A red glow appeared on Zhao Min's face. Zhu Wu was the man she liked, but now her great national protector wants his life.

"This dagger contains the avenues of heaven and earth. Even Zhu Wu may not be able to carry it. As long as you find the right opportunity and sneak attack from behind, you can kill Zhu Wu." King Wuyun thought carefully and saw what was in front of him at a glance. Zhao Min and Zhu Wu have an unusual relationship.

"Can this chaotic martial arts still be robbed by others?" Zhao Min was a little anxious, and hurriedly asked.

"Otherwise, why would the powerhouses in this world gather together outside the Imperial Palace of the Great Ming Dynasty at this time?" King Wuyun said lightly.

Zhao Min was shocked. In addition to King Wuyun, there are other masters in the Imperial Palace of the Ming Dynasty.

"Little girl, I'm not alone here. You don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this place."

"The average man is innocent of guilt. He is a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old. He forcibly broke through the peak of the realm of heaven and man, entered the realm of the gods on the land, and also sat in the Ming Dynasty."

"This is his sin." King Wuyun said while observing Zhao Min carefully.

The look on Zhao Min's face, this kind of girl's mind was seen through by King Wuyun at a glance.

"Could it be that you fell in love with this Zhu Wu?" King Wuyun asked back, catching Zhao Min in front of him by surprise.

"No, Zhao Min doesn't dare." Zhao Min quickly excused herself, for fear that her little mind would be broken by the Dark Cloud King in front of her.

"You'd better be able to tell clearly, there are thousands of men in the world, even if a Zhu Wu dies, you can find a better man, but if you can comprehend the chaotic martial arts, it is possible to enter the land of gods and gods. Realm." King Wuyun's tone was cold.

Now Zhu Wu is already at the end of his streak, even if he has great magical powers, it is impossible for him to withstand so many half-step land gods.

What's more, these people are here to take his life, and it is impossible to leave him a little bit of life.

"My Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty have been standing on the grasslands for hundreds of years, and in this Central Plains, there are thousands of dynasties. If my Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty can create another half-step land fairy, then This world will belong to me, the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty."

"Since ancient times, the righteousness of the family and the country and the love of the sons and daughters have naturally been in conflict. I don't think you are so stupid." King Wuyun warned Zhao Min in front of him.

"I have one more thing to ask."

"But it doesn't matter."

"If Zhu Wu is deprived of the noble and righteous martial arts, what will happen to Zhu Wu? Will he die?" Zhao Min's words were filled with unease. Although he already knew the answer in his heart, he still wanted to ask the King Wuyun to confirm.

King Wuyun's face was as cold as ice.

"It will die. If you get the Haoran Righteousness Martial Dao on him, there are only two ways. The first is to kill him. Before this Aorious Righteousness Martial Art has returned to heaven and earth, forcibly lock the Haoran Righteousness Martial Art into your own body. ."

"Another way is to force Haoran's righteous martial arts out of his body by himself, but the whole person will be turned into a crippled person. He will fall from the realm of a half-step land fairy until he becomes an ordinary person." King Wuyun and Zhao Min explained.

"The first method is death, and the second method is that life is better than death. In the martial arts, there are naturally disputes, and whoever has not a few enemies, even if we leave his life, if we let our enemies Knowing that his realm has fallen to an ordinary person, then what awaits him will be the extermination of the family." King Wuyun's words were cold, and he told Zhao Min the fact of Lingling.

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"Isn't there a way to make a compromise?" Zhao Min felt a pain in his heart. He couldn't imagine how tragic it would be for Zhu Wu to become a commoner. I'm afraid even Zhu Wu himself couldn't accept it.

"Enough, remember not to delay the unification plan because of the love of your children. There are still thousands of people in the Mengyuan Dynasty waiting for you to save them. You can really give up this great miracle for the love of your children. Fate." King Wuyun warned.

Zhao Min could only agree.

In the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty, Qionglou Yuyu and Zhu Wu were meditating in a remote palace, which was too conspicuous in the palace, and it was worth hiding in a remote palace.

0 .............  

The medicinal power of the Wuji elixir was raging in his body, and this was also the last Wuji elixir. After absorbing this Wuji elixir, the external medicinal power would have no other use to him.

And what can really support him to step into the land fairy is only his own understanding of the relationship between heaven and earth, but this time Zhu Ignore did not bring the land fairy hidden in the Ming Dynasty.

