"I just remembered now, that Huangkou child seems to be the wild seed of a palace maid, what is Zhu Wu called?"

"If I dare to call the Governor General a eunuch, I must slash him with a thousand swords and slash his soul."

"To vent the hatred in my heart!"

Hearing his subordinate's proposal, Liu Xi's gloomy face was full of ferocity.

Recalling that he had just been frightened by a yellow-haired boy and fled in a panic, he was so angry that his lungs exploded!

I have never been so useless in my life, so I decided to find an opportunity to take revenge.

The secret agents who assassinated several Hulong Villas vented their anger, and then looked for an opportunity to chop Zhu Wu into meat sauce.


However, at this moment, a strange voice came.

Instantly interrupted his wishful thinking.

In an instant, all the Dongchang thugs stopped in place, wondering what the strange sound was.

This is a small forest.

It doesn't look dangerous, but with the heart-pounding "humming" sound, it always gives people a very depressed and creepy feeling!

"The East Factory is doing business, and the idle people and other people should avoid it immediately!"

The buzzing has not stopped.

If you listen carefully, you can accurately tell that this is the sound of the sword.

However, there was no response to this warning.

The team was just about to continue marching with a vigilant look on their faces, but it was unexpectedly sudden!

I saw a strange swordsman appearing on the left side of the team.

Holding a long sword at an extremely fast speed, the team where Dongchang was galloped.

The buzzing sound of the sword that I just heard was the sound of the long sword cutting through the air.

It can be seen how fast the mysterious swordsman flying in the sky is.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!~"

It was too late to see the appearance of the mysterious swordsman.

In an instant, more than a dozen vicious Dongchang thugs turned into ghosts under the sword in the blink of an eye and died on the spot!

After the Chaos God appeared, he killed a dozen people instantly in just one face-to-face.

Scared the thugs at the scene to the point where the scalp numbs and the heart skips a beat! .

Chapter [*] The power of chaos gods!A sword and owl head Liu Xi!

As a top killer, Chaos God is extremely fast!

Fly out from behind the big tree, swing the sword and kill!

It was too late for a group of Dongchang thugs to see what he looked like.

When the sword light flickered, he directly became a ghost under the sword and lost his life!

Easily beheaded more than a dozen scumbags, and the chaos was unabated.

Flying very fast into the woods on the other side, intending to do the same and do it again.

Not at all worried about these people escaping.

As soon as Chaos God makes his move, killing thieves is like killing dogs!

No one can escape his life in his hands!

"Hurry up and protect Eunuch Liu, you guys are chasing down the chaotic ministers and thieves."

Feel the terrifying power of the mysterious swordsman.

The dogleg who made the suggestion to assassinate the spy of Hulong Villa was instantly frightened.

The face is green!

He hurriedly ran to Liu Xi's side, and while commanding the thugs to protect Liu Xi, let people enter the woods to chase the assassins!

"Ah! This..."

When I heard that I and others were chasing the mysterious killer, several Dongchang thugs were scared and didn't dare to act!

The shocking picture of the opponent killing more than ten people with one sword is still lingering in the minds of several people.

Become their unforgettable dream!

Now let yourself and others chase and kill God?

Isn't this a death sentence?

It's useless to go to many people, fleeing in a hurry is the right way!

"Now is your chance to make meritorious deeds! As long as Eunuch Liu is safe and sound, even if you die, your wife, children, and children will be rewarded handsomely."

It was found that the commander did not move a few men.

Liu Xi's confidant, the dog-legged son, hurriedly started making cake promises!

I plan to use a lot of money to buy people's hearts and let them die!

If they really escaped the catastrophe, these people will not be rewarded, but they will all be wiped out.

How dare you risk your life to protect Eunuch Liu, you should all be damned!


Several Dongchang thugs believed it to be true and rushed into the woods on horseback.



The continuous screams came, and several stupid Dongchang doglegs lost their lives in an instant.

Taking this opportunity, the other Dongchang thugs surrounded Liu Xi.

Want to rely on the advantage of numbers to completely eliminate the mysterious assassin.

This time, the East Factory dispatched hundreds of thugs, which can be described as numerous.


Another sword cry sounded, and all the Dongchang thugs looked vigilant.

Many people feel their scalp tingling and trembling.

I don't know how many people will become the souls of the opponent's sword this time!

"Puff puff puff ~"

A series of puffs sounded.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of heads flew high, and then rolled to the ground everywhere.

After some people's heads landed, they were directly trampled by horses beyond recognition!

Wait for dozens of heads to land almost at the same time.




Headless corpses continued to fall from the horse's back to the ground.

The sound of "bang bang bang" can be heard incessantly.

In between breaths, dozens of people were collectively finished.

The corpse was separated into a cold corpse.

However this is not over.

After a while, the original Dongchang team of more than [*] thugs now only has the big eunuch Liu Xi, who can breathe temporarily!

However, at this time, Liu Xi was short of breath and his eyes were splitting!

I was stunned by the method of thunderbolt killing by Chaos God!

Riding a horse and looking at the corpses everywhere.

Liu Xi fell into an ice cave and felt cold all over.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, hoping to escape!

"I beg the hero to let the minions go, as long as you spare the next dog's life."

"Whether it's gold or silver, or beautiful jade, all slaves will be satisfied."

"I, Liu Xi, swear that I will never break my promise!"

Find yourself doomed.

Eunuch Liu Xi, who was angry and murderous before, knelt down instantly!

Kneeling in front of the god of chaos, he kept kowtowing and promised, not only treating himself as a dog, but also expressing that he could provide massive gold and silver treasures.

As long as the other party spares his life!

However, he had no idea what kind of person the super killer in front of him was.

In the face of Liu Xi's plea, Chaos God is like an emotionless killing machine.

Unmoved at all, he walked towards Liu Xi step by step.

As long as he takes his life, the mission is successfully completed!

Finding that the pleas were useless, Liu Xi, in despair, could only grit his teeth and threaten.

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