
A thunderous sound came from the sky, and a bright scorching sun appeared in the sky!

Many people at the scene can't open their eyes!

Immediately afterwards, a destructive aura came, and many people hurriedly dodged with panic!


Just as Zhu Wu and Song Que were fighting recklessly, the evil king Shi Zhixuan used the immortal seal to kill him directly.

If the opponent is only one person, Zhu Wu is confident that he can kill it.

But the two together can't be underestimated!

In the face of the two powerful killer moves, Zhu Wu pushed the two body protection skills to the extreme!

While trying to resist the attack, take advantage of the opportunity to kill the opponent thoroughly.


There was an explosion.

Shi Zhixuan used the immortality seal method to knock Zhu Wu out with one palm.

Fortunately, there is magic to protect the body, except for the uncomfortable feeling of surging qi and blood, it is not a big problem!


Tiandao Song Que seized the opportunity and flew towards him with a loud roar.

Waving the divine sword in his hand, he slashed into the air, and Zhu Wu was about to be killed!

At the critical moment, Zhu Wu summoned Zhang Huaiyi without hesitation!


A crisp voice sounded,

Zhang Huaiyi, who suddenly appeared, put one hand behind him, stretched out his finger and flicked Song Que's divine sword, instantly dispelling his killer move.

This scene, once again made many people open their mouths, their eyes full of unbelievable looks.

Chapter [-] Dragon Tiger Zhang Huaiyi!Thunder Broken Sword!

The knife that found him sure to kill was easily picked up by a stranger.

Tiandao Song Que's heart tightened, and his face was full of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, a peerless powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man suddenly appeared and directly saved Zhu Wu!

Let him escape and resolve the crisis calmly.

Such a strange scene made both Song Que and Shi Zhixuan feel unreal.

As if in a dream!

If it weren't for the battle between the peaks of heaven and man, the two might not believe it when they were killed.


Zhu Wu dodged and stood three feet away.

Calmly dodging the mortal blow of the Heavenly Sword Song Que!The appearance of Zhang Huaiyi indicates that Zhu Wu's temptation has ended, and he decided to kill the two!

"Who are you? You actually hide your head and show your tail and hide yourself, and even attack the sect master!"

Feeling that the newly appeared mysterious middle-aged man is a peerless powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man, Tiandao Song Que asked with a gloomy face.

And immediately opened the distance with Zhang Huaiyi, afraid of his sneak attack!

After all, the two of them can't afford to be injured anymore, and they are already at the end of the fight.

There is absolutely no chance of winning against the last emerging powerhouse of Heaven and Human Realm, it would be good to be able to save his life!

"If you want to get the Wuji elixir, then go to the sky and ask Yan Kuangren for it!"

"If not, leave quickly, or don't blame us for being rude."

The Evil King Shi Zhixuan was equally shocked.

A dodge hurriedly distanced himself from Zhang Huaiyi, his expression gloomy and threatening.

Signal Zhang Huaiyi to leave quickly, otherwise there will be serious consequences!

He really couldn't figure it out, why suddenly a strong person in the realm of heaven and man appeared?What's even more terrifying is that they have been hiding next to them, but the two of them don't know about it!

After the threat, Shi Zhixuan kept looking at Zhang Huaiyi, his eyes getting colder and colder!

Faced with such a threat, Zhang Huaiyi seemed to have never heard of it, and his expression also looked murderous.

"Humph! Dare to take action against our venerable lord, you're not too timid!"

Facing the threat of the two, Zhang Huaiyi stood still like a mountain.

Seeing the appearance of Song Que and Shi Zhixuan, he responded with a cold snort.

He is absolutely loyal to Zhu Wu!

Even in the face of the land gods, he will never take a step back, even if his life disappears!

"Your Highness~々!"

"Honor-Honored Lord?"

When Song Que and Shi Zhixuan were constantly looking at Zhang Huaiyi,

Suddenly, he was stunned by the word 'honored lord' in his mouth.

Unexpectedly, his face was stunned, and his heart was shaking!

Unexpectedly, Zhu Wu actually had a strong man in the middle stage of Heaven and Human Realm beside him, secretly guarding him.

Normally, the two of them would definitely be disdainful.

But now that they were injured, the situation was completely different, and Zhu Wu's strength increased instantly.

Wanting to kill him is naturally more difficult.

What made the two especially puzzled was, who are the 'we' the master said?

Could it be Hulong Villa?

"Are you the hidden master of Hulong Villa?"

With doubts, Shi Zhixuan hurriedly asked.

If the owner of Hulong Villa and Zhu Ignore also come here, then the two of them will definitely die.

Not to mention getting the Promise Elixir, even if you want to escape smoothly, it is already a dream!

"The dignified and powerful person in the middle stage of Heaven and Human Realm actually lowered his posture to protect the weak chicken Zhu Wu, which is a disgrace to the majesty of the powerful person in the Heaven and Human Realm!"

It was found that the mysterious master did not answer the question of the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

Tiandao Song Que said coldly and sneered aside.

Want to use the alienation plan to make Zhu Wu lose his backing.

In this way, this boy can be easily killed!

"You actually want me to betray your lord? This Celestial Master will destroy you now!"

Zhang Huaiyi is absolutely loyal to Zhu Wu!

Seeing that the other party was provoking discord, he immediately shouted and killed Song Que, the Heavenly Sword, and Shi Zhixuan, the Evil King!


A loud bang.

As soon as Zhang Huaiyi made his move, a beating silver light appeared.

With the astonishing momentum of the sound of lightning and thunder, it shot towards the two of them.

In the blink of an eye, they are in front of the two!


Seeing the silver fox attack, Song Que and Shi Zhixuan slapped at the same time and attacked the silver light.

These two veterans of heaven and man thought that what Zhang Huaiyi released was a hidden weapon.

Hurry to resist as soon as possible.


The thunder in Zhang Huaiyi's palm instantly collided with the shadow of the palm of the two.

Instantly disintegrates the opponent's attack without saying anything.

The powerful air waves caused by the violent infuriating qi made the two of them fly upside down, extremely embarrassed!

After that, he stood still and looked at Zhang Huaiyi with incredible eyes, his face full of fear!

"What kind of martial arts is this so powerful? Why is it unknown in the arena?"

Tiandao Song Que had a gloomy face, and asked loudly from a distance,

I am very curious about Zhang Huaiyi's identity and want to know who he is.

Such a sharp attack method, looking at the world's martial arts, it is impossible to be unknown!

"Is your Excellency a master from outside the domain? Why can you use the power of lightning?"

Shi Zhixuan's face was extremely gloomy!

I thought that if I tried my best, I might still have a chance.

But seeing the opponent's extremely fast attack method, his heart was horrified, and a huge wave had already been set off!

"You will naturally know when you arrive at the Underworld!"

"'" Boom! "

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