Wan Guqin laughed, his body was vertical, and he went straight to Zhu Wu and rushed over. Wan Guqin's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Zhu Wu's front, and the long sword in Wan Guqin's hand slammed out.

With a sword thrust out, Wan Guqin seemed to have transformed into a devil, opened his bloody mouth to bite Zhu Wu, grabbed Zhu Wu in one bite, and swallowed it hard.

A burst of screams rang out from Zhu Wu's mouth. The sword stabbed Zhu Wu's "[-]" shoulder, and blood splashed out immediately, dyeing Zhu Wu's clothes red.

But Zhu Wu still didn't make the slightest begging for mercy, with a decisive look on his face.

"Wan Guqin, today is either your death or my death! If you want to eat my flesh and drink my blood, then come!"

Zhu Wu looked at the huge gap on his shoulder without a trace of fear on his face.

Looking at Zhu Wu, Wan Guqin also snorted coldly: "As expected of my apprentice, you do have backbone. Since you are not afraid of death, then you can't blame me, you die for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wan Guqin's body suddenly took a step back, and then, a black light suddenly erupted from Wan Guqin's body.

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless black long swords suddenly appear around him, and one after another black long swords appeared densely around him. These long swords were densely arranged in a huge formation.

Under the control of Wanguqin, these black long swords all swept towards Zhu Wu, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth like a violent storm.

Seeing the sword beams of Wan Guqin swept towards him, Zhu Wu also sneered. Then, countless flames erupted from the surface of his body. As soon as these flames emerged, they formed a barrier, blocking the sky. Jianmang.

The sword glow in the sky and the flames in the sky collided, making a dull sound.

Huge explosions sounded, and terrifying energy spread to the surrounding, and the surrounding buildings collapsed one after another.

"What a terrifying explosion, fortunately I hid just now!"

The head of the Qinglong Club's January Hall felt the terrifying momentum generated by the explosion, with a dignified expression on his face, and muttered, he didn't expect Wanguqin's attack to be so powerful.  …

"Wang Guqin's attack is indeed terrifying. His attack power is terrifying. I almost couldn't resist it just now."

Long Aotian glanced at the direction of the explosion, and his eyes were full of shock.

He didn't expect that Wan Guqin would be able to break out such a powerful attack. Fortunately, he left in time just now, and he must have been killed by Wan Guqin now.

Thinking of this, Long Aotian couldn't help but feel fortunate, if Wan Guqin's attack were stronger, he would be in danger just now.

"It's no wonder that he can have such a terrifying attack. This guy's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. I must find a way to kill this guy as soon as possible, and let him grow up will be an extremely troublesome thing for us Wanjian Pavilion."

Long Aotian's eyes looked at Wan Guqin, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and he thought secretly in his heart.

"Both of you are good. Your combat effectiveness is indeed terrible. It's not that you have a false reputation. Your potential is indeed amazing. It's a pity that you shouldn't offend me. You are my enemies of Wanjiange.".

Chapter [-] You are too arrogant

Wan Guqin glanced at Long Aotian lightly, with a hint of ridicule on his face, and said lightly, his tone was full of arrogance.

Long Aotian looked at Wan Guqin with cold eyes: "You are too arrogant! Do you think you can kill me if you can run wild here?"

"Why, do you think you can kill me? You are not my opponent! The only person who can kill me in our Wanjian Pavilion is me, Wan Guqin."

Wan Guqin looked at Long Aotian and said with a sneer.

Hearing Wan Guqin's words, Long Aotian said coldly, "I want to see if you, the legend of 08 Swords Pavilion, have such a foundation.

collar! "

After Long Aotian finished speaking, the bronze halberd in his hand waved fiercely, and a green light burst out from the halberd in his hand.

Instantly transformed into a huge cyan long knife, this huge cyan long knife exudes cyan brilliance, and there are strands of green light flowing on the blade, obviously this blue light contains extremely powerful energy.

Seeing Long Aotian's move, Wan Guqin's face also became solemn, looking at the huge cyan long knife in Long Aotian's hand.

He knew that his attack was not easy to deal with, so he carefully controlled Wanjian and charged towards the huge cyan long sword.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One after another muffled sound spread in the void, and then, the Wan Gu sword in Wan Guqin's hand made a crisp sound.

Immediately, Wan Guqin was knocked out by this knife, and fell to the ground and spat out several mouthfuls of blood.

The power of this knife is really not trivial. Although this knife is just an afterimage of Long Aotian using the bronze halberd, it can defeat Wan Guqin. It can be seen that Long Aotian's strength has reached something. such a boundary.

Wan Guqin was knocked out, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, looking at Long Aotian who was standing not far away, a look of fear and worry flashed in his eyes.

The confrontation just now made Wan Guqin feel the horror of Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's strength is indeed much stronger than Wan Guqin imagined. He didn't expect that Wan Guqin couldn't even take a face-to-face.

Wan Guqin looked at Long Aotian's eyes, and a trace of unwillingness and jealousy flashed on his face. At this time, he really wanted to go up and kill Long Aotian.

It's just that his body couldn't bear the force of the shock just now, his body swayed, his footsteps couldn't help but step back, and he almost fell to the ground.

Seeing Wan Guqin's retreat, a mocking smile appeared on Long Aotian's face: "It seems that your combat effectiveness is only like that! It's so vulnerable."

Long Aotian's words were full of mockery, and Zhu Wu suddenly laughed while standing aside.

After hearing this, all the courtiers present were terrified. For many years, the 280 soldiers of the northern barbarians were more than ten times stronger than ours.

