"They are hungry for each other's territory and want to devour each other. "

"Even the Luo family is just surviving in these many families. "

"The strength of the Luo family is only strong in this area. "

Fei Lao's voice was very low, about this remark.

Even he did not dare to say it out loud, but the speaker had no intention of listening to it.

Jiang Ran was slightly shocked in his heart about the enormity of this world.

I thought I could count it as good, at least soon.

He can be stronger than ordinary people, except for the children of the Luo family, he has the confidence to be stronger.

But now it seems that he is still an ant.

And also an ant who doesn't know how big the world is.

This made Jiang Ran feel a little confused in his heart, or a little overwhelmed.

Even if it surpasses the Luo family, it is still an ant in this world.

"Well, these are not what you can think of for the time being. "

"Like I just said, remember to rot in your stomach, because you probably don't have a chance to run into it. "

Fei Lao looked at Jiang Ran, whose face was constantly changing, and also knew that he had lost his words.

Some of the young guards in the Luo family may not know about these things, but he has lived for decades.

Having also experienced certain things, it is natural to know some secret things.

He patted Jiang Ran's shoulder and returned to the room alone.

After going back to the room, Jiang Ran did not choose to go to sleep for the first time.

Looking at the big tank placed outside the door, this big tank plus the coarse salt inside has at least two hundred pounds.

Jiang Ran did not hesitate, hugged the big cylinder, and easily raised it high.

Immediately, he raised the big cylinder with one hand, even if he raised the big cylinder with one hand, Jiang Ran did not have any discomfort.


After putting down the large cylinder, the large tank fell on the ground and also stirred up a layer of smoke.

After the power in his body was activated by qi and blood, Jiang Ran felt as if he had more than doubled.

"If it is said that refining skin is to increase the toughness of the human body. "

"Then the physical exercise in the weekday is to strengthen the body. "

"The activation of qi and blood is an explosion of power. "

"That's why Fei Lao said that control power. "

Jiang Ran looked at his hands, and as he breathed, he could feel the continuous agitation of his lungs.

And along with the accelerated flow of blood, Jiang Ran could even hear the sound of blood flowing in his body.

Like a small river, the sound of chirping is constantly responding.

It was accompanied by the mention of the power in Jiang Ran's body.

Now Jiang Ran has self-confidence, under his own punch, I am afraid that an ordinary adult will not be able to bear it.


Jiang Ran punched out and hit the rock in the martial arts training hall.


A large hole was opened in the middle of the rock, and a stone cave the size of a large porcelain bowl appeared.

Along with the scattering of stone chips, Jiang Ran's face also showed a touch of joy.

If this punch hits a cow in the head, it is estimated that one punch can kill a cow.

Jiang Ran also has self-confidence, his punch is enough to have a thousand pounds of power.

Otherwise, the boulder in front of you would not have been able to shatter, although it was not completely shattered into slag.

However, the hard boulder broke a large hole, and there were cracks around the mouth of the cave that rippled around.

This was the first time that Jiang Ran felt true power.

From the power that comes from stepping into the early days of martial arts.

Although he had only taken that step and his other foot was still outside the door, Jiang Ran could see some scenery inside that door.


The next day, Jiang Ran was taken to another small courtyard.

The smell of medicine is everywhere, and in the courtyard there are several medicine jars being continuously boiled by charcoal.

There are also many people next to them who are always watching the boiling of the medicinal liquid.

Jiang Ran was also brought here, and first arranged a place to live.

Unlike the previous Chase shop of the medicine hall, the room here is for two people.

After giving Jiang Ran a salute, he took Jiang Ran to the inside of the pharmacy.

The person in charge of the pharmacy was an old man surnamed Li named Li Dashan.

He was one of the few alchemists in this town.

The status of this outer gate can be described as the highest, and Jiang Ran was also taken by this Li Dashan to walk around everything in the pharmacy.

The pharmacy is divided into a storeroom, a storage room, a refining room, and a processing room.

Jiang Ran's duty is actually to do miscellaneous, after assigning Jiang Ran to a steward.

Jiang Ran was arranged to go to the warehouse to familiarize himself with the medicinal herbs.

Among them, a young man in his twenties took Jiang Ran to know the medicinal herbs.

After casual chat, I learned that this young man's name was Yan Xie, and he was not from Lincheng.

But because he ran a medicine store at home since he was a child, he finally came to the Luo family as a medicine boy.

He learned alchemy in Luo's house.

"This is the medicinal herb we will use at the moment, you can read this book." "

"Memorize everything inside, and you can use it in other places in the future." "

This Yan Xie's tone of voice was very calm, not because Jiang Ran was promoted from a medicine slave.

And seemed to look down on Jiang Ran, but he answered all the questions Jiang Ran mentioned.

For several days, it was he who took Jiang Ran to familiarize himself with the things in this pharmacy.

And today, after getting acquainted with most of the medicinal herbs.

Jiang Ran was taken to the alchemy room again and began to burn a fire, and was told by some alchemists.

Probably what medicinal herbs will have to wait until when they can be turned off and leave the furnace.

Still doing some chores, Jiang Ran also paid attention to the state of the fire while cultivating.

Of course, the most important thing is that every time these alchemists add some medicinal materials.

Jiang Ran secretly remembered it on the side.

He always felt that these things would be available to Jiang Ran in the near future.

About three months passed, and Jiang Ran was also familiar with the work in the pharmacy.

The decoction and distinguishing the heat have been done well.

I didn't make any mistakes for three months, and I was taken to the processing room.

All that is left here is some leftover medicine residue after boiling.

Some of the drug residue was packaged and sent to the Luo family's medicine shop as a waste for secondary use, and it could also be exchanged for some money.

Some of the residue is discarded or made into sachets and thrown into the storage room according to time.

Inside the storage room are all medicinal herbs that are sent in from the outside every month.

The function of these sachets is to emit the remaining medicinal fragrance to maintain the medicinal properties of these medicinal herbs.

Jiang Ran also remembered the recipes of many medicinal herbs at this time, as well as the boiling time.

Including the special effects of certain medicinal herbs.

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