"Of course not, all medicine slaves can be as long as they are talented. "

"Recommended by us deacons of the Martial Arts Practice, you can enter the outer gate of the Luo family to cultivate. "

"At that time, you can still touch a more advanced martial arts. "

Fei Lao smiled, and he felt a sense of fear from Jiang Ran's tone.

As well as that unwilling look, all he needed was Jiang Ran's unwillingness.

If Jiang Ran was like ordinary children, he felt desperate for his fate, and he was just surviving in the PUBG.

Then there are too many such people, and he can't look at them at all.

The people who can enter the outer door are all people who are in their teens and are unwilling to let their fate be so tragic.

They will all see martial arts exercises and understand that there are different sides of the world.

I want to climb higher, I want to get rid of the status of a medicine slave.

Fei Lao could feel that Jiang Ran was this kind of person.

That kind of tenacious character is what Fei Lao values the most.

That's why he said so much to Jiang Ran, otherwise he would change to those children who had no characteristics outside.

Their life or death does not matter to Fei Lao's opinion, anyway, even if they die, new people will be sent.

But if the talent is good, it will be different, as long as they are recommended by Fei Lao to enter the outer gate martial hall, then they have a lot of rewards.

The Luo family is not stingy about rewards.

"Outer door? So it is..."

Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were full of expectation.

He was looking forward to the outer door, and he was also looking forward to what Fei Lao would reveal next.

"Okay, let's go back to sleep after eating. "

"There are some things you can't know too much yet. "

"I'll tell you when it's time to know." "

Just when Jiang Ran still wanted to know something, Fei Lao waved his hand and began to issue the eviction order.

Jiang Ran, who knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, could only say hello respectfully and walked back.

When I returned to my place of residence, I opened the door and there was already a slight snoring sound inside.

Although it is only now the end of time, it is only about eight o'clock in modern time.

But after a full day of high-intensity activity, these people have long been tired and exhausted.

Jiang Ran lay on the bed and sorted out the information he got today.

So he used the brute bear breathing method again, and after five back and forth, he lay down on the bed and began to fall asleep.


The next day, it was still a daily exercise for physical fitness.

It wasn't until after dinner that Jiang Ran went to Fei Lao's courtyard.

At this time, it was just dusk, and Fei Lao was waiting here early.

Couldn't help but say, let Jiang Ran take off his shirt.

Immediately, a large vat was moved out of the kitchen.

"Fei Lao, what is this?"

"Coarse salt?"

Jiang Ran looked at the yellowish coarse salt, which also exuded some heat.

There was also a hint of doubt on his face, which called himself obviously to open a small stove.

How to put a basin of coarse salt in front of yourself.

"Bite this and hold on. "

Fei Lao didn't say much, just gave a rough cloth to Jiang Ran's hand.

After Jiang Ran slowly bit the towel, Fei Lao grabbed a large handful of coarse salt.

It rubbed fiercely on Jiang Ran's back, and immediately the pain of drilling his heart instantly came from Jiang Ran's back.

His brain seemed to be hit by an electric current, and Jiang Ran's body began to tremble.

But the fists were still tightly clenched together, and the bruises on the forehead burst out, but they still held back.

Fei Lao nodded, and continued to rub Jiang Ran's back and arms with coarse salt.

"Don't be distracted by pain, stay calm and run the first layer of the Brute Bear Technique. "

"As a martial artist, if you want to be stronger than others, you must not only be able to fight with your fists and feet, but also be able to fight. "

"You must be able to be beaten, only when the physical body is strong, you can survive in the foggy mountains." "

Fei Lao rubbed the coarse salt Jiang Ran's body and looked at the bloody back.

He was also surprised in his heart, he thought that if Jiang Ran resisted, he might have to bind Jiang Ran's hands and feet.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Ran's body just trembled, not only did he not resist, but even his instinctive resistance was suppressed by reason.

Soon, Jiang Ran's next move made Fei Lao slightly startled in his heart.

I only saw Jiang Ran turn around and look at the large jar of coarse salt, his eyes full of firmness.

Reach out and grab a handful of coarse salt directly and wipe it on your body.

Coarse salt is the crystallization of salt ponds and salt springs after decoction, and it is very rough because it is not processed.

Not only Jiang Ran's body, but even the place where his palm touched the coarse salt was blurred by the friction of flesh and blood.

Wounds stained with salt can also make the pain worse.

But Jiang Ran always endured the severe pain, because the teeth were too forceful, and some blood oozed from his gums.

Fei Lao looked at the young man in front of him, and his face also showed a look of surprise.

Originally, at the beginning, he just thought that Jiang Ran was a bitter child who could endure hardships.

But I didn't expect that the heart of the child in front of me was so determined.

"Hold on, boy!"

"It's over right away. "

Even Fei Lao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Jiang Ran was a ruthless person.

Looking at the blurred appearance of flesh and blood, even he couldn't bear it, but Jiang Ran still continued with a hideous face.

Until a large jar of coarse salt was almost used up, Fei Lao scooped a large bowl of water with a spoon and splashed it on Jiang Ran again and again.

The cold cold water was poured on the body, and at the same time, it also washed away some of the coarse salt foam remaining on Jiang Ran's body, making Jiang Ran's situation just a little better.

As soon as he sat on the ground, Fei Lao also took the towel with mottled blood stains.

After glancing at Jiang Ran, he walked towards the back room.

Jiang Ran sat in place and began to gasp.

The pain was still lingering, but Jiang Ran immediately started to breathe.

Breathing can effectively reduce pain and speed up the flow of blood.

Sure enough, after just a moment's effort, the pain in Jiang Ran's body dissipated somewhat.

But the remaining pain still made his brows furrow.

Until Fei Lao came out of the back room and took out two porcelain bottles in his hand.

After opening the porcelain bottle, a bowl of warm water was brought out.

The powder was put into a basin of water, and then Fei Lao quickly stirred it with a flat stick.

Gradually, the powder and water are mixed into a viscous liquid.

Fei Lao rubbed the medicinal liquid on Jiang Ran's body little by little, and the cold touch also made Jiang Ran couldn't help but exhale softly.

He knew that this was Fei Lao who had come up with some kind of medicine to treat trauma.

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