Therefore, the treasures in the treasure house of the Shaoshi Mountains this time must be obtained as soon as possible, otherwise, their strength will definitely be affected.

After seeing the expressions of these people, the Shaolin Temple elder immediately shook his head, "Everyone, our disciples of Shaolin Temple are not dead, but trapped."

"What? Trapped?"

"It's impossible. With such a huge mountain range, and there are so many disciples in it, how could it be trapped?"

Zhu Wu shook his head and said with a sigh: "Everyone, we can't guarantee this time. We also spent a lot of energy to check all the areas in the Shaoshi Mountains, but there is still no evidence. Find any clues."

"It's not only that there is no movement in this area of ​​our Shaoshi Mountains, we haven't found any anomalies even on the other side of the mountain range, so I would guess that those people should be hidden in other mountain ranges. "

"If we rashly break into other mountains, we might encounter those people, so to be on the safe side, I think it's better to capture all those people, and then slowly interrogate them.".

Chapter [*] Is it because you want to talk?

"Since there are people in ambushes in this Shaoshi mountain range, then there may be ambush in other mountain ranges. I think it is better to send people to explore other mountain ranges first."

"Yes, I agree with that too."

After listening to the words of the elders of the Shaolin Temple in the Shaoshi Mountains, people in the rivers and lakes not far away also started talking.

After all, they all have their own tasks in this operation, so their responsibility is to protect this land. Zhu Wu's task is to protect the treasure house in the Shaoshi Mountains, and their task this time is , is also perfectly done, so they don't need to worry anymore~ nothing else.

"Since all of you have no opinion, then we will set off immediately and go to other mountains to search for those enemies who ambushed our Shaolin Temple disciples."

The elder of the Shaoshi Mountains of Shaolin Temple, seeing the many disciples of Shaolin Temple, has no opinion, so he did not delay any more, and directly announced.

After listening to the elder's words, the disciples of Shaolin Temple did not speak.

"Well, everyone, since that's the case, let's go now."

"Come on, we'll go to the other mountains now."

Seeing those disciples of Shaolin Temple, all stood up and walked towards the outside of Shaolin Temple, Zhu Wu's face suddenly became ugly.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

The elders of the Shaolin Temple ignored Zhu Wu and ran straight towards the Shaoshi Mountains.

Seeing the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains, they ignored his existence, and Zhu Wu's lungs almost exploded.

He shouted loudly: "What's the matter with you, why are you ignoring me, don't I mean what I said? Why are you leaking this news to let those people know that there are treasures in our Shaoshi Mountains, don't you all? Aren't you afraid that those people will make trouble?"

"Those people are looking for trouble for us, then we have to see if their skills are big enough. Our Shaolin Temple is not a soft persimmon, just anyone can pinch it."

The elder of the Shaolin Temple snorted coldly and said with disdain.

Seeing that the elders of Shaoshi Temple were so disrespectful to him, Zhu Wu trembled with anger.

"Okay, since it looks like this, then I don't have anything to say. I, Zhu Wu, want to take a look. When those people really find our treasure, will those people be able to leave the young room alive? Mountains, I, Zhu Wu, want to see how powerful they are."

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Zhu Wu sneered, then turned around and left, no longer arguing with the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains.


Zhu Wu's departure made all the disciples in the Shaoshi Mountains breathe a sigh of relief, and there was a vicious look in their eyes.

"Zhu Wu, I will definitely kill you with my own hands."

After Zhu Wu left, a young man in the Shaoshi Mountains stared fiercely at the back of Zhu Wu's departure, and said with a cold expression.

"Zhu Wu, wait, I will never let you go."

The disciples of the Shaoshi Mountains on the side all stared fiercely at the back of Zhu Wu's departure, their eyes were full of resentment, and they gritted their teeth and roared.

As soon as their voices fell, the air in the entire hall stagnated, and then all the disciples of the Shaoshi Mountains focused their attention on the elders in the Shaoshi Mountains.

Chapter [*] The Elders of the Shaoshi Mountains

Feeling their gazes, the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains couldn't help shivering, then forced a smile, bowed respectfully in the direction of Zhu Wu's departure, and said: "Everyone, now Young Master They have already gone to search for those people, I think you should sit down, drink and chat, eat meat, and wait for the good news from the young masters."

The disciples of the Shaoshi Mountains, after listening to the words of the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains, all sat down obediently to eat and drink. Those treasures have been evacuated, anyway, these things, for them, have little effect.

As long as you can survive, as for those treasures, those are all false.

At this time, the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains were relieved to see that the disciples in the Shaoshi Mountains had already started drinking and eating meat.

They have finally cleaned up this mess now, and they will no longer worry about the safety of these disciples in the Shaoshi Mountains.

In this way, they don't need to worry, they will be chased and killed by those people.

Although they did not pay attention to the strength of those people, they also knew that those people were very difficult guys. If they were entangled by those people, their life would definitely not be easy.

"Everyone, I'll take my leave first. When the young master comes back, please tell the young master that our Shaoshi Mountains will do our best to help you get rid of those people who are hidden in our Shaoshi Mountains, if necessary. If so, please help.”

The elders of the Shaoshi Mountains said to Zhu Wu and the others.

"Don't worry, I will convey your message, Elder."

"I will let our young master know that you care about our young master. You don't have to worry that our young master will hate you for it. After all, this matter is indeed what he did wrong. If he did not leak secretly, Then it is impossible for those people to find the treasure in the Shaoshi Mountains."

The elder in the Shaoshi Mountains said with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank you for your kindness, elder. If there is something that needs us, I hope you will give us your advice and help us where you can help us, then we must be obliged to do so..."

"Okay, if you have any orders, elder, just open your mouth. All of us here will do our best to help. As long as we can do anything, we will definitely help without hesitation."

Zhu Wu nodded, and then said very cheerfully.

After hearing Zhu Wu's words, the elders in the Shaoshi Mountains also laughed with satisfaction.

Afterwards, the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains also left the main hall with a group of disciples from the Shaoshi Mountains and walked towards the gate.

When they walked out of the hall, their footsteps couldn't help but speed up a little.

They were really frightened just now!

Fortunately, the group of people just ran into a dead mouse in the Shaoshi Mountains. After finding the treasure house in the Shaoshi Mountains, they left immediately.

If it is later, then the consequences are really unimaginable!

Although they said that those people had left, they did not dare to take it lightly! .

Chapter [*] Dangerous Forbidden Land

After all, this is an extremely dangerous forbidden area. If something happened at this time, it would be miserable.

Therefore, the elders of the Shaoshi Mountains now have expressions of joy on their faces.

Of course, they are all very grateful to Zhu Wu now. After all, if it wasn't for Zhu Wu, their secret treasure trove would have been discovered, and it would likely be exposed.

At this time, an elder wearing gray clothes suddenly stopped, then turned his head and said to an elder who was also wearing gray clothes beside him: "The group of people in 08 just passed by."

The elder in gray clothes was also taken aback, but his answer was similar to that of the gray-robed elder.

"It shouldn't be fake! They stayed there for so long just now, and they kept staring there again. If they didn't really pass by, how could they have been staring at that place for so long. "

"Brother said yes."

The two elders looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

"Okay, don't think about it, anyway, our secret treasure house is safe. Now let's hurry back to the cave where the head is located."

With that said, the two elders turned their heads and walked towards the outside of the Shaoshi Mountains, followed by several other elders.

Zhu Wu looked at the back of the group of elders leaving, secretly relieved in his heart, and unconsciously a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

However, he is not worried that these elders will retaliate against him.

No wonder the other elders could only say that they were unlucky enough to find out after staying there for so long. Otherwise, I am afraid that he would not have a chance to sit here and talk to others now.

"Thank you very much this time. If you didn't tell us the news in time, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to keep this treasure in the Shaoshi Mountains."

The disciples of the Shaoshi Mountains on the side looked at Zhu Wu and said very gratefully.

Zhu Wu waved his hand.

"Everyone is their own, you're welcome, if there is a need, I will help everyone."

"If you have this sentence, senior brother, then it is enough."

Many disciples in the Shaoshi Mountains also bowed their hands one after another and said that they all respect Zhu Wu very much.

After all, this is the second strongest existence in the Shaoshi Mountain Range, and it is a super genius. If it weren't for Zhu Wu, perhaps their Shaoshi Mountain Range would have perished long ago, and it is impossible to live to this day.

"Then I'll go back first."

Looking at the many disciples, Zhu Wu nodded, then turned around and left.

There is nothing worthy of his attention here. He must return to the cave where Sect Master 487 is located as soon as possible, report this matter to Sect Master, and ask Sect Master for credit.

After Zhu Wu left, many disciples also dispersed.

Somewhere in the Shaoshi Mountains, on a giant peak as high as [*] zhang.

This is where the main body of the Shaoshi Mountains is located, and it is also the main hall of the Shaoshi Mountains.

The sects of the Shaoshi Mountains are also divided into two types: the inner sect and the outer sect, and this outer sect is managed by the head of the Shaoshi Mountains, while the head of the inner sect is the head of the Shaoshi Mountains. Responsible for the daily affairs of the entire sect, and will also send an elder to assist the headmaster to handle the daily affairs of the inner sect, so that the headmaster can spare more time for cultivation.

Chapter [*]: Qinglong List Competition

At this time, in the main hall of the Shaoshi Mountains, an elder was standing respectfully in front of a huge jade slip, and the front of the jade slip was engraved with three characters.

"Qinglong list."

In the main hall of the Shaoshi Mountains, an elder was also standing respectfully on the front of the jade slip and engraved three words.

The three characters on the front of the jade slip are the Qinglong Bang of the Shaoshi Mountains.

This stele is the treasure of the Zongmen. Every year, a competition on the Qinglong list is held. The ranking of the Qinglong list can be said to represent the face of the Shaoshi Mountains and the glory of the Shaoshi Mountains.

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