The strength of this force was a little stronger than the spiritual power that Lingcheng was using now.

I am afraid that it is no exaggeration to say that if the star power is completely controlled.

Her strength will definitely rise by several points, and by then, she will definitely be able to cross the challenge.

"Lord Xie, then I will go to cultivate immediately."

Lingcheng came to Jiang Ran, and Zhu's lips touched Jiang Ran's cheek.

Immediately ran back into the room, she was not shy to be bold.

Instead, when faced with new powers, I was very curious and wanted to try them right away.

"What about you, don't you go with Lingcheng?"

The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised slightly, looking at Lingzheng's figure that had already run away, and also looked at Yan Yue.

Compared to Yan Yue, whose expression had not changed before, Yan Yue's eyes at this time already had some charm.

"No, I'm here."

Yan Yue shook his head and sat quietly beside Jiang Ran, not choosing to accompany Lingzheng.

Although she would feel very at ease by Lingcheng's side, this peace of mind was far less than when she was by Jiang Ran's side.

Everyone has a different status in their hearts.

Lingzheng is very special, and Jiang Ran is also very special, and he is irreplaceable in Yan Yue's heart. 603 "Well, then I'll teach you sculpture." "

"Sometimes you can pass the time."

Jiang Ran nodded with a smile, and then took out a new carving knife and wood and placed it in Yan Yue's hand.

Began to explain to Yan Yue, the trajectory and skills of each knife falling.

The method is very common and the explanation is easy to understand.

The sculpture is not that difficult, there are not many techniques.

The specifics still depend on the patience of the person, and Yan Yue's patience is also very good, so Jiang Ran just taught for a while.

Yan Yue couldn't help but start falling the carving knife himself.

It may be clumsy at first, but slowly, Yan Yue gradually became familiar.


Fast forward a week.

During the week, the most talked-about topic in the whole town is the blooming of the stars on the night not long ago.

It was this blooming star that brought the whole town to this short week.

There are different sects, and different monks keep coming here.

Everyone tried to find the unwarranted treasure.

There is a vision in the sky, either someone breaks through (ciag), or a treasure comes into the world.

Either way, they are very curious, and if it is a treasure, it is even more unlikely to be released.

Bei Xuantian was originally a scattered cultivator, in this short week.

I also met many friends from the beginning, and in the courtyard next to Jiang Ran and them, I could see monks surrounding them almost every day.

But these things are not important to Jiang Ranyan.

His courtyard is not accessible to outsiders without his permission.

There are many kinds of functions of the Star Palace, and the Star Palace outlined by Jiang Ran is not just one.

Not only the Star Palace related to the sword, but also the Star Palace with the spirit.

There was a terrifying phantom array in this courtyard, and entering it, unless it was as strong as Jiang Ran's spiritual power.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to break through from the phantom array.

Even Bei Xuantian was only able to enter and exit because of Jiang Ran's spiritual imprint.

Since this time, it was Bei Xuantian who sent it to Jiang Ran and others after purchasing outside.

And today, after Bei Xuantian had just sent in a large amount of food and some wood.

It was from Jiang Ran's courtyard that walked out, and in the shadows, there were two people, one old and one young, standing in place and secretly looking at Bei Xuantian like this.

The old man's name is Ouyang Zhen, he is a famous poison master in the Western Regions, and his cultivation is related to poison.

He had a fateful friendship with Bei Xuantian, and they were also scattered cultivators, but their strength was much more terrifying than Bei Xuantian. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And that young man was Ouyang Zhen's disciple Qin He.

The two have been paying attention to Bei Xuantian here for a long time.

Almost every two days, Bei Xuantian would go to the market to buy a large amount of materials and go to the next yard.

You know, although Bei Xuantian is a scattered cultivator, his strength is still good.

It has been a long time since he opened the valley, and as a strong person in the Yuan infancy stage, he will actually help people run errands.

Either there are people who are stronger than Beixuantian inside, or there are unseeable things.

Ouyang Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his snake-like eyes gradually sharpened.

His mind was looking at if he trespassed in.

Whether you can save your life after taking the treasure.

"Master, how are we, are we going in?"

Qin He was also a little puzzled on the side, the two of them had been here for a long time.

Everyone else began to search for treasures around town.

But they stayed at the gate of this courtyard for five whole days.


"Why don't you come in?"

"As a cultivator, you should take risks, and seek wealth and danger!"

"Just let the old man see what the hell this Bei Xuantian is doing."

Ouyang Zhen's eyes showed a hint of essence, in his opinion, if he let him go away like this.

He was unwilling, and his strength was not weaker than Bei Xuantian, or even stronger.

His heart would definitely not be willing, and he immediately decided to enter the mysterious courtyard.

Ouyang Zhen stepped out in one step, took his disciples, and arrived outside the courtyard door in a few steps.

Looking at this ordinary doorway, ordinary to be in an ordinary courtyard.

Ouyang Zhen couldn't help but take a deep breath, and took his disciple and stepped directly in.

But when Ouyang Zhen entered it, his face instantly became ugly.


"This... What's going on! "

Qin He shouted in disbelief, and there was still the appearance of the small courtyard in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, it has become a desert with no one in sight.

The hot wind that constantly blows around, and the feeling of the sand and dust under your feet.

They are all proving to Qin He that this is definitely a real desert.

"Don't panic! This is a phantom array! "

Ouyang Zhen was well-informed, and immediately understood that this was a phantom array.

His face gradually became calmer, and he immediately slowly stepped towards the front.

With each step, you can step on a heavy footprint on the sand.

What Ouyang Zhen was good at was not a phantom array, but poison.

He himself also has some involvement in formations, but they are all some poisonous formations.

The phantom array is the most complex of all the formations.

According to his understanding of the phantom array, Ouyang Zhen was also thinking about how to find the eyes of this phantom array at this time.

If this formation can be found, it will definitely be able to break the formation directly.

"What exactly is Bei Xuantian hiding here, and he would not hesitate to spend such a price to arrange such a formation."

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