Soon, Zhu Wu took his men to the outside of Qingyang College.

This time, Zhu Wu also brought many core disciples of Zhu Wumen, more than [*] people.


A cold shout came. Before Zhu Wu and others could react, the ordinary disciples in Zhu Wumen were surrounded by hundreds of people, and everyone's strength was not bad. It is definitely not a small force to put high-level masters outside, but now they can only wait to be captured obediently.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Wu's face changed slightly, but he still bravely stepped forward and walked towards Zhu Cheng.

"You are Zhu Cheng, right? Zhu Wu is a disciple of my sect. What do you Dian Cang sect want to do, you even dare to kill him. Our Dian Cang sect will make you pay a painful price even if you are desperate."

A man in black stood in front of Zhu Wu, staring gloomily at Zhu Cheng.

"Since you know everything, then you are ready to accept my punishment."

"Really! However, before I do it, I want to ask you Dian Cang Pai if they should give us an explanation?"

The man in black continued.

"Our Diancang faction has always been open and aboveboard, and has never done anything to steal chickens and dogs. This time, it's just a misunderstanding. If there is any misunderstanding, I'm willing to compensate some of the money, and I hope you don't bother anymore."

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Cheng said, he knew that if he did something here, the Dian Cang faction would definitely be involved.

At that time, he will receive a series of punishments, and there is no need for him to risk his life with this group of people.

He still hopes to solve it peacefully as much as possible. After all, he also has serious injuries on his body. If he fights with them, he will definitely not have any advantage.

"Compensation, with your little money, can you make up for our losses? You don't weigh your weight, you don't pee and look in the mirror, so just tell us what to fight with us."

"Today you'd better hand over the money honestly, or I'll arrest you and send it to the government."

The core disciples of Zhuwumen said one after another, looking righteous.

"You are simply deceiving too much."

Hearing the insults from the disciples of Zhuwumen, a disciple couldn't help but burst out.

"Hmph, even a mere outer disciple of yours dares to talk to us like that. Do you know that in this sect, I am the emperor."

The disciples of Zhuwumen shouted.

The outer sect disciple heard the words of the Zhu Wu sect disciple, and was speechless, his heart was full of grievances, and his heart was very unwilling.

Chapter [*] Going alone to check the situation

"How's it going? Do you have any other ideas? Would you like to come and see with me? You Diancangpai are just ants. If I just wave my hand, you will all die without a place to be buried."

The Zhuwumen disciple snorted again.

Zhu Wu's heart was full of grievances, but he had no choice but to endure it silently.

"let's go."

After Zhu Wu took a deep breath, he shouted in a deep voice, and then he took the lead with a few of his core disciples and left.

Soon, all the disciples of the Diancang sect also left.

After watching Zhu Wu and the others leave, a burly man snorted coldly, "This time I want to see what skills you Diancang faction have."

After speaking, he also turned and left.

After Zhu Wu left, Zhu Wu's master also came back to his senses and said to a woman beside him: "Send the news to the Dian Cang faction immediately, saying that I have brought Zhu Wu and the others back, and let them get ready. Bar."

The woman nodded, then turned and left.

Soon, an inner disciple came to Zhu Wu's room and reported to Zhu Wuhui: "Headmaster, those people have left just now."

"Well, you go and call the sect master, and call the sect master."

Soon, a disciple left the room and went to the headmaster's room to invite the head and the elders over.

Soon, Liu Dong and Duan Xu came here.

"Headmaster, elder, I brought Zhu Wu back."

"It's like this, tonight, Zhu Wu and the others suddenly brought a group of people to our Diancang sect and threatened me, saying that if I didn't hand over things, we would destroy our entire sect. To kill everyone in our sect, we finally had to compromise and let Zhu Wu go."

Zhu Wu told Liu Dong and Duan Xu what happened.

"Oh? There is such a thing."

Hearing Zhu Wu's words, both Liu Dong and Duan Xu were surprised.

"You Diancang faction are really going back more and more. The sect master of the dignified Zhuwu Sect was beaten up by you and fled with serious injuries. You are really ashamed."

Liu Dong said sarcastically.

"I know it's our Dian Cang faction's fault, but we have already paid a huge price. All of this is our Dian Cang faction's fault, and I have no choice."

