The brute bear breathing method and the body training movements of the brute bear gong continued to cycle until late at night before stopping to sleep.

The next day, waking up early in the morning, the group continued to refine the skin.

Jiang Ran stood alone on the stake and stride.

This is the task that Fei Lao gave him, and if he is not exhausted every day, he will not even have the strength at all.

When you can't even lift your arms, you can't even step out.

You can go back and rest.

Although it was not the first time, Jiang Ran kept stabbling, running, punching and kicking.

It took two hours of high-intensity exercise before Jiang Ran stopped.

It was already lunch time, but Jiang Ran couldn't lift it at all.

Sitting down next to the stake, panting heavily, his brain felt a sense of vertigo.

I can't even mention the time to use the breathing method.

Especially with the two legs, Jiang Ran felt that even if he moved, he would constantly cramp.

"Sit and rest for a while, and the qi and blood in your body will appear after a long time. "

"Tomorrow endure the pain and keep running for me. "

"It's the kind of thing you can't even stand up and sit down. "

"And every day your meal amount gives me a little increase, and the qi and blood must start from eating." "

"Only when you eat well and eat more, the qi and blood in the bones of the body will begin to be stimulated. "

Fei Lao dismissed those teenagers at this time, and also walked to Jiang Ran's side with his back hand.

He squeezed Jiang Ran's arm and thigh with his hand, and showed a smile of satisfaction.

If it is a descendant of the family, in order to trigger the qi and blood in the body, it only needs to consume some medicinal materials.

But the expensive price of that medicinal herb requires spending most of your savings to buy.

Between the two, it is more similar to a utilization relationship, Fei Lao will definitely not do this, the gain is not worth the loss.

"Also, your reward has arrived, and I helped you get something. "

"You'll use it then. "

Just as Fei Lao turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran's mouth was dry at this time, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Just nodded.


The days of stimulating qi and blood in the body lasted for a total of three months.

In the past three months, the qi and blood in Jiang Ran's body have already taken some rudimentary shapes.

Even Jiang Ran could feel that the blood flowing in his veins was faster.

In these three months, the trip to the Foggy Mountains has also been visited three times.

Jiang Ran himself was not idle in these three times, after remembering most of the areas.

Every time he came back, he would draw a simple map, and he would make a good profit every time on his own.

In the past three times, I have already received a lot of rewards.

But Jiang Ran had never seen these rewards, according to what Fei Lao said.

These rewards were all put away by Fei Lao and waited until the day when Jiang Ran used them.

It will be handed over to Jiang Ran to use.

And after these months of refining skin, others have almost reached the time of refining bones.

Originally, there were eighteen people in the group, but after this time, there were only six people left.

"Knock knock!"

Jiang Ran knocked on the door of Fei Lao's courtyard and pushed the door in.

Fei Lao was sitting in the middle of the small courtyard, boiling something over a charcoal fire.

From the inside, a burst of medicinal aroma came out, and the medicinal aroma was very strong.

It could be smelled clearly in the entire courtyard, and Jiang Ran's face also showed a hint of curiosity.

"Fei Lao, are you sick?"

Jiang Ran stepped forward, stood beside Fei Lao, and asked.

"Old man, I'm in good health. "

"This is for you, and you have already completed the final stage of refining the skin. "

"In three months, you have almost given some rudiments to your qi and blood. "

"Once the foundation is laid, it's time to move on to the next step. "

"I'll help you stimulate your qi and blood today. "

The corners of Fei Lao's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were smiling.

And Jiang Ran looked at the bubbling medicinal soup, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, there was also some more gratitude in his heart, if Fei Lao wanted to covet these rewards for him.

It is definitely a very easy thing, and even if these medicine collectors know about it, they dare not say anything.

"Boy, this name is Strong Blood. "

"Ordinary warriors spend most of their savings to be able to buy drugs. "

"As long as it is drunk, it can stimulate a large amount of qi and blood in the human body, and the specific benefits." "

"After you drink it, you'll know. "

Fei Lao picked up the crockpot in front of him and poured the concentrated liquid inside into a porcelain bowl.

It was handed to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran blew the hot air on the medicinal liquid, and couldn't help but start drinking it in large gulps.

The burning sensation that ran down his throat instantly made Jiang Ran's body become hot.

Now winter has just passed, and winter snow has just begun to digest.

It was the coldest time at the beginning of the year, and Jiang Ran, who was wearing a cotton coat, felt the burning sensation on his body.

He immediately took off his cotton clothes, and the whole person seemed to be drunk, and his face turned crimson.

Until he took off his cotton clothes and revealed the thin clothes inside, Jiang Ran could still feel an obvious heat wave sweeping through his body.

Without hesitation, Jiang Ran quickly took off all his clothes.

Grabbed the snowdrift that had been somewhat melted on the side, wiped it off his body one by one, and was even swallowed by Jiang Ran after grabbing a few handfuls of snow.

That burning sensation even made Jiang Ran feel the urge to shout.

Jiang Ran, who burned his heart socket very uncomfortably and gasped heavily, was like a fierce beast that was about to erupt at any time.

"If you want to roar, you can yell out, and if you want to vent, you can vent towards that tree. "

Fei Lao looked at Jiang Ran with a smile in his eyes, obviously satisfied with Jiang Ran's qi and blood explosion in front of him.

And Jiang Ran also roared at this moment.

On the big tree in front of them, which can only be held up by two hugging, countless snows fell because of the sound waves.

But this is not over yet, the heat in Jiang Ran's body, as well as the constantly churning qi and blood.

It didn't dissipate much because of this shout.

Raising his fist, Jiang Ran instinctively wanted to punch the tree in front of him.


A punch bombarded out, wood chips flew above the tree trunk, and snow continued to fall in the headspace.

And Jiang Ran's fist also kept swinging out again and again.

Hitting the trees in front of me one after another.


Until Jiang Ran's last punch fell, the whole person's breath began to become calm.

But the big tree in front of Jiang Ran had already broken a big hole.

As if it had been continuously struck by a blunt object, the trunk inside had become shattered.

It seems that if you push hard, the tree can face down and smash the wall.


After a violent vent, Jiang Ran sat down in the snow.

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