At night, Jiang Ran and Ye Yu returned to the room after eating.

The system template was opened, and although the Beast Emperor Mountain was not much threatening, Jiang Ran still wanted to continue Sims at this time.

After the end of the last world, there is indeed now a new world.

【Ding! A new world has been opened, the city of dusk!】

【Ding! Please choose the origin!】

Choose one, the upper family

You will be born in a very hierarchical world, where the lives of the upper, middle and lower classes of people are very different.

Your birth can help the world to have better access to everything, to authority.

At the same time, you can also have the best resources in this world and keep improving~.

Redemption points: 10000--30000

Option two, middle level origin

You come from a middle-level family, which may be a powerful family or an ordinary family.

But your origin also means that you will not be in any danger here, and you can live your life in peace.

Redemption points: 6000-10000

Option three, the lower ordinary family

You have a difficult background, and you don't need to give up at the bottom.

Because there are countless opportunities and dangers here, and it is also the most magical place in the whole city.

Number of redemption points: 0-5000

Looking at the rows of options in front of him, Jiang Ran's brows also wrinkled slightly.

Where the hierarchy is severe, there is no doubt that it is very complicated.

At present, he does not have many simulation points left, and if he spends them casually, it should undoubtedly be of little use.

Jiang Ran is no longer Xiaobai at the beginning, and now his strength is very strong.

Even if you don't have a good background, there is not much problem.

Chu Ran immediately decided, directly chose the last option, and did not ask for any exchange points.

Then he looked at the choice of this life.

[S-class power: You will get a certain super S-class ability, and the exchange point is 20,000]

[A power: You will get a certain powerful A power, and the exchange point is 10,000]

[B-level power: You will get some kind of good B-level power, and the exchange point is 5,000]

[C-level power: You will get a certain intermediate C-level ability, and the exchange point is 2,000]

[D-Tier Abilities: You will get some useless Tier D Abilities, redeeming points for 500]

Basically, it was all about magical things, and Jiang Ran also felt a little curious about this.

After all, this is still a new world, and if you can extract the corresponding powerful power, it is undoubtedly a good choice.

Jiang Ran immediately decided to exchange his full net worth, which only had five thousand simulation points left, for a B-level power.

After all, it is just a trial, and losing five thousand simulation points is not distressing.

【Ding! Confirmed to redeem C-level powers!】

[Ding! It has been decided to choose the lower ordinary family!】

【Ding! New World Dusk City has opened!】

As the sound of the system continued to sound, Jiang Ran also felt that great sleepiness was constantly coming.

But after a while, he was already leaning on the head of the bed and slowly fell asleep.


The City of Dusk, the last human city on the entire continent.

The whole world has become a scorched earth, crops cannot be grown, and farming cannot continue.

Food and water became the most important supplies in the city.

It is very difficult for families to earn income even to support themselves.

And always watch out for strange events that can occur at any time throughout the town. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Here, human life is at stake.

The advent of the end of the world has wiped out ninety percent of the human race in this world.

Not only that, but a large number of plagues and mutant monsters and even demons broke out.

The whole sky also changed to the color of dusk, without day and night.

In this city of dusk, despite being the last town of mankind, the huge city of dusk also has a great hierarchy.

The upper, middle and lower urban districts represent the hierarchy in this world.

People in the upper city still live a bright and green life every day, and they don't need to think about food.

You don't have to worry about your own security, although this is the smallest place in the entire Dusk City.

But the corrupt life continues.

The people of Midtown are the place where the few elites in society today exist.

They have masters sent by the upper echelons to protect their safety.

It is also they who can maintain the life of the upper class that is constantly corrupt and corrupt.

And the people in the lower city have a much humble fate compared to the other two urban areas.

Not many people care about their life or death, and in the eyes of the people in the other two urban areas, the lower city is just the lowest level of labor.

Cheap labor is used to maintain the operation of factories and agricultural and livestock industries.

In this way, they are given some meager salaries, and few meagre resources.

Jiang Ran was born in this lower city.

My parents are workers at an important power station in Xiacheng, and they basically eat and live in factories on weekdays.

It's a very good job in this downtown area.

Jiang Ran himself, on the other hand, was entrusted by his parents to the care of his next-door neighbor, and he would also send money in every month.

It has been twelve years since he came to this world, and Jiang Ran has also roughly learned about the situation of this world from books and various messages.

Although demons appear from time to time in the lower city, the danger level is not so high.

In order to control the population of the lower city to stabilize the labor force, the people in the upper city will also issue bounties.

Let some powerful humans hunt demons in the lower city.

And these bounty hunters are the only superhumans in this world who can still resist demons.

They all have their own awakened powers to fight demons.

At a time when the world is changing, human beings have not been completely abandoned, but have given them some leeway and hope.

This awakened power is this hope.

When everyone reaches the age of twelve, there is hope that some kind of power will awaken.

This is also the only opportunity to change one's origin and destiny in the lower town.

If you awaken a B-class power, then at least you can go to live in the Midtown.

But this kind of opportunity is not great, or relatively slim, after all, awakening the power is just one in a hundred.

Only one person in a hundred can awaken the power, and most of them are C-level and D-level powers, which are of little use, or have a large auxiliary ability.

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