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Zhu Wu said with a wry smile, but his heart was full of resentment.

"What you said is a bit too much. How did you people from the Diancang faction bully us?"

"At the beginning, the head of your Zhuwu Sect made a lot of trouble in our Diancang faction, I can still vividly remember it."

"You Diancang Sect relied on your strength to oppress us wantonly, and even caused great losses to our sect's disciples and deacons. If you just walk away like this, I'm afraid our disciples and deacons will also suffer because of this. be implicated.”

...... 0

Liu Dong said with a sneer, the expression on his face seemed a little gloating.

"Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple, compensate us for a sum of money, and our matter will be revealed. Otherwise, we will report this matter. I believe that our head will definitely deal with Zhu Wumen."

Hearing Liu Dong's words, Zhu Wu said angrily.

"Why, do you still want to resist? We are all elites of the Diancang faction. If you want to resist, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat and go." Qi.

Chapter [*] If you don't want to pay compensation, forget it

After listening to Liu Dong's words, Zhu Wu's heart became even more angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Although he was very unwilling, there was no other way.

"Our Diancang faction doesn't have much deposits, and only has [*] gold coins left. What do you think of this?"

Hearing Zhu Wu's words, Liu Dong nodded, "Well, it's not too bad. Since you are willing to compensate, then forget it. I won't force "four eight three" to force you."

"Since you are all willing to compensate, then you must remember your commitment today, otherwise we will make you look good."

Zhu Wu snorted and said coldly.

"That's natural, we will never forget what happened today, but before we go, we still need to take away some treasures of our sect."

"Of course there's no problem. We don't have anything good to compensate you. These things are regarded as our compliments to you."

After finishing speaking, Liu Dong asked a disciple to take out the valuable things in Zhu Wu's sect and put them into Liu Dong's hands.

"There are more than [*] storage rings here, which contain some precious medicinal pills and instruments of our sect, all of which belong to our sect's collection. I hope you can accept them so as not to be robbed by other sects."

Liu Dong said, took out more than a thousand storage rings from his body and put them in front of Zhu Wu.

"You can rest assured on this point. We will never trouble you. You should leave quickly, so as not to arouse suspicion from others."

"Okay, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Wu took his people and turned to leave immediately, leaving the Diancang faction's station.

After seeing them leave, Liu Dong's face changed slightly, "Zhu Wu, Zhu Wu, do you think I don't know what you're thinking? Don't worry, I won't let you go easily, Let's play slowly."

"Headmaster, Zhu Wu and the others have left, what are you going to do?"

"What should we do? I think we should retreat first, and leave this matter to you."

"Alright then, we'll make arrangements."

The deacon replied, and then he led a group of people out of here, returned to their resident, and then ordered the disciples in the sect to start counting the things of the sect, and at the same time, all the cultivation resources of their sect were counted out. 0 ........

Soon, after everything was settled, they also returned to the foot of the Diancang faction, ready to return.

After Zhu Wu and others returned to their sect, their faces were very ugly.

"What do you think the head will do with us?"

The deacon asked.

"What can he do with us? If he dares to do anything to us, we will definitely report this matter."

Zhu Wuyin said fiercely.

He had already made up his mind in his heart to tell the Sect Master what happened, and then see how the Sect Master treated them.

"I think it's better not to tell the Sect Master about this matter. After all, the impact of such a scandal on our Dian Cang faction is really bad."

The deacon of Zhuwumen opened his mouth to persuade him.

When Zhu Wu heard the words, he glared at the deacon of Zhu Wumen coldly, and then said, "Shut up for me. If you dare to meddle in your own business, then I will kill you now."

Seeing Zhu Wu's eyes, the deacon of Zhu Wumen was too frightened to continue speaking.

Chapter [*] Don't forget that this is the site of the Diancang faction

At this moment, a team of patrolmen rushed towards them and surrounded them directly.

"Stop, who are you, and dare to trespass on our Diancang Sect's territory, are you tired of living?"

Seeing that Zhu Wu and a group of people were surrounded, a patrolman asked sharply after he came up.

When Zhu Wu and the others saw the patrolmen coming, their faces were ashen, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Zhu Wu knew very well in his heart that if they dared to say anything, he would suffer immediately.

In this way, the two groups of 08 were stalemate in the air.

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