After all, a strong man who can reach that step, if he can get his help, he will be able to take less detours.

Then Zhu Wu opened his own system again. 【Sign-in system】

Host: Zhu Wu

Cultivation: Half-step land fairy (peerless powerhouse)

Martial arts: Xiaoyao Shengong (Northern Ming Shengong, Xiaowuxianggong, Lingbo Weibu, Tianshan Liuyang Palm, Tianshan Folding Plum Hand), King Kong Indestructible Shengong, Holy Fire Order Shengong, Taixuan Jing, Qigong Dafa and Xingxing Dafa, Qiankun is moved, and the fingers are twisted.

System space:

Tiger and Leopard Riding【5000】

Golden Fire Cavalry【5000】

Snow Dragon Rider【10000】

Luowang Liujian Slave [mid-stage celestial realm], Yan Lingji [late stage of celestial realm], and Dragon Tiger Celestial Master Zhang Huaiyi [mid-stage of heaven and human realm].

Now I am not afraid of those people.

With [*] Great Snow Dragon Riders, he can also draw a tie with these martial arts masters outside, but his last trump card is gone, and now his trump card is one less beggar.

Chapter [*] The world is for me, I am for the world

The sky was clear, and after Zhu Wu had counted these arms in his body, all the generals from the Ming Sect gathered in the palace of the Ming Dynasty, waiting for Zhu Wu's next order.

The Jiang brothers also led the people of the Power Gang, all surrounded by Zhu Wu. The current Ming Dynasty is in jeopardy.

The six sword slaves of Luowang are also ready to go, and only need Zhu Wu's order, they can go out to fight outside the palace.

"Young master, the mistress is still in the palace and wants to fight with you." Yan Lingji reported from the side.

Zhu Wu's heart trembled, Wang Yuyan had gone crazy today, and she actually wanted to fight with her.

"Persuade her to go back well. Now this place is not for women to come." A warm current flowed in Zhu Wu's heart, and Wang Yuyan naturally remembered "Zero Jiu San".

But in this dangerous jungle, her arrival will make him timid, and he has to be distracted to protect her. It is better to let him stay in the palace, and he can deal with these fierce tigers and poisonous snakes outside.

"This is God's plan to destroy the Ming Dynasty." Zhu ignored the side and sighed quietly. Although he could not see the masters hidden in the capital, he could feel the powerful breath and kept scanning the palace of the Ming Dynasty. .

Those powerful breaths greedily wrapped around Zhu Wu's body, and now Zhu Wu is like a piece of drooling fat, which can be eaten by one person.

"My Mingwu Dynasty is naturally prosperous, how can someone like him be easily captured." Zhu Wu stood in front of everyone, and all his hopes were pinned on Zhu Wu.

outside the capital.

Martial arts masters came one after another, and countless pairs of eyes were all staring at this small capital. At this time, the one standing in front was Meng Yuan's great protector of the country, the Great King Wuyun.

"Why didn't King Wuyun force Zhu Wu to come out to fight?"

"It looks like what are you waiting for?"

"Is it waiting for other powerful helpers?"

Everyone was surprised, but they couldn't guess what King Wuyun was thinking. At this time, I am afraid that only Zhu Wu could understand what King Wuyun was thinking.

Because since he stepped into the half-step land fairy, the aura in his body has been constantly loosening, and there is a vague tendency to return to the avenue of heaven and earth.

Several times Zhu Wu wanted to control the martial arts in his body, and there was a risk of losing control of his martial arts.

I am afraid that King Wuyun is also waiting for the martial arts in his body to be controlled, and then he will learn the fruits of his own cultivation.

What a vicious thought.

"If that's the case, then let you share this martial art of mine." Suddenly, golden light flashed on Zhu Wu's body, and streaks of golden light appeared in front of Zhu Wu. All of them were engraved with flowers, birds, fish and insects, all of which came from Zhu Wu's martial art.

King Wuyun outside the capital was puzzled, but he still didn't dare to act rashly. He didn't know the level of Zhu Wu in front of him. Although he was an old monster for thousands of years, if he couldn't beat such a fledgling young man, it would be a letdown. The world ridiculed.

"Second Elder Xuanming, you go up and take the lead, be sure to test Zhu Wu's level for me." King Wuyun did not shy away from it, and directly drove Second Elder Xuanming to lead himself.

