I have to say that the living environment given to them in the Wutang is much better.

Although this room is not large, it is more than 30 square meters, which is enough to be spacious.

Jiang Ran, who simply cleaned up, changed into a black practice uniform and walked out.

After coming to the martial arts training ground outside the Martial Hall, Jiang Ran joined the ranks of these people.

"This is Jiang Ran from the Medicine Hall, who also joined us today."

"My name is Luo Yuan, and I am the head of the Luo family's outer gate martial arts hall."

"If you have something in the future, you can come to me directly."

Luo Yuan watched Jiang Ran join the team, and then briefly introduced.

After that, he dismissed everyone and went to cultivate separately.

Jiang Ran was also taken by Luo Yuan and walked towards the Wutang.

"Those people didn't even look at me, it seems that their status is really entrenched in this Luo family."

Jiang Ran looked at the back, one by one, people who practiced all kinds of martial arts.

He couldn't help but shake his head, just when he joined them.

Only a few people glanced at Jiang Ran.

The others didn't even look at Jiang Ran.

"Don't look around, there are many people with dignitary status here."

"You who came all the way from the medicine hall should be a little smarter."

Luo Yuan watched Jiang Ran constantly looking around, and immediately reminded him.

Jiang Ran immediately said yes, and then was taken into an attic.

"This is the Tibetan scripture pavilion of the Wutang of the outer gate of the Luo family."

"Give you a fragrant time and choose the exercises that you feel are suitable for you."

"Remember, you can only choose two, don't waste time."

"I suggest that you choose a fist method and a body refining method, and the body refining method is a must."

"When the time for a blaze of incense is up, even if you don't choose well, you can't continue to choose."

As Jiang Ran walked in, Luo Yuan's voice behind him also sounded.

Jiang Ran looked at the rows of bookshelves in front of him, and his face also showed a look of surprise.

This is just the amount of the outer gate, and inside the inner gate, for those children of the family to practice.

That's not to be described as a huge treasure.

Jiang Ran did not hesitate, and began to quickly find the martial arts and body refining methods that suited him.

Wind and thunder palm, palm like thunder flashing, fast as wind, force like thunder.

Dragon and tiger fist, the punch is like a heaven-shaking tiger roar, with qi and blood, it can break the qi and blood in the enemy's body.


There are so many exercises that dazzle Jiang Ran, but many of them are flashy.

In Jiang Ran, he didn't look very powerful, and even some of them even a layman like Jiang Ran thought it was rubbish.

"Sure enough, this is the outer gate, and the Luo family can't give any powerful martial arts."

Jiang Ran put the book of exercises in his hand back and couldn't help but shake his head.

Half of the time for a blaze of incense had passed, and Jiang Ran hadn't even found a copy now.

But soon, Jiang Ran's eyes stopped in front of a shabby book of exercises.

Brute bear strength, with the flesh to urge qi and blood, burst out the whole body strength, in order to achieve the ultimate explosion of strength.

The martial arts that broke all the martial arts with force, and there was one thing that Jiang Ran felt very interesting.

Most of the exercises rely on qi and blood to mobilize physical strength.

But this brute bear strength relies on the flesh to mobilize qi and blood, urging the body's strength to increase sharply to reach the level of explosion.

And just after turning a few pages, Jiang Ran learned that this brute bear jin was the same as the brute bear skill.

After looking at it, Jiang Ran put away the brute bear.

Then he began to go to another place and had an attack.

All he needed now was the Body Refining Method.

In other words, martial arts are secondary, and only the refining method can allow him to enter the bone refining level faster.

Although the Brute Bear Gong also has a way to refine the body, it is only an introductory and physical enhancement method.

What he needed was a technique that could really cut through to the existing level and allow him to enhance.

Guiyuan refining method, with strong internal bones, internal organs, meridians, blood vessels.

Nourish the inside and the outside to enhance the strength of the flesh.

Seeing this one, Jiang Ran also knew that the two books of exercises he needed had already gathered.

I was ready to go out immediately, and at this time the attic door was also pushed open.


Luo Yuan looked at the two books of exercises in Jiang Ran's hand, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

But he didn't say much, just turned around and prepared to leave.

And Jiang Ran immediately followed, and on the first day, Luo Yuan did not let Jiang Ran join the ranks of cultivation.

Instead, let Jiang Ran go back by himself and understand the exercises first.

After all, in the martial arts hall, all they need to do is mainly to hone their martial skills.

As for this acquired realm, to what extent they reach is not something they need to consider for the time being.

Soon, after waiting for Jiang Ran to return to the room alone.

It was the first to open the martial art of Brute Bear Jin.

The martial arts were not bitter and difficult to understand, on the contrary, Jiang Ran had already understood it after reading it once.

It can be said that this brute bear strength is a little reluctant to say that the exercises are a little reluctant.

Because martial artists, whether innate or acquired, rely on the qi and blood in the body as a power to erupt.

But this brutal bear strength is the use of the body's explosive ingenuity to drive the qi and blood in the body.

In terms of essential strength, it is very suitable for those ordinary folk warriors.

That is, people whose qi and blood are not abundant.

Although it is clear from the exercises that in order to achieve the best results, the physical strength must be sufficient.

But since he is already an acquired martial artist, who will mainly hone his physical body.

The physical body is the most difficult level to cultivate besides strength and martial arts.

Ordinary martial artists, few people will come to major in the flesh.

However, Jiang Ran didn't think so, although horizontal practice was the most difficult to accomplish.

But as a martial artist, if you do not practice horizontally and only practice the flower style, then you are essentially inferior to a martial artist who is physically powerful.

You know, the most important thing for a warrior is the strength of the flesh.

Jiang Ran slowly shook his head and closed the brute bear, this exercise may bring him unexpected gains in the future.

But now for him, maybe not very strong.

Immediately, he opened another book of exercises, the Gui Yuan Body Refining Method.

"Cultivate the five internal organs first, and pass the five internal organs in other directions of the flesh."

"Cultivate the inside and the outside first, and it seems to be very powerful."

Jiang Ran simply flipped through a few pages, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The difficulty of cultivation is not high, although the results may be a little slow.

But in fact, it should be very strong.

Now Jiang Ran has entered the bone refining level, but if he wants to refine bones.

It's not like refining skin, you have to have such a painful experience.

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