Wu Dongyi used to be the master. He threw the machete hard and flew to the she Huagu behind him. At the same time, he said, "the spirit of this knife is too strong. I'll give it to you."

She Huagu reaches out her hand and catches the machete. The rolling dragon Qi rushes into the knife and immediately subdues it. In the machete, a strong energy flows back into Shehua's body and promotes his practice.

She Hua gu let out a long cry and yelled: "master Xie! It's a good knife

Katrina took a look at the sword and suddenly said, "this is the first magic sword of the Arab Empire. It's actually here!"

The first magic knife? Wu Dong then asked about the situation of this Dao. Kadrina said that this Dao was the first of the three magic swords in the era of the Arab Empire. There were at least 100000 souls who died under this Dao, and there were many great masters.

She Huagu got the first magic knife and said with a smile: "this knife has been refined for me. The magic has a positive effect on me. With it, I am as old as a tiger!"

Several people talk and walk, stop and go all the way. When they find something valuable, Wu Dong stops to see if he can take it away. He doesn't leave anything he can.

In this way, after walking a few hundred meters, cardrina got excited again. She pointed to a metal bottle dozens of meters ahead and said, "Wu, please help me get it!"

Wu Dong asked, "Nana, what is this?"

Cardrina: holy blood

Wu Dong widened his eyes: "is it the blood of the Holy Son?"

Cardrina nodded: "yes! It has a very strong control effect on demons. It can kill demons with only one drop. "

She then said, "Wu, I'm willing to give five King's coins. Please help me get it."

"Deal." As soon as he heard that there were five pieces of King's money, Wu dongshuang quickly agreed that he would move on anyway, which was a matter of the way.

Fortunately, the metal plate under the metal bottle has no mechanism. When cardrina got the bottle, her hands were shaking and she prayed for a moment before putting it away.

Wu Dong is a little jealous, but for Wang Qian's face, he may not be willing to give up his holy blood.

He asked, "Katrina, what is the level of the cultivation of the son, the immortal?"

Cardrina: "if you measure by the standards of the East, the son is the great golden immortal."

Wu dongpai's mouth curls. He doesn't believe it. If it's a fairy, he knows it. But if it is da Luo Jinxian, it is the existence of the universe!

He said, "cardrina, can you give me a few drops of this blood?"

There are several kinds of pills, which need the blood of celestial beings as a guide when refining. Now, how can he not take a few drops?

Cardrina hesitated and asked, "Wu, how many drops do you want?"

Wu Dong "ha ha" a smile: "this bottle of blood, at least 100 ml? That's 2000 drops. For me, not too much. Just give me a hundred drops. "

Katrina frowned and said, "Wu, I can give you more money. Can you ask for less?"

Wu Dong blinked and said, "OK, give me two more King's coins, and I'll take 80 drops. OK?"

Cardrina nodded, "yes, yes."

At the moment, Wu Dong took out a jade bottle, ready to take 80 drops of holy blood. As soon as the metal bottle was opened, a holy light burst out, pure to pure, holy to God, and the whole space seemed to be bright.

Wu Dong was stunned, and immediately started. As soon as he grasped it with his right hand, a three color light burst out of it and fell into his hand. At least a hundred drops of blood were snatched away by his grasp, but cardrina could not see it.

After grasping it, Wu Dong said with a smile, "OK, put it on."

Cardrina's face was full of tenderness. She said, "Wu, it's agreed that you can't have any more."

Wu Dong Yiya smile: "don't worry, Nana."

At this time, half the distance from the edge of the square, Wu Dong accelerated his exploration and picked up the relics of his predecessors.

Half an hour later, they finally came to the edge of the metal square, with more than 100 meters left.

Along the way, Wu Dong is carefully using his inner strength. He has a deeper understanding of the inner strength and is more proficient in using it.

He even thinks that this strength can be extended to all martial arts, and the power of martial arts can be increased several times.

100 meters, 80 meters, 50 meters. Finally, when he was 30 meters away, he jumped up and landed on the edge.

After that, Fanny and cardrina jumped along. Until this time, she Huagu walked along the path of Wu Dong.

It took Wu Dong half a day to explore, but it only took him a minute to come.

Looking ahead, you can see the stone floor under your feet. After walking along the stone road for 100 meters, you can see the fourth palace.

Seeing the palace, fan Ming said, "young master, I haven't met Caesar all the way. Isn't he in the palace?"

Wu Dong shook his head: "it's impossible. We've all been out for such a long time. He can't do it alone. He should still be behind."

Then he stepped into the hall first.

There was no sign of Caesar in the hall, but there were two bodies.

Two bodies, one sitting and the other lying, have been turned into mummies.

Looking at their clothes, Wu Dong judged that one of them was a master of yuan and Mongolia, and the other was an Arab master.

Without Wu Dong's command, fan Ming had gone to take off all the things on them and put them in a pocket.

Wu Dong's attention was attracted by a jade brick in the center of the hall. The jade brick is not big. It's made of gold. It's about the same size as ordinary bricks. It's put on a purple jade platform.

Wu Dong reached out for the jade brick, looked through the contents, and found that it was a piece of material explaining divine writing with immortal writing.

This is exactly what he wanted. Without saying a word, he put away the jade brick and said to the people, "have a rest. Later, he will break the fourth level."

