"Who was that person just now? That's amazing!"

"That’s right, he looks even younger than my son, but he actually chopped the city gate into pieces with just one sword. It’s so terrifying!"

"I wish I were that awesome!"

"You still have time to talk nonsense here, why don't you take this opportunity to run away?"

"Yes, run!"


As the crowd was discussing, they rushed out of Yangzhou City like crazy!

By the time the officers and soldiers at the city gate came to their senses, most of the people had already run away.

Moreover, they were also worried that another terrifying guy like Su Chen would appear again, so they did not dare to stop them too much.

However, there were some smart officers and soldiers who rushed all the way to the Yangzhou Garrison to report the news.


At this time, Su Chen had already left Yangzhou City, so he naturally didn't know what happened at the city gate after he left.

However, even if he knew, he wouldn't care at all.

""Okay, let's say goodbye here, and see you again in the future!"

When they arrived at a pier dozens of miles away from Yangzhou City, Su Chen stopped and said to Kou Zhong and the other two behind him.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling followed Su Chen all the way, exchanging glances from time to time. Suddenly, when they heard Su Chen say this, their faces changed slightly.

The two looked at each other, and then suddenly"thumped" and knelt down in front of Su Chen,"Master, please accept your disciple's worship!"

Wei Zhenzhen was a little surprised when she saw the two of them, but she didn't say anything. Wei Zhenzhen had a little understanding of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's desire to learn martial arts.

In Wei Zhenzhen's eyes, Kou and Xu were like her younger brothers. If the two could achieve their wishes, she would be happy for them.

Su Chen couldn't help but smile playfully when he saw their words and deeds,"You want to worship me as your master?"

Kou Zhong said:"Yes, Master. You are wise and powerful, and your magical powers are vast. Even if we can learn two or three percent of you, it will not be in vain."

Xu Ziling also said solemnly:"Master, please accept us. We will work hard to practice and will not embarrass you."

Su Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and he said lightly:"It's not impossible to worship me as your master. However, you have to pass my test first."

Upon hearing this, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling hurriedly said in surprise:"Master, come on, no matter what the test is, we will guarantee to pass it."

Su Chen glanced at the two of them, and then said:"Don't be happy too soon! The test is just one of them. If you worship me as your master, everything will be based on my orders in the future, and you must not violate them in any way, otherwise you will be unable to live or die!"

When he said the second half of the sentence, Su Chen's tone became a little colder, and the terrifying aura on his body pressed down on Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling!


Under Su Chen's terrifying momentum, the two were directly oppressed to the ground, unable to move!

This made the two feel Su Chen's power again!

Seeing this, Wei Zhenzhen on the side couldn't help showing a worried look on her face, and asked Su Chen:"Young Master, please show mercy."

Su Chen glanced at Wei Zhenzhen lightly, and slowly put away his momentum.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling suddenly seemed to have just escaped from the drowning crisis, and they took a deep breath.

After breathing for a while, Kou Zhong said:"Master, don't worry, you tell us to go east and we will never go west, you tell us to steal dogs and we will never touch chickens!"

Xu Ziling followed and said:"Yes, we will definitely listen to Master."

Su Chen nodded slightly,"Very good. Remember my first order, you can't associate with people from Cihang Jingzhai. If someone from Cihang Jingzhai comes to you, you are not allowed to talk to the other party, just kill them directly!"

"Yes, Master!"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling didn't know what kind of force Cihang Jingzhai was at this time. After hearing Su Chen's words, they looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Su Chen said:"Don't rush to call me master, pass the test first."

While speaking, Su Chen took out a book made of black gold thread from the system space and threw it to Kou Zhong.

Kou Zhong hurriedly took it with both hands and asked curiously:"Master, what is this?"

Xu Ziling and Wei Zhenzhen also looked at Su Chen with curiosity.

Su Chen said lightly:"This is"The Secret of Immortality", one of the four great books in the martial arts world of the Sui Empire. The seven patterns in the book correspond to seven attributes of martial arts."

"My test for you is that within one month, each of you must comprehend at least one type of martial arts."

This"Eternal Life Secret" was copied by Su Chen using the system. It is exactly the same as the original one, even the material is exactly the same!

Upon hearing this, Kou Zhong was shocked and exclaimed,"Is this the"Eternal Life Secret"? I heard that Shilong and Yu Wenzhi from the Shilong Dojo died because of this"Eternal Life Secret". Did they all die at the hands of the master?"

Su Chen nodded and said,"I guess so." Xu

Ziling said gratefully,"The master is so good to us. He actually gave us the"Eternal Life Secret" to practice."

"Thank you, Master!"

Kou Zhong also expressed his gratitude.

Su Chen said:"Wait until you succeed in understanding before thanking me. Shi Long had been trying to understand for three years but still failed."

"Ah? This is too difficult! Master, can you give us a little more time?"

Kou Zhong's face fell when he heard this, and he quickly pleaded with Su Chen.

Su Chen said:"No need to talk, if you can't do it, you don't deserve to be my apprentice. Stop talking nonsense, you should hurry up and comprehend it, the timer starts now!"


Seeing that Su Chen had no room for negotiation, the two had to agree with a bitter face, and then they studied the secret book of longevity carefully.

Next, Su Chen took Kou Zhong and the other two and found an uninhabited valley by the Grand Canal to live temporarily.

While Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were comprehending the longevity secret, Su Chen was practicing his own chaos return secret!

As for Wei Zhenzhen, she cooked for several people every day.

It must be said that the food cooked by Wei Zhenzhen tasted quite good.

Time passed so plainly.

Three days before the January deadline, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling finally comprehended a pattern of one attribute each.

According to the agreement, Su Chen formally accepted the two as apprentices, and at the same time received a system prompt, and got another chance to draw a lottery.

Su Chen casually sent away the two people who were in high spirits, and then drew a lottery again.

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