"No matter what the river is hiding, I have to enter the river first."

Zhu Wu thought to himself, and then jumped into the river.

The river is very deep. After Zhu Wu jumped for a thousand or two kilometers, he still hadn't seen the bottom of the river.

Zhu Wu didn't dare to continue jumping further downstream, he jumped up from the river quickly, and then flew away quickly.

He didn't dare to go any further, he didn't know what was hidden at the bottom of the river, so he didn't dare to go on, lest he fall into a crisis.

His figure quickly disappeared into the night, and after Zhu Wu disappeared, on a big tree in the distance, a black shadow suddenly disappeared, disappeared in the darkness, and then appeared again in the Going to the place where Zhu Wu disappeared, that black shadow is Zhu Wu's shadow clone.

The shadow clone stood on the spot, his eyes flashed with light, his eyes glanced around, and then a sneer was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and then he followed in the direction of Zhu Wu's departure.

In the valley, Zhu Wu's clone ran fast, flew in the direction where Zhu Wu left, and soon came to the place where Zhu Wu left. I saw that he searched nearby and found nothing. any clues.

"No, the environment here is very complicated. If you break in rashly, it's easy to get lost in the valley. This is the old nest of the demon clan, and you can't rush in, otherwise I'll be finished~々."

Zhu Wu's search stopped. After he pondered for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to search for Zhu Wu, and then turned around and flew out of the valley.

Although Zhu Wu's speed is also fast, it is much slower than Zhu Wu's real body. His speed is very fast, and he disappears very quickly.

After Zhu Wu left, in the dense forest in the distance, another figure quickly came out of the forest.

This figure is a man, the man is tall and burly, and his eyes are shining.

He is wearing a blue shirt, and his body is very strong and strong, like cast steel, very strong and powerful, the muscles on his body are bulging, full of explosive power, people can't help but feel the urge to worship .

The swordsman is tall and burly, and the muscles on his body are very strong and powerful, full of explosive power, which makes people unable to bear the urge to worship.

The tall man with the swordsman is none other than Zhu Wu's avatar.

(Good Zhao Zhao)

Zhu Wu's clone came to the place where Zhu Wu left just now. After a careful investigation, he frowned slightly and said solemnly.

"'" He did jump into the river, but he should have jumped into the bottom of the river. The depth of the river is limited, and there is a huge vortex at the bottom of the river. This guy shouldn't be able to escape that vortex, but he But with a pair of feet, he kept wandering on the bottom of the river, not knowing what he was doing. ".

Chapter [-]: The Cheats Hidden in the Inscription

While speaking, the swordsman's eyes fell on the ancient tree model again, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that his luck is good, and he actually got the "Wudang Cheats", this time we made a profit."

The swordsman muttered, his eyes flickering, his eyes fell on "Wudang Secret Books", and a greedy look appeared on his face.

"Hey, we must grab this thing, no matter how much it costs, we must grab it."

His eyes fell on "The Secret Book of Wudang", with a greedy look in his eyes, his lips slightly opened and closed, as if he was saying something, and then he stretched out his right index finger and touched it gently On the "Wudang Cheats".

The next moment, I only heard the sound of clattering, and then I saw this quaint secret book slowly flying up and suspended in the air.

After the recipe was suspended, the recipe suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

At that moment, Zhu Wu's avatar's face became ugly, his pupils shrank slightly, and the expression on his face became very horrified.

"What is this and why is there such a strong threat."

Feeling the strong threat, the complexion of Zhu Wu's clone suddenly changed greatly, he raised his head quickly, and then looked towards the secret book in the sky.

In the splendid light of the secret book, he vaguely saw an illusory scene.

This is a huge stone monument.

On the back of the stele are three large characters.

Looking at the stone tablet suspended in mid-air, Zhu Wu's clone couldn't help but marvel.

Zhu Wu's avatar looked at the stone tablet, his eyes did not blink, and there were ray of light in his eyes. Obviously, he was very interested in this stone tablet.

"Sure enough, this stone tablet has such a powerful power. What is the text on this stone tablet?"

Zhu Wu's clone looked at the stone tablet suspended in mid-air, with a look of shock in his eyes, and muttered to himself.

"No, I have to get this "Wudang Secret Book". Only by getting this "Wudang Secret Book" can I become the king of martial arts, and my strength will definitely be greatly improved."

"And this is a peerless master. He created the martial arts secret book. There must be a lot of good things. As long as I get those good things, my strength can be greatly improved."

Zhu Wu was very excited, his eyes were fixed on the stone tablet, and he thought secretly in his heart.

Immediately, he took out a dagger from his arms and flew towards the stone tablet.

This dagger is pitch-black, the tip of the dagger is inlaid with gems, and exquisite patterns are carved around the gems. As soon as the dagger is taken out, it exudes an unparalleled aura, as if it can split mountains.

Zhu Wu held the dagger in his hand, and then stabbed at "Wudang Cheats".

His speed was very fast, and he came to the stone tablet in a few breaths. The dagger was inserted into the stone tablet fiercely. Suddenly, white rays of light poured out from the tip of the dagger and merged into the stone tablet.

Then, the white light disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Wu's face sank, not only did he not take out the dagger, but instead put it away, staring at the stone tablet with a gloomy expression.

Chapter [-] I was also forced

Zhu Wu looked at it for a long time, his face still not good-looking.

"This stone tablet even blocked my attack."

"It seems that we can only find another way to take out the "Wudang Cheats"."

