Ji Yu Fei said: "Wu Dong, his name is youzisen, the son of you Wuchen, the Minister of punishment."

He was the son of his servant. Wu Dong said with no expression: "it's a terrible crime to assassinate an official. I will impeach you Wuchen, the servant of the Ministry of justice. There's no way to teach his son!"

The housekeeper is speechless. Who are you? Even if you are a royal senior alchemist, you don't have to be so rude? How dare a servant impeach him?

However, these words, he absolutely did not dare to say, accompanied by a smile: "Mr. Wu, this matter, or from a long-term perspective."

Wu Dong looked at the two Xianjun and said coldly, "are you going to surrender yourself, or do I do it myself?"

These two people look at each other. Although they are immortal kings, they have to fight against the top three. It's a capital crime. They want to kill the nine nationalities!

One of them gritted his teeth and said, "you killed my son. My master will not let you go."

Words fall, these two people body shape disappear, unexpectedly escaped.

Wu Dong didn't go after him. He sneered and said, "it seems that the palace is not safe either. Even the son of the servant dare to kill an official on this trip."

The housekeeper was very embarrassed and said, "I'm surprised. Such a thing will never happen again."

People around him look at Wu Dong with strange eyes and kill the son of the Minister of justice. This is definitely a cruel role. Such a person should never provoke, otherwise he will end up in a terrible situation.

Through the garden, into a hall, the hall randomly placed a number of tables, are scattered. In the middle, the registration of young master Dabi is in progress, and there are many people around.

Not far away, there is not a table, which is used to bet, once you can bet which childe, can enter the top ten, top five, top three, or specific position, you can get a huge bonus.

Wu Dong and Ji Yu's concubine sat down beside them. There were too many people signing up. They had to wait.

Just after sitting down, the door became a sensation: "Master Lu Chen has arrived!" Someone exclaimed.

Wu Dong saw that Lu Chen appeared with a smile. He hugged the people who said hello to him and said, "everyone, I'm here to join in the fun and ask for a drink."

"If Master Lu wants to drink, we will accompany him to the end." Some people who knew him said with a smile.

Ji Yu Fei frowned slightly and said: "strange, Lu Chen is the master of heaven. What does he come to do?"

Wu Dong: "master banquet, can't the teacher attend?"

"The status of the Heavenly Master is respected, and the childe banquet is of no value to them." Her eyes twinkle, "then he came here, should have only one purpose, that is to support someone."

Wu Dong: "support someone?"

Imperial concubine Ji Yu nodded: "the strength of the Heavenly Master lies in the fact that the two men with wide knowledge and equal standard fight each other. If one of them can get the guidance of the Heavenly Master, he will surely win."

Wu Dong's heart moved. Who can be more powerful than his high-dimensional eye to tell others?

He then asked, "is there any advantage in asking the Heavenly Master to help you once?"

Ji Yu imperial concubine white he one eye: "what benefit fee, the Heavenly Master generally won't move for money.". There must be a terrible force behind it if we can let the Heavenly Master come out. "

At this time, Lu Chen's eyes swept to Wu Dong, he was slightly stunned, but still nodded slightly, but did not say anything, strode in a direction, followed a group of people behind him.

Not far away, a teenager stood up and said with a smile, "Master Lu."

If a person is instructed by a certain division, he will be called "a certain division" when he meets again in the future. Obviously, the young man has been instructed by him.

Lu Chen nodded and sat on the side of the boy. They talked quietly.

Ji Yu's imperial concubine took a look at the young man and said in surprise: "this young man is not simple. He is the young owner of wanbaolou."

Wu Dong came to interest: "Wanbao building, I know so much." He's not shopping at the Marlborough.

Ji Yufei: "the shop of wanbaolou is in the world of heaven. It's very normal for you to move Lu Chen."

While talking, Sima Yan also arrived, but he didn't come to Wu Dong's side. He went to the other side and chatted with several people.

Later, another young master came in with a folding fan and a smile. He followed a group of young masters behind him and showed his direction.

As soon as the man appeared, there was a moment of silence.

Wu Dong felt strange: "who is this?"

"A show of fame." Ji Yu imperial concubine's look, also change of some dignified, "didn't expect, he also came."

"Which family?" He asked.

Imperial concubine Ji Yu: "in the divine Dynasty, there are not many famous families, no more than 20. All famous families are linked by blood relationship to establish a super powerful force. It was because of the support of eight famous schools that the divine Dynasty was established. It can be said that the royal family can not be compared with the famous family. "

"This man is Wei Fusheng, a genius in weimen. He is usually a very low-key person. He didn't expect to come to the childe's banquet today. "

Wu Dong became interested: "so, in the future, my Wu family will be called Wumen?"

Ji Yufei: "dare to call a famous family, there are at least ten Jinxian sitting in town, but also to control at least three time and space."

Wei Fusheng walked and bowed to the crowd. Finally, he came to Wu Dong and said with a smile, "brother, can I sit here?"

Wu Dong stood up and said, "certainly. Please sit down."

Two people sit down, Wei Fusheng said with a smile: "little brother Wei Fusheng."

Wu Dong: "I'm Wu Dong."

Ji Yufei: "Wei Dashao, I'm very surprised that you came to the childe's banquet."

Wei Fusheng said with a smile: "beauty Ji is here. How can I not come? By the way, is Ji Shangshu OK? It's said that he's not feeling well recently. I know some medical immortals. Would you like to send them to have a look? "

"Don't worry, it's all right." Ji Yufei said.

Wei Fusheng smiles: "it's good to recover."

He looked in the direction of the young master of wanbaolou and said, "brother Wu, just now, did you kill the son of you Shilang?"

Wu Dong looked at him: "Wei Shao came late, but he knew a lot."

Wei Fusheng said with a smile: "our weimen intelligence system is still very efficient. I also know that brother Wu, you are the Royal senior alchemist, and not long ago, you disgraced master Xu, saying that you would be the next one. I think so and admire it. "

Wu Dong listened to his compliment and said, "Wei Dashao, if you have something to say, just say it."

Wei Fusheng rubbed his nose and said in a low voice, "I don't want to hide from brother Wu. I want to be on the list of CHILDES. Can you help me?"

Wu Dong light way: "this matter, you should seek Heavenly Master to help."

Wei Fusheng said with a smile, "Heavenly Master, we can't afford to invite you, but I think brother Wu can help me more. I've already finished the first level of master Dabi, which is alchemy. Brother Wu, can you show me how to refine some kind of pills? Brother Wu, if you are willing to help me, you can take care of me. "

Wu donglue pondered: "yes."

Wei Fusheng was overjoyed, and the two exchanged ideas. Wu Dongcai knew that what Wei Fusheng wanted to refine was a kind of pill that could make people enter the state of epiphany. It was named epiphany pill.

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