Meili's special function is definitely one of the strongest.

In any firm, it is absolutely rushed to ask for.

The process of calling Liston was also very smooth, and it happened that Hongyan Office also sent an intern.

Originally, this title was Jiang Ran's, but Jiang Ran's strength has exceeded that of interns, and his practicality is also very strong, so he naturally turned positive.

Soon, Jiang Ran hung up the phone and turned to look at Meili.

"How, how do you say?"

Meili looked at Jiang Ran expectantly, wondering what the result would be.

After all, this is a reason for her to live without any Shen Yun over there.

"It's done, I mentioned it to the person in charge over there. "

"There is absolutely no problem with your powers, just see when you move in now." "

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, and said directly.

In exchange, Mei Li's 28-hearted smile directly hugged Jiang Ran tightly.

In her opinion, this is perhaps the happiest thing for her in recent times.

"Move away after eating, I don't want to stay in Midtown for a moment!"

Mei Li stood up and pulled Jiang Ran and Aunt Mei, and walked to the dining table.

The three of them soon began to eat this light meal.

After eating, I chartered a truck and went to Midtown.

There are not many things in Midtown, and it is simply loaded into the car.

When Jiang Ran and them came to the Hongyan Office, it was not yet dark.

Liston was already waiting at the door, and brought a few people up from the side door.

Hongyan Office was originally a small apartment renovated.

Originally, because of a demon incident, the people of this apartment basically died and fled.

In the end, it was also bought by Hongyan Office at a low price and changed into a firm.

There are a total of six floors upstairs, and each floor has four houses, basically three-bedroom, two-living houses.

Jiang Ran naturally lived with Mei Li and them, in order to save the number of places in the dormitory.

Then, Jiang Ran took Li to the office on the first floor.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt a strong smell of wine, and Jiang Ran was firmly hugged by Sequoia.

"Where did I run, I haven't seen it for a few days." "

"Sister misses you a lot. "

Sequoia looked drunk, pointed at Jiang Ran's nose and said viciously.

Seeing this, Meili on the side also became nervous, or hostile.

Sequoia looks beautiful and has a delicate figure, which is still very different from a little girl like her.

"Stop messing around, I'm not your intern now. "

"I can handle the task on my own. "

Jiang Ran sighed lightly and couldn't help but start complaining.

Performing tasks with Sequoia to complete the bounty, occasionally there will always be some problems.

So before, he reacted with Liston and wanted to go it alone, and now Jiang Ran, who already has B-grade strength in the eyes of others.

Nature is capable of acting as a separate bounty hunter.

So Liston agreed without hesitation, and did not run around following Sequoia.

Sequoia pay attention, the girl next to her is called Meili. "

"It will be your new partner, and it will be up to you to take her later." "

Liston coughed dryly, and as an eight-faced man, he could see at first glance Meili's hostility towards Sequoia.

And Sequoia also looked at this time, the girl behind Jiang Ran.

Looking at this girl who was about the same age as Jiang Ran, Sequoia also showed a playful smile on her face.

"Why, are you this little ghost's childhood sweetheart?"

"It's quite cute, but can you rob a man with your sister?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Sequoia smiled slightly and gently lifted Meili's chin with her finger.

That enchanting smile, as well as the looming career line, made Meili couldn't help but blush slightly.

"I... I...."

When Meili saw this kind of battle, she was immediately speechless.

But this was even more in exchange for Sequoia's smile, and he couldn't help but cover his stomach and laugh.

"Don't make trouble, Meili's powers are favors, very strong auxiliary powers. "

In addition to her abilities, she majored in gun fighting, which was the first in the academy. "

"So as long as she's always safe, you're equivalent to having unlimited combat power." "

Jiang Ran couldn't help but say a few words about Sequoia, although Sequoia was not malicious.

But this unorthodox look also makes people feel a little helpless.

And Sequoia, who was exaggerated and smiling on the side, couldn't help but be slightly startled when he heard Jiang Ran's words.

"Favor? God's favor? is it called an outlier in C-class powers?"

"So didn't we pick up the treasure?"

Sequoia was slightly startled and looked at Meili in disbelief.

This is not an ordinary power, you must know that the level of auxiliary ability is not high.

They do not have the power to destroy the world and do not have any lethality, but it can be said that their practicality is absolutely very high.

It can be said that in the eyes of bounty hunters, this C-level ability may be more attractive than the A power.

This is equivalent to giving your partner an extra life.

"Just know, her powers also happen to be a good match for you." "

"So it's up to you to take her, and Jiang Ran I have other bounty tasks for him." "

"Jiang 460ran, come with me. "

Liston smiled slightly, then called Jiang Ran and walked into the room inside.

Let these two women get along well for a while, after all, they will be partners in a short period of time in the future.

Sequoia's powers are definitely very powerful, but because of time constraints, they can only rank A.

But the strength is not lost to the S-class, and it already has the destructive power of the S-class.

If there is such a blessing as grace, then there will definitely be one more life in the future.

Not only that, but after the transformation is over, if you are treated by favor, you can use the power once more in an instant.

There is no doubt that it is definitely a combination that can double the combat power.

On the other hand, Jiang Ran had already followed Liston into a room.

"I have a task for you, but whether this task comes next depends on you. "

"The firm here is not demanding, the remuneration is very attractive, a full 10 million, but the problem is that the risk factor is also very high. "

"Although it is only a mission A, it has an S-level risk. "

"Jiang Ran, think about it for a moment. "

Liston's face rarely became serious, and it was related to the lives of his colleagues in the firm.

He was not sloppy at all, and told everything about the task.

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