Zhu Wu looked at the stele and rolled his eyes, then took out an elixir from his pocket and swallowed it directly.

After he swallowed the pill, many people in the martial arts were busy, and even more people were staring at this book of Wudang cheats.

After the Mingyue Divine Sect learned about it, the sect leader led people around to inquire about Zhu Wu's whereabouts, and he must - recapture this secret book.

However, he did not know that Zhu Wu had already brought people to Taiping Town. Liu Zhifu and his master were oppressing the people. Zhu Wu knew that he would come to Liu Tiande's government in the future.

"Liu Zhixian, how can you do things so unreliable! You are really a sinner in our Taiping Town. You are hiding such a big thing from me. Do you know how much this matter affects our Taiping Town? Did you know it was a crime?"

As soon as Zhu Wu entered, he unceremoniously asked Liu Tiande.

Seeing Zhu Wu's arrival, Liu Tiande showed an embarrassed smile on his face: "I am also helpless about this matter, you may not know, I am also forced to helpless, who said that our officials in Taiping Town are corrupt officials. As for the official, you know that the bullies we caught some time ago are difficult for me to do now, and I am forced to do so."

Zhu Wu frowned: "You can be considered forced? Are you too fake?"

"Let me tell you the truth, I came to you this time, and I actually wanted you to help me."

Zhu Wu's face changed slightly: "What do you want me to help you with?"

"I want to ask you to kill those corrupt officials. I've already found them out. All these corrupt officials are accomplices of those bullies."

"Those bullies' accomplices? Who are they?"

"They are all a bunch of thugs, a bunch of vicious people. Not only did they rob, but they also robbed the girl, and even took the girl's dowry. I want you to help me get rid of these scoundrels, they are a scourge. "

Zhu Wu frowned and said, "Didn't you already capture these people? Why is there such trouble again?"

"They have already escaped, and I have no choice. This matter must have something to do with the bullies, so I asked you for help."

"So that's how it is. I'll help you solve this."

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"Don't worry, this matter is covered by me."

"Thank you very much, by the way, I heard that your Mingyue Sect has recently recruited a group of outer disciples."

"Well, that's right."

"Why don't I introduce some outer disciples to you? The cultivation resources in our area are poor, and outer disciples are very scarce. If I can introduce a group of outer disciples to you, you don't have to worry about this."


When the leader of the Mingyue Sect heard Zhu Wu's words, his face suddenly became overjoyed, and he quickly began to win over Zhu Wu.

Zhu Wu sneered secretly in his heart: "I want to see what outer disciples you can get me! I want to see how many garbage you can introduce to me."

"Well, you can get me the contact information of thousands of outer disciples first, and a set of training secrets, I want all of them." Zhu Wu Shishi opened his mouth.

After listening to the Mingyue Sect leader, his face stiffened, but he still nodded his head: "Okay, I will give you the outer disciple as soon as possible, you can take this set of training secrets back and study slowly, I still have a lot of them. If you have something to do, I won’t be spending time here with you, so I’ll say goodbye.” Qi.

Chapter [-] This is our leader

After speaking, the leader of the Mingyue Sect turned around and left the room.

Zhu Wu looked at the back of the leader of the Mingyue Divine Sect, and there was a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth: "Hmph, this is your leader? He really is a greedy person."

After speaking, Zhu Wu also left the room.

After Zhu Wu left the room, his face suddenly became gloomy, and there was a touch of anger on his face, "I want to see, you can introduce me more "three eight zeros" and less garbage."

Taiping Town, City God Temple.

Inside a hall, Liu Tiande and Liu Tiande's son Liu Xiaohu were kneeling in the hall, bowing their heads and not daring to look up at a person sitting in the hall. This person was Li Qingyun, the leader of the Mingyue Sect.

At this time, Li Qingyun looked at Liu Tiande and Liu Xiaohu, and asked with cold eyes, "The two of you are getting more and more confused when you do things."

"I told you a long time ago that you have to be cautious when doing things, but now it's good that you have caused such a big disaster. Now this Zhu Wu is waiting outside for the two of you to go out. Do you know that doing this will cause problems. What are the consequences?"

"The leader forgives our sins, we know we were wrong, and ask the leader to punish us." Liu Tiande immediately begged for forgiveness.

Li Qingyun frowned slightly when he saw Liu Tiande's appearance, and said displeasedly, "You are all members of the Mingyue Sect, but now you are so useless that you have lost the face of the Mingyue Sect. Once this matter spreads, I am afraid that The entire Taiping Town will be embarrassed by you."

"I know, I know, I will definitely punish these bullies, and I will never let them go."

Li Qingyun shook his head and looked at Liu Tiande and Liu Xiaohu, "You two can't stay here any longer, you should know that once this matter spreads, your reputation will definitely be damaged, which is not good for your reputation, so Now you must leave this Taiping Town immediately, are you willing?"

The two of them looked at each other and didn't dare to say the words "unwilling". After all, this matter is related to their lives.

If they don't agree, they will definitely be punished by the leader of the Ming Moon Sect, and their fate will definitely be worse than death.

"How, don't you dare to agree? If you don't dare to agree, you two will get out of Taiping Town for me. I don't want to see you again."

Li Qingyun shouted coldly, his tone was very tough 0 ........

When Liu Tiande and Liu Xiaohu heard Li Qingyun's words, their bodies trembled, and then they couldn't help lowering their heads, not daring to look at Li Qingyun.

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