Besides, I have already heard that some soldiers are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of death, and their riding skills are extremely high. Not only that, they are also good at using arrows and have superb archery skills. Once they seize the opportunity, they are even ordinary. The infantrymen are afraid that they will not escape.

Now, we are facing this situation.

If the barbarian tribe really sends troops, it will not only be us, but the entire northern country will face such a situation.

"Prince, you must think twice about this matter, we are not opponents of the other party at all, we still need to raise our troops.".

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Seventh

"Ah, yes, over the years, we have also thought of a lot of ways, but the frontier cities have long been in jeopardy, and it is even more difficult to protect ourselves now..."

"Otherwise we are like a reconciliation letter on the ground in the north. At this time, we are willing to cede the two cities to apologize. The second princess is still young and does not know the seriousness of the matter."

In the room, a needle drop could be heard suddenly, and everyone present glanced at each other and held their breath. This was a charge that could make him go to the head.

I never imagined that the Grand Lieutenant would be so courageous. Now, just because the second princess did one wrong thing, let us put away two cities.

Chen Xingtian, who was standing beside him, had an extremely ugly expression, and glared at him fiercely.

As soon as the words fell, Taiwei Zhou realized that he had said the wrong thing, which was clearly demeaning me.

He hurriedly knelt down on the ground and kept begging for mercy, "My minister, I know it's wrong, but the eagle is indeed the totem of the barbarian tribe, and it is their most honorable belief. Your Majesty, you must think twice before doing it~々."

Zhu Wu's eyes dimmed when he heard this.

Why doesn't he know about this?

In the current situation, even if we don't make troops, the barbarians in the north will attack for this reason.

Zhu Wu's face gradually sank, very ugly, and he slapped the table fiercely and said, "Since it is for the people of our great country, I never imagined that you are greedy for life and fear of death, what qualifications do you have to stay? "

After hearing Zhu Wu's words, Taiwei Zhou hurriedly kowtowed a few times and said, "Wei Chen is wrong, I beg the emperor to give Wei Chen a chance to reform himself!"


Zhu Wu shouted and scolded angrily.

After hearing this, Taiwei Zhou quickly backed out and waited for the emperor's order outside, but he was secretly complaining in his heart. If he really let himself die this time, what would he do?

But now there is no other choice.

Zhu Wu turned to look at everyone present and said, "Aiqings, I know that you are very worried about this. Do you have any good ideas?"

The courtiers in the hall glanced at each other after hearing this, but did not speak. After all, everyone knew the importance of the eagle to the North.

At this time, the prime minister Zhang Liheng, who was standing on the left side of Zhu Wu, said, "Prince, Wei Chen thinks that there is a way to delay the army!"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up and hoped that the Prime Minister's method would work, but they all forgot one point, the barbarian tribe is not easy to mess with, their bravery is famous in the North.

"'" The prime minister quickly said, is there any better way? "Zhu Wu hurriedly asked.

"Your Majesty, although we are strong and strong, our people are ordinary people, and we have seen the bravery of the barbarians with our own eyes."

"It is impossible for us to defeat them, but we can take another approach, which is to send our elite troops, instead of entering the barbarian tribe at the same time, to fight those barbarians (with money)."

"In this case, we will have a certainty of victory. We can use these elite troops to consume the strength of the barbarians. In this case, the number of soldiers will be drastically reduced, and we will take this opportunity to plunder the barbarians' food and Property is enough."

After the prime minister said this, the audience fell silent. This method is simply wonderful. If this can eliminate the barbarians, it will be a good thing for us, but it is very risky to do so.

Chapter [-] Immediately send someone to surrender to Mingjiao

After Zhu Wu heard the Prime Minister's words, he also fell into deep thought.

After a while, Zhu Wu raised his head and said, "I agree with the Prime Minister's suggestion to send troops to the barbarian tribe and fight them decisively."

"However, the strength of the barbarians is very strong now, and the army we sent in the past may not be enough." An official reminded.

"Yeah, our army is too weak." Another official continued.

"This time, I am going to dispatch a thousand cavalry to the barbarian tribe to reinforce the army, which can relieve a lot of pressure, and at the same time allow the army to get more replenishment." A Wenchen suggested.

"it is good!"

Zhu Wu waved his hand and decided to say, "Then I decided to send a thousand cavalry to the barbarian tribe to fight with them."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Xingtian, who was standing by the side, was relieved. As the emperor, he also considered that this dispatch of troops was almost impossible, but we can use this dispatch to test the strength of the barbarians. Similarly, we You can also get more horses and food.

In my heart, I already wanted to go south to the Central Plains, but it has been delayed for many years. There are many reasons.

Since there is no way to escape this time, I am fortunate to agree with Zhu Wu's approach.

"Well, since the prince has already made up his mind, he will act immediately. This time, for the sake of safety, he has decided to let General Zhao lead his troops out in person."

After Wang Guqin received the order, he knelt down on one knee and cupped his hands, "I'll send someone to look for it right away. With the strength of the Ming Cult, I will definitely bring it to you within three days."

This is a great opportunity. Yang Xiao is already dead, and the Ming Sect is led by Zhu Wu. If at this time, he can take advantage of the opportunity in front of him to become the right envoy of the Ming Sect, it would be not bad.

The corners of Wan Guqin's mouth lifted slightly, and the careful thought of this was evident in her eyes.

Zhu Wu had seen through his thoughts long ago, but he didn't say anything, and the bat king Wei Yixiao was also eyeing him.

I have known for a long time that Mingjiao's face and heart are not in harmony, and the sand is scattered. Taking this opportunity, I can just rectify it.

Zhu Wu nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, you said three days, just three days, I'll wait for your good news."

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