Luzhangke and Hebiweng looked at each other, and Xiao Jiujiu in his heart naturally began to figure out that this immortal thing actually allowed them to go up to fight Zhu Wu at the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm.

Doesn't this make them go to death!

Zhao Min also nodded to the side, indicating that everything present was under the command of King Wuyun.

The martial arts on Zhu Wu's body surrounded Zhu Wu, and finally submerged into the bodies of the group of people around him, and Zhang Huaiyi from Longhu Mountain was the first to bear the brunt.

I saw Longhushan Zhang Huaiyi's whole body was red, and a painful expression emerged on Zhang Huaiyi's face, as strong as Zhang Huaiyi, he couldn't stand the infusion of this world's martial arts.

"What's going on?" the Jiang brothers asked in confusion.

Zhu Ignore's expression was a little dignified. He was well-informed, and he immediately understood that Zhu Ignore passed the martial arts inheritance in his body to the individuals present, in order to help them improve their realm.

Yan Lingji was also entangled by the golden runes, and then the infuriating qi burned like flames, and the economy continued to rise.

After seeing this golden rune, Yan Kuangren, the leader of the Power Gang, was ecstatic in his heart. This is the martial art that he has been pursuing. He has been pursuing it for many years, but he has not been able to gain this understanding between heaven and earth.  … ...

But now that the perception of the world is in front of him, Yan Kuangren quickly closed his eyes and meditated on the spot, trying to absorb all the golden runes around him.

A powerful force erupted from Zhu Wu's side. This powerful force surrounds Zhu Wu and is constantly helping Zhu Wu to improve.

Yan Kuangren is half a step away from the realm of the gods on land, and now he has gone one step further.

Yan Kuang, Zhang Huaiyi, Yan Lingji and others all had painful expressions on their faces. After all, this was not their own martial arts, but Zhu Wu’s.

Forcibly instilling other people's world and martial arts into oneself, one's own body will inevitably have a rejection reaction. Martial arts can be said to be a state of mind. If you can't accept this state of mind, then welcoming yourself will eventually be a backlash.

Yan Kuangren's body burst into blue veins, blood-like red appeared on his skin, and the whole body seemed to be pierced by millions of needles at the same time. getting closer.

In a trance, it seems that he is too imaginary, and his heart is already overjoyed.

"Is this the legendary martial arts!" This powerful force made Yan Kuangren extremely happy. This is no longer a mere increase in strength, but a martial arts perception between heaven and earth.

With the last input of true qi, Yan Kuang, Yan Lingji and Zhang Huaiyi instantly burst into terrifying coercion.

"This kind of breath, now I am half-step land god fairyland pinnacle!" Yan Kuangren squeezed his fingers, and between his gestures, he seemed to be able to evolve the road of heaven and earth by chasing the stars and the moon.

"Be careful, if you can't refine this kind of true qi, and you can't convert the perception between heaven and earth into your own use, then this kind of true qi will soon betray you." Zhu Wu's voice was obviously weak.

Yan Lingji quickly stepped forward to support Zhu Wu, instilling all the zhenqi in her body into Zhu Wu's body, and using her own zhenqi to resolve the lack of zhenqi in Zhu Wu's body.

Chapter [*] Immersion in the Martial Arts of Heaven and Earth

But Yan Kuangren is still immersed in the martial arts of that day. From the martial arts, he can see flowers, birds, fish and insects, mountains and rivers, and a pattern seems to flow in his body.

His body has evolved into a world of heaven and earth, which is a land of gods and gods that he has never come into contact with.

Hebiweng and Luzhangke stood outside the palace of the Ming Dynasty at the same time, Zhu Wu quietly stared at the two of them, and these two were also at the peak of the realm of heaven and man.

"Zhu Wu, you chaotic thief trying to usurp the throne, today I will clear the door for the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty." Luzhangke and Hebiweng came up and stood on the moral high ground, scolding Zhu Wu by name. .

Zhu Wu sneered, if the ancestors of the Ming Wu Dynasty saw their unfilial descendants, in order to consolidate their throne, they would rather bow their heads like a eunuch.

I wonder if he would get up from the cemetery in anger and beat his unfilial descendant with a bamboo whip.

"In the affairs of our Ming and Wu Dynasty, it is not up to you, an ant who has lived in the grasslands for a long time, to give guidance, and a barbarian who puts horses on the grassland can also point to me, the orthodox Ming and Wu Dynasty." Zhu Wu said 08 Words are not polite.

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