Katrina is in a good mood. The Holy Blood and the ring of Archangels are the most precious. She has made great contributions. Holy knight's temple, will give her a great reward!

She said with a smile, "well, let's have a rest."

Other people rest, but Wu Dong is not idle. He takes a look at the body and takes fan Ming's pocket to check what he collects.

There are some things about their identities. This master of yuan and Mongolia is the commander of the special organ "Mu Shen Ge" in Yuan Dynasty. His cultivation has broken through the second level, and he doesn't want to die here.

He didn't have many things. Apart from some weathered things and letters, the rest were a string of beads, a bottle of pills and a jasper like knife.

That string of beads has a strange effect, similar to the metal hand string he got before. After the bottle of pills was opened, a dragon breath came to his face. He was surprised: "Longmen pill!"

He quickly put on the plug and was excited.

As for the short knife, there is a kind of sharp energy in it. A little push, the energy will rush out of the blade, and its sharpness is no less than that of RenWang dagger.

The second man is the first warrior of the Arab Empire. His things are the same as those in the town, two golden beads, the size of broad beans, extremely smooth and full of fairy characters.

Wu Dong observed for a while, but he didn't see anything special, so he put it away first.

After reading, he began to practice. The more he understood the power in his body, the more he felt that it was extraordinary. So he thought of Shaolin's unique skill, dragon breaking hand.

Broken dragon hand is a powerful and terrifying Kung Fu. As the name suggests, even the dragon's spine will be interrupted with one blow. You can see how powerful it is!

However, the cultivation of this skill was extremely difficult, even Wu Dong's previous qualifications did not dare to try it. But now it's different. He has a ball of inner strength in his body, which can be used to simulate the power of dragon breaking hand.

The Dragon breaking hand cultivates a kind of "breaking strength". Once this strength is cultivated, it can break the enemy's bones as soon as it is patted, which is extremely terrifying. The use of its internal strength is far better than the whirling strength.

Wu Dong slowly urged his strength to imitate the power of breaking dragon. His fingers, constantly point to the metal floor under his body, make a "Dangdang" sound.

I don't know how many times I tried. Suddenly, there was a "click". The huge metal plate, half a meter thick, was strangely split in two! Crack neat, like a knife cut!

As soon as his eyes brightened, he knew that the Dragon breaking power had been practiced, and the effect was even better than that recorded in Shaolin classics!

He continued to practice, and his strength became more and more mellow and proficient.

He could not feel the time when he was practicing. Twenty hours passed in the blink of an eye. When he stopped practicing, he found that fan Ming was eating.

He stretched, laughed and said, "I've kept you waiting."

She Huagu quickly asked, "what kind of Kung Fu does the young master cultivate? Even the little ones are thrilled to see it."

Wu Dong: "it's Shaolin's Dragon breaking power. Hua gu, you try your hand for me. "

She Huagu nodded. He reached out his hand and touched Wu Dong's fingers. Suddenly, half of his arm felt numb, and then the bone tingled.

He quickly shrunk his hand and cried, "great! Young master, keep your strength, or my arm will be broken! "

Wu Dong nodded: "this dragon breaking force is really terrible. If I practice it perfectly, I can even use it to fight God."

What he said is to use physical force to attack the Yang God of the opponent. This kind of method is rare in the world, and breaking dragon force is one of them!

In fact, his inner strength has a striking effect, but he can't use it skillfully, so he needs to study its mystery slowly.

Fan Ming was very impressed and said, "young master, can I learn Shaolin Kung Fu?"

Wu Dong thought, "it should be OK. I'll give you the identity of Shaolin registered disciple later. "

Chatting a few words, he said: "Nana, the fourth level seems to be a mirage?"

Cardrina nodded: "this level is very dangerous. None of the three empires passed smoothly. We must be careful."

Wu Dong said: "the test of fantasy is the mind. Well, I'll pass you a set of immovable void seals, which may be useful. "

Immovable void seal is a kind of heart seal in Taixu divine skill. This method can place the soul in void without external interference.

It takes time to teach the seal. Fan Ming is the first to learn it, kardrina the second and she Huagu the last.

It was a day later that they came out of the hall and entered the dreamland pass.

One step ahead, you can see the rocky ground. The environment is dim. The distance is empty and you don't know where to go. On both sides are underground rocks, showing a kind of cyan black.

The group walked slowly, less than ten meters away. Suddenly, kadelina heard the whispers of her relatives. She asked, "who's talking?"

Wu Dong light way: "nobody talks, fast guard heart seal!"

She immediately pinched her hands, pinned her heart on the void, and the voice disappeared immediately.

Wu Dong three people also pinched not to move the empty seal, walked forward slowly. This seal is really useful. They go straight ahead and never fall into a dreamland again.

I thought I could go on like this, but I only took dozens of steps. Suddenly, a dark shadow came out.

The dark shadow roared at Wu Dong with one hand. It was so powerful that it was startling.

Wu Dong's mind is empty and clear. He uses a deep blow with his subconscious backhand. With his strong inner strength, he can make a sudden attack.


The man who took the shot flew backwards and stepped back three steps.

Wu Dong saw clearly that he was an old man with white hair and beard, wearing a European medieval robe and a pointed black hat.

"Alchemist!" exclaimed caderina

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