240 The process of surgery cannot be seen by outsiders


Bai Wuxian walked to the backyard and said:

“The rest of you can play mahjong in the gazebo for the time being.

But in any case, you can’t go to the backyard.

Otherwise it will disturb my treatment process. ”

Mercy Star followed closely with Bai Wuxuan, and followed suit.

I was a little apprehensive in my heart, not looking back at Yueyue.

Yueyue waved her hand at Mercy Star to signal her reassurance.

Waiting to see Bai Wuxing and Mercy Star both enter the backyard,

You can’t see the back behind.

Then he turned to look at everyone:

“Everyone can rest assured to wait here.”

After speaking, Qianyue stood up and jumped gently,

The body is light and flowing.

Like a fairy under the moon, he stood by the arched gate in the backyard.

Hold your hands to your chest and close your eyes.

Took on the role of janitor.


Mercy Star looked at the vast backyard,

The rockeries are rugged, the lake is sparkling, and from time to time there are fish spitting bubbles.

The pavilions, the corridors are back, very gorgeous.

Can’t help but marvel:

“Young Master Bai, your family is so big.

But where are you taking me?”

Bai Wuxian said indifferently:

“I’ll take you to the yin and yang soup spring.

After helping you with the treatment, you will soak in the Yang Tang Spring.

Can help you recover quickly from your injuries. ”

Mercy Star has not soaked in the hot spring in the backyard yet.

There is naturally no concept of the effect of the yin and yang soup spring.

Although he doubted it in his heart, he thought of Yue Yue’s expression.

Mercy Xing’s heart was relieved.

In any case, Sister Yueyue will not lie to herself.

The two walked through several long corridor pavilions.

Finally, we came to a jungle shelter.

It’s not the sound of gurgling water.

There is an entrance to the grove, next to which four large characters are carved in bluestone:

【Yin and Yang Soup】.

Listening to the sound of running water, Pi Xing’s mood suddenly felt inexplicably cheerful.

I couldn’t help but smile and said:

“Young Master Bai, this is really a good place.

I feel like I’m in a much better mood.” ”

Bai Wuxian was infected by the cheerfulness and optimism of Mercy Star, and couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

“Not bad, good mood, which contributes to the success of the operation.”

Mercy Star was stunned, and couldn’t help asking:

“Surgery? What do you mean? ”

Bai Wuxuan took Mercy Star into the grove.

I came to a platform next to the hot spring.

“It’s meant to treat you.”

Bai Wuxuan waved his right hand lightly,

The bluestone slabs made of bluestone are blown clean by internal forces.

Bai Wuxian spoke:

“Tear off the sleeve of your left hand.

And the trouser leg of your left leg, also torn off. ”

Hearing this, Mercy Xing was shocked in his heart, and couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

His eyes were full of guard.

Bai Wuxuan couldn’t help but laugh:

“Are you serious about backing away?

To heal the wounds on your body,

It must be exposed before the surgery can be performed.

If you don’t want to tear it off, you can’t do it. ”

Mercy Xing’s expression changed unpredictably, and he looked at Bai Wuxian seriously.

His face was red, his voice was low, and he said slowly word by word:

“But, I’m a little shy…”

Bai Wuxian was speechless:

“What’s so shy about that.

You see Lin Xian’er and Lin Shiyin are both wearing miniskirts.

I’m just asking you to tear off your trouser legs.

What’s so shy about this.

I won’t do anything to you. ”

Mercy Star shook her head, her big beautiful eyes revealing innocence.

“Mr. Bai, I’m not just my left hand and left leg.

In fact, there are some problems with the entire left side of the body…”

Mercy Star’s voice became lower and lower, to the last word,

If Bai Wuxian were not for the land god fairyland, his hearing would be extremely strong.

I couldn’t hear her last word clearly.

“The entire left side of the body?”

Bai Wuxuan was shocked in his heart.

If it were in a previous life, this would already be hemiplegic.

It’s hard to move in bed,

Mercy Star can endure this pain,

Optimism and cheerfulness were not abandoned.

Still smiling and kind to others.

Moreover, he has cultivated martial arts to the peak realm of a super-first-class master.

I don’t know how many martial artists have surpassed!

Such a mind and will…

Bai Wuxian was instantly in awe.

The tone was cautious:

“I will definitely cure you!

No matter the cost! ”

Pi Xing looked at Bai Wuxuan’s crystal clear eyes.

Firm tone and attitude.

I couldn’t help but feel ashamed of my shyness just now.

Mercy Xing, Mercy Xing, Bai Gongzi is sincerely treating you.

What are you thinking in your head!

Mercy Star took a deep breath,

Turned around and turned his back to Bai Wuxuan.

Slowly withdrew the equipment.


Pi Xing lay on the bluestone slab, his eyes closed.

A black hair like a waterfall of dark clouds, scattered on the green grass.

White as jade, perfect as white porcelain.

Bai Wuxian couldn’t stop marveling in his heart.

The stars are really like stars in the night sky.

Beautiful and brilliant.

It is that there is a visible scar on the left side of the body.

Bend your left hand into a chicken claw.

Then a deep scar continued from the left hand to the waist and then to the left foot.

It looks like an evil horror tattoo.

Bai Wuxuan’s eyes were calm, without the slightest thought of anything else.

Simply use the ability brought by the [Changsang True Sutra].

Carefully analyzing the injuries in the body of Mercy Star.

The bones on the left side of the body were not treated in time.

Now they are all somewhat deformed and deformed.

If it is to be treated, it must be broken again.

And then grow back again!

It seemed that he heard Bai Wuxuan’s sigh.

Mercy Xing’s feet tightened, and he said:

“Bai Gongzi, it’s ugly

The eyes are still tightly closed.

This is the first time that Mercy Star has been sincere with others.

The inner tension and trepidation are completely revealed.

No matter how strong the martial arts are,

When you meet each other sincerely in front of others,

I feel more or less insecure in my heart.

Bai Wuxing’s left hand gently held with both hands.

Soft voice:

“Don’t be nervous, you’re beautiful.

Really, not ugly at all.

Wait a while, and I’ll help you heal completely. ”


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