It is simply impossible to judge by how many heads.

And they are all groups of demons, this number, if these people do not enter it, they will definitely be quickly submerged.

Although, just some low-level demons.

But if you keep all your energy here, there will definitely be no good way to move forward.

Physical strength cannot be wasted so exaggerated, otherwise you will definitely be lost in this territory.

"There are so many of them that they have to go southeast. "

"There are not many in the southeast, and the overall strength will not be strong. "

Jiang Ran thought about it carefully, but decided to let everyone go to the southeast direction.

Although this reverse will definitely take a detour, it is safer after all.

A strong person of the spiritual exploration class is equivalent to a leader-like existence in this kind of territory.

Equal to their eyes, everyone did not refute it.

Yeka immediately nodded in agreement and led the group towards the southeast position.

Along the way, I basically encountered countless demons.

Although there are many of them, they are also low-level demons that are relatively easy to solve.

It doesn't even take an S-class captain like Yeka 113 to make a move, and the rest can easily solve it.

A large part of the reason why so many people set out in groups is because a large number of people can appear to be very targeted.

And this group of them, according to the words on the map.

It certainly shouldn't be the first to arrive, but it will definitely be the one with the least losses.

Five days have passed, and Jiang Ran and his group have been living in the wind and sun for five days outside this country.

There was a hint of exhaustion on everyone's faces.

You must know that in these five days, the demons they killed should be tens of thousands.

Even destroyed an entire demon tribe, and basically couldn't sleep at night.

Because abroad, the most dangerous thing is probably nightfall.

Fortunately, there were about twenty people in their group, and there were basically no losses.

It's just that two people were slightly injured, and the road was relatively stable.

Finally, on the sixth day, they were able to reach their destination.

It's a deserted town with a sense of corruption everywhere.

The surrounding high-rise buildings seemed to collapse at any moment.

But Jiang Ran felt another breath in this.

This breath makes people feel very irritable, and it seems that there is some kind of force that repels them.

Something is wrong here, and there is an air that makