Jiang Ran sighed lightly and shook his head.

The current situation was something even he had anticipated.

But there is still no way to change anything, although it has now stepped into the innate realm.

But it can't change the fate of the Bai family, and he can see it from this time in the family alliance.

Although the Bai family has been fighting for many years, the tens of thousands of troops under it are elite soldiers.

A light horse of 5,000 people also belongs to the superior army in the family alliance, and the surprise attacks of thousands of miles have repeatedly made meritorious achievements.

But the number is too small, other families, not to mention the Red Family troops.

The troops of a middle-grade family alone reached more than 100,000, several times that of the Bai family.

The perennial gap between the two has been widened.

"Stop, there are pursuers!"

Jiang Ran suddenly jerked the reins, and his face changed.

His five senses were much better than ordinary innate realms because of the Guiyuan refining method, and the White Emperor were definitely better.

At this time, the army retreated, and there were no scouts around, and Jiang Ran had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"It's impossible, the Qi family retreated first yesterday and was chased out by the Qin family's troops for thousands of miles."

"Logically speaking, it should be impossible to have chasing soldiers."

Hong Luan's face changed slightly, but soon he became a little puzzled.

The Qi family and the Cao family were families that rose together with the Hong family, and the two of them were the first to withdraw their troops because they were close to the capital.

In particular, the news came out from the Qi family that he was chased thousands of miles away by the imperial troops on the way to withdraw, and suffered heavy losses.


Jiang Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, in this vast plain.

It was already obvious that there was a considerable number of enemy troops coming towards them.

The Red Family currently has about 120,000 or so troops following them, and if there is an army to surround them.

That is to say, the other party is determined to eat them, and the number of enemies is at least doubled.

Moreover, the sense of foreboding that Jiang Ran vaguely felt in his heart became more and more obvious as the banner of the Qin family's army became more and more obvious.

The sense of foreboding in my heart became clearer and clearer.

"Array! Fast! "

"Don't be broken through the formation by the opposing cavalry!"

When Hongluan heard Jiang Ran's words, although his heart had already begun to turn over.

But there was a quick response, they were withdrawing, many troops were in the rear.

If the middle is cut off, then it is a dead end.

At present, the only way to survive is to quickly line up and defend against the opponent's charge.

After the opponent's charge was exhausted, it immediately began to break through.

Although you will lose a lot of troops, it is better than folding them all here.

But as soon as the order went down, the opposing vanguard forces started a clash.

Directly cut the Red Family troops in half, and separate the head and tail.

Even if the Red Plover reacted quickly and let the troops form a large formation, it was too late.

The number of enemy forces in front of them increased, and the encirclement of them was encircled.

The red plover looked at the dense enemy army and the cry that shocked the heavens and the earth.

My heart couldn't help but tighten slightly, and the hand holding the weapon was also tightened.

"What to do, or rush out."

"Yes, with our seven innate realms, there is definitely a chance."

"But what about the 100,000 troops behind him, if they all abandon and go back, what can they do?"

"You guys see that the other party doesn't want to attack for the time being, do you want to talk about peace?"

Jiang Ran and several innate powerhouses behind Hongluan had different opinions at the moment.

As for talking about the impossibility of peace, talking about peace is no different from surrender.

These leaders, even if they surrender, will surely die.

Human nature is sometimes so selfish, intelligent people know that surrender will die, and would rather sacrifice the army behind them to save their own lives.

Before Jiang Ran could give an order to Hongluan, the four innate powerhouses brought thousands of troops with them.

Leaving the large array temporarily formed by the Red Plover, a gap was opened at the top of the large array in an instant.

The light horses, which were close to 10,000 people, rushed forward.


Jiang Ran's angry rebuke at this time was too late, these innate strong people were not the Hong family.

It was the people who were assigned by other families, and at this time, they could no longer listen to Jiang Ran and Hongluan's orders.


A deafening roar resounded in this plain.

Compared to the firm position of the Red Family troops, it was already a joke that the tens of thousands of light horsemen wanted to break through the imperial troops.

In just the first round of the charge, thousands of people died.

And Jiang Ran also saw the other party's innate realm powerhouse at this time.

A whole double digit, more than a dozen innate realms, three or four people besieged one person, but a blaze of incense kung fu killed them without leaving a piece of armor, and the one who killed was caught off guard.

Jiang Ran and Hongluan looked at each other, and their eyes were also full of helplessness.

If they surrounded the imperial army, I am afraid that this kind of thing would definitely not happen.

The shortcomings of the improvised troops were immediately apparent.

In the battlefield, thousands of corpses were scattered, and the smell of blood rose on the grassland.

Even Jiang Ran's side could clearly smell the bloody smell rushing into the sky.

And it was also at this time, in the army, suddenly gave way to a gap.

An old man with gray hair but bright eyes slowly rode forward wearing golden armor.

Coming to the army, for some reason, this old man alone made Jiang Ran feel a more terrifying oppressive force than the thousands of horses and thousands of troops.

The hand holding the bright silver halberd in his right hand even instinctively began to sweat.

"This man is... The ancestor of the Qin family, the Qin Emperor..."

The red plover's voice trembled slightly, and looking at the old man not far away, his pupils suddenly trembled.

And Jiang Ran's expression has obviously changed somewhat, but it is not as exaggerated as Hong Luan.

The name of the ancestor of the Qin family, he had also heard of, and he was the only one who had reached the Chaoyuan Realm powerhouse for hundreds of years.

There are thousands of innate qi realms in this world over hundreds of years.

But the only one who can really step into the Chaoyuan realm is the old man in front of him.

Seeing the old man in front of him, Jiang Ran knew what was the appearance of the emperor and what was the honor of the ninth five.

The word Qin Huang has also resounded in this world for hundreds of years.

The family dared to unite, and it was because they received the imminent arrival of the Qin Emperor Shouyuan that they would start a war.

But at the moment, whether this old man's life is approaching, Jiang Ran does not know.

What can be seen is that the aura on this old man's body is terrifying.

It was the most terrifying person he had ever seen, even if he did not speak, but only rode forward.

Every sound of the horse pedal made the hearts of everyone present tighten.

"Those below the innate realm of the Red Family, those who descend will not be killed!"

Qin Huang Lema stopped and looked at the tens of thousands of troops in front of him with an indifferent expression.

This person alone is enough to deter tens of thousands of them.

Any big array, any strong one, self-defeating!

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