On the contrary, several countries in the land of Middle-earth all responded to it!

In the Great Qin Empire, the First Emperor Ying Zheng was also very shocked after seeing the report from the Secret Guard after he had handled all the government affairs.

You must know that the Nine-Star Dzi Bead has spread so widely that it has attracted the attention of many people.

It is said that this news also came from Japan, and after receiving the news, Ying Zheng immediately summoned his ministers to discuss the matter!

For this matter, Ying Zheng is more full of distrust!

After all, Xia Jie has played tricks and schemes on the world so many times that his credit is almost bankrupt!

For many people, the rumors he spread have allowed them to discover many rare treasures. This is certainly a good thing, but this guy is simply a disaster and a disaster.

Every time the treasures he passed out, although they were true, they were known to everyone in the five regions, and people from all sides suffered huge losses due to them!

At this time, after knowing about the Nine-Star Dzi Bead, his ministers behaved differently!

The general Meng Tian also said bluntly,\"Your Majesty, we should be able to see it by now. With this blood demon\'s cultivation level, he is unparalleled and powerful. As long as he is not willing, there will be no one in Japan.\" Being able to get even a little bit of secrets from him, this time the matter was revealed directly by him. I\'m afraid he has other thoughts and plans for the world!\"

At this time, Meng Tian was also a little worried. Nowadays, the huge Qin Dynasty has almost used all the national power of the Qin Dynasty in front of\"927\"!

Whether it was the construction of the Great Wall or the construction of the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum, did any of them consume a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in the Qin Dynasty? So much so that the national power of the entire Qin Dynasty has been extracted abruptly, without any external force at all!

After the first emperor Ying Zheng obtained the meteorite elixir of life, he became very handy in handling the empire!

Within Da Qin, there is a prophecy circulating - Hu Ye, the one who will destroy Qin, has huge fears against him.

And Ying Zheng has always been the one who destroyed the Qin Dynasty. He is a Lake man, and he has no doubts about his son Hu Hai.

Therefore, Ying Zheng had already sent the army of the Great Qin Empire to kill the Northern Wilderness Wolf Clan that bordered the Great Qin Empire. He wanted to completely destroy the Wolf Clan and ensure long-term peace and stability.

After all, Ying Zheng now possesses the meteorite elixir that can make him immortal. For this reason, he naturally wants to ensure that the Qin Dynasty will prosper forever!

But the Great Qin Empire has now become like a huge factory. Faced with this, Meng Tian can\'t help but worry about whether the remnants of the Six Kingdoms will take the opportunity to cause chaos under the high pressure!

\"Your Majesty, I think what General Meng said is completely ridiculous!\"Li Si on the side had a different opinion and said,\"Your Majesty. Although this matter came from Japan, I don\'t think this news was spread by the Blood Demon on his own initiative. It is said that he is secretly mobilizing people and preparing to lead the army from Japan to Tianzhu to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead. In addition, the world has proven that most of this news came from the Northern Wilderness. It was exposed by Li Shimin, the second son of the Li clan. It is said that he has an extremely mysterious master who knows about this Nine-Star Dzi Bead. The relationship with Buddha and Bodhidharma. I think this may not be false! Your Majesty, please think twice!\"

\"Yes, this may not be false.\"

At this time, the protector Moon God in the empire also directly expressed his position, indicating that the Yin Yang family was also very interested in this.

The strength of the Yin Yang family has also been weakened several times, and it has lost a lot. Huge.

If they want to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead, they must completely rely on the power of the Great Qin Empire.

Even Donghuang Taiyi of the Yin-Yang Family is very interested in the Nine-Star Dzi Bead.

You must know that the Nine-Star Dzi Bead Among them, Nuwa used a special method to extract the talented bloodline of the nine ancient tribes and sealed it in it. For this reason, the Nine-Star Dzi Beads contain the immeasurable divine power of the nine ancient tribes, and have extremely powerful Power.

If you get the Nine-Star Dzi Bead and absorb the power in it, or liberate the power of blood in it, then you can create a clan of aliens!

And within the Yin-Yang Family, Donghuang Taiyi I also guess that what happened this time was not deliberately conveyed by the Blood Demon!

Xia Jie is a foreigner. As a member of the foreign world, facing such a treasure, Zuo will naturally choose to strengthen his own bloodline. Let himself His bloodline has become more powerful, and he will never be willing to spread the Nine-Star Dzi Bead directly.

At this time, the Yin and Yang family is also encouraging Zulong Yingzheng to send troops to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead.

Now Ying Zheng hesitated. At this time, he already had the meteorite elixir, which was equivalent to having the chance of immortality. He didn\'t care much about other methods and other powers. He thought that the Great Qin Empire could naturally suppress everything. He wanted to do it for The Great Qin Empire was considering the pursuit of eternal industry. He knew that a large amount of national, material, human, and financial resources had been squeezed out of the Great Qin, so he deliberately did not want to carry out this matter.

It happened that the Yin Yang family and Li Si, In the dark, Zhao Gao and others directly agreed to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead!

After all, the power contained in the Nine-Star Dzi Bead is too wonderful.

It is said that when the Nine-Star Dzi Bead is fused into one, it can gain the power of immortality. , can become this supreme god and demon. That’s why they encouraged Ying Zheng to go and seize this Nine Star Dzi Bead

\"Your Majesty, I think this matter is not as good as what the Prime Minister said!\"

Zhao Gao said in a dark voice,\"……I saw that the meteorite elixir may not be foolproof!...After all, with the death of Cui Wenzi, this longevity medicine has successfully become a masterpiece. It is still unknown what kind of harm this involves, Your Majesty might as well……\"

\"That\'s all, if you want to go,...then go!\"

In the end, Ying Zheng agreed in order to ensure the safety of Yu and the meteorite elixir!

To be precise, Zhao Gao knew very well what Zulong Ying Zheng was thinking!

\"Then lead a group of people to see if they can capture the Nine-Star Dzi Bead.……\"

Ying Zheng planned to mobilize some of the elite troops from the Great Qin Empire to go to Tianzhu to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead,\"I don\'t know who can help me share my worries?\"

\"Your Majesty, I think Young Master Hu Hai... can take care of Your Majesty\'s worries!\"

And this time, Zhao Gao recommended the second son Hu Hai

\"Okay, then let Hu Hai go!\"

Ying Zheng agreed!

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Zhao Gao not only asked Hu Hai to bring the masters in the net, but also brought the elites of Great Qin!

Together, they can have hope of winning the Nine-Star Dzi Bead!

\"Yes, I will definitely fulfill my mission!\"

Hu Hai also stood up directly!

At this time, Hu Hai was very scary!

He secretly obtained the treasure, and now his strength is also extraordinary.

At the same time, the situations of Hu Hai and Basiba are somewhat similar. If you want to Seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead.

He used the Dragon Ball to practice, and now he needs other items to balance it!

On the contrary, the Great Qin Empire did not pay much attention to it, but after the Great Qin Empire, hundreds of schools of thought and martial arts people had a lot of them. The thoughts of the characters.

They wanted to use the power of the Nine-Star Dzi Bead to overthrow the rule of the violent Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, many masters from hundreds of schools of thought came to Tianzhu!

Zhongzhou, Sui Dynasty!

At the same time, in During the Great Sui Dynasty, after receiving this news, everyone in the Demon Sect went crazy about it!

After they reported it to Juexin, they began to dispatch their armies!

\"Well... to be so prepared, to rush into Tianzhu and seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead!\"

Juexin knew this. Even though he had cultivated into the realm of land gods, he was still suppressed by Yang Xuyan in the Great Sui Dynasty! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the other party has The Book of Qi, after cultivating the Zhouliu Liuxu Gong, suppressed him firmly!

Even treasures like his Dao Dao were so determined. After knowing the power of the Nine-Star Dzi Bead, especially knowing this The Nine-Star Dzi Bead contains the supreme divine power of the nine ancient tribes. In ancient times, those with powerful bloodline power were comparable to gods and men!

Many powerful human races were able to compete with gods and demons, and Jue was tempted by this.!

He immediately led the men and horses in the Demon Sect and rushed towards Tianzhu in a mighty manner, hoping to plunder the Nine-Star Dzi Bead from the Tianzhu, and use the power in the Nine-star Dzi Bead to improve the power in his body, so that His own magic power has made further breakthroughs!

Most of the demonic power in his body has been swallowed up by this primitive demon, but he still feels the self-control of this dark dragon ball on him! The shackles of this dark dragon ball on him Power, leaving you no chance to reach a higher level!

The power contained in this dark dragon ball has a corrosive power on yourself, making you as addictive as taking aphrodisiac.....

Juexin had to spend a lot of time every day, needing to use the power of the Dragon Ball to calm the lack in his body and the feeling of emptiness, so he just wanted to use it. Yu Jiuxing Dzi Bead erased such damage.

After all, the Nine-Star Dzi Bead is comparable to a treasure like the Dark Dragon Ball. Of course, this is not the only way. There is another way, which is to snatch it from other Dark Dragon Balls.

The other dark dragon balls are among extremely powerful forces. How can it be so easy to snatch them?

Therefore, Juexin had no choice but to rely on the power of the Nine-Star Dzi Bead to break through, so he led the people of the Demon Sect to kill towards the land of Tianzhu.

At the same time, the actions of this demon sect could not be hidden and were completely known to Yang Xuyan.

He has already won over some people and occupies most of the country.[]

However, the resources in the north of the Sui Dynasty were still too scarce and poor. In addition, he did not have the power of the Dark Dragon Pearl, so he had to choose to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Pearl this time. However, as the emperor, he could not go there in person, so he had no choice but to Let his master Shi Zhixuan take action!

He wanted to let his master go and seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead. Using the power of the Nine-Star Dzi Bead, he pushed his cheap master to the land of immortals, making him a great helper to him.

He also dispatched some troops from the Great Sui Dynasty to coordinate with his cheap masters to carry out operations, and the same was true for other contacts.

Zhongzhou, that one when the time comes!

The Song Dynasty is now caught in internal and external troubles. , the internal worry was that many forces were rebelling, whether it was Fang La or others. At this time, the rebellion was in full swing, making the Song Dynasty exhausted.

The Song Dynasty wanted to snatch the Dark Dragon Ball and use the power of the Dark Dragon Ball to give itself the power to turn the tide, but it failed in the end.

In this case, after the Nine-Star Dzi Bead appeared, everyone in the Song Dynasty immediately made up their mind to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead to quell the turmoil no matter what!

At this time, Murong Fu, who wanted to do evil for 3.8 in the Song Dynasty and provoke a war, relied on the power of the war to restore the country. After learning the news, Murong Fu cursed. He was the first to curse. In addition to Xia Jie, a blood demon, he also scolded Li Shimin, thinking that this family failed to succeed and failed to expose, and made such a major secret known to everyone in the five domains.

\"Damn... these trash, no matter what, I will take action!\"

At this time, Murong Fu took his close men and horses, together with some of his allies, and headed towards Tianzhu in a mighty manner.

Within the Song Dynasty, Beidou and some other forces in the world were sent out to seize the Nine-Star Dzi Bead.

Several other small countries that were not able to deal with the Song Dynasty also seized the opportunity and waited for the opportunity!

Zhongzhou, Daming!

On the contrary, the martial arts community in the Ming Dynasty was very positive about this.

On the contrary, among the Ming court, the interest in this matter was not very great!

Mainly because within the Ming Dynasty, what they want to deal with now is the Sun and Moon God Sect!

The Dongfang Bubai of the Sun Moon God Sect, because it eliminated the threat of the Dragon Ball to itself, and after the erosion, its strength has reached a higher level!

So much so that the Ming Dynasty is now facing the threat from the Sun and Moon God Sect!

This did not allow the Ming Emperor to send many troops. He only asked some of the Dragon Guard clan to send some troops!

In this Ming Dynasty martial arts world, because they were suppressed by the Sun and Moon God Sect, they seized the opportunity and wanted to use the Nine-Star Dragon Ball to turn the tide and make a comeback!

Therefore, the martial arts world of Ming Dynasty is full of excitement!.

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