do a good job, Uncle Shi is optimistic about you!”

Li Zhuodao!

Song Yuanqiao is actually very good except that he can’t teach his son.

However, Song Qingshu’s matter was intervened by him, and now that Zhou Zhiruo sat down at him again, this matter was also solved.


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