The outline of this star palace is extremely smooth, as if it is a natural formation.

But in an instant, it was the top of Yu Jiang Ran's head that began to appear.

Just because such a terrifying power appeared, Hong Huang's face began to change drastically.

The power of the star palace between the two cannot be compared at all.

One side is like a river of stars, and the other is like a firefly.

Hong Huang still couldn't figure out why a person from a mid-level tribe would have such talent.

How could the Great Elder of his Suzaku Clan be defeated in the hands of someone he despised.

But even if you can't figure it out, even if you can't figure it out, the Red Wilderness can't escape at the moment.

The entire space seemed to be constantly shrouded by the power of Jiang Ran's Star Palace.

There is no escape, there is no escape.

At this moment, it was just the power in this layer of space "five two seven".

At this moment, the Red Wilderness could not fully display the power of his Star Palace.


"Impossible! A guy from a mid-level clan! "

"The old man is a member of the Suzaku clan, isn't the old man's talent comparable to that of a middle-level clan?"

Hong Huang also felt that his body was constantly trembling with fear at this moment.

Because of this fear, it gradually began to become vicious.

Forcibly urging the star power, wanting to break Jiang Ran's star palace, countless starlight turned into bits of flames.

It directly illuminated the entire sky, allowing the night to change constantly.

It kept turning fiery red, as if the whole sky was on fire.

"Those who are too obsessed with power will never be able to cultivate themselves to the top."

Jiang Ran looked at the burning clouds in the sky and shook his head calmly.

The right hand slowly pressed down, and the Star Palace began to transform into countless sword lights, gathering and scattering around like a storm.

In just an instant, countless sounds of breaking the void continued to sound.

The flames in the sky were gone in just a moment.

Then, under Jiang Ran's control, all the sword lights began to converge continuously.

It turned into a giant sword that absorbed the starlight of heaven and earth, standing horizontally above the head of the Red Wilderness.

Endless killing intent, accompanied by sword intent constantly falling.

The red wilderness gradually lost his mind, and the divine light in his eyes also disappeared continuously because of the appearance of this giant sword.

He didn't understand why the situation in front of him had become like this.

But at this time, it is too late to say anything.

In his eyes, he simply looked down on this middle-level tribal person.

But he became the one who took his life, which made the regret in Honghuang's heart continue to emerge when he was about to die.

"I already knew that this scene was now, and the old man should have killed you dog men and women that day!"

The look in Honghuang's eyes was constantly occupied by chagrin, and he regretted it in his heart.

It was no longer helpful, and the starlight on his body had completely dissipated.

Facing this terrifying giant sword, Red Wilderness instead lost his defenses.

The Star Palace turned into a little starlight and dispersed, and the divine light in the red wilderness eyes completely dissipated.

This blow was not only an attack led by starlight, but also a powerful blow to the spiritual space of the Red Wilderness.

Just like that, the Red Wilderness is irresistible.

The whole person's body, after the starlight spread all around, fell straight backwards.

After hitting the ground, it stirred up a puff of dust.


The Red Emperor gasped and looked at the scene in front of him with some disbelief.

Although she also knew very well that as a gold-level warrior, the Red Wilderness had absolutely not reached the level of strength.

But he didn't expect that the Red Wilderness was so vulnerable in front of Jiang Ran. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With just one blow, he killed this great elder who had been popular in the Suzaku tribe for decades.

What a mighty power this is, what a strength this is.

Even the Red Emperor even had some doubts in his heart, if he reached the level of a gold-level warrior, would he have the strength of Jiang Ran?

The Red Emperor did not know, and did not even dare to confirm it.

But there is only one thing she can be sure of, that is, Jiang Ran is definitely the strongest backing for her.

Turning into the sharpest spear can help her clear all obstacles.

It can also help her guard anything that the rear cares about.

"My luck is really good."

The Red Emperor smiled slightly, and a sense of pride arose in his heart.

At first, it seemed that it was just a matter of no choice, and she just wanted to get the absolute support of the Muli clan.

But I didn't expect that this decision I had made became the most critical step.

Directly determined everything, now the entire Suzaku tribe is completely under her control..........

There is no need to act on the face of the Great Elder in everything, and there is no need to be in danger.

Because currently in the Suzaku clan, she has no enemies.

"What's wrong, smiling so happily."

"I broke through to the gold level warrior, did you make you so happy?"

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, walked to the Red Emperor's side, and quietly took the Red Emperor's hand.

It doesn't take too many words between the two to keep the two hearts closer.

The Red Emperor needed Jiang Ran very much, but this love was not just because he needed him.

It's because this person has brought her something she has never experienced before.

"Of course, so that there will be no opposition within the Suzaku clan."

"In the future, I can also relax a little, and I don't need to work so hard."

"All this time, I didn't dare to relax at all."

"Every moment, but because of this old fellow, I dare not relax and slack."

The Red Emperor exhaled lightly, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

She was even more looking forward to her future life, even more looking forward to what the Suzaku tribe that she was in charge of alone would be like.

Either way, this time it was she who won.

It was she who won a great victory among the Suzaku tribe, and from the very beginning she competed with her siblings for power.

In 1.7 now, he is constantly threatened and coerced by the Great Elder.

By now, the Great Elder was dead, and the Suzaku tribe would not have anyone to threaten her.

Thinking of this, the Red Emperor's eyes couldn't help but get a little moist.

She has always resisted alone, no matter how hard and tired, even if it is dangerous.

No one could share these things with her.

Even if it was Jiang Ran before, she didn't say too much.

It's just that from this moment on, the Red Emperor doesn't have to worry so much.

"There's one more person to dispose of."

"Your eldest brother, Red Rebel."

Jiang Ran looked at the red rebellion with a relaxed face, even tears in the corners of his eyes, and said slowly.

At the same time, his eyes also looked at a place, which was where the red rebel was held.

The strength of the red rebel, others do not know, but Jiang Ran is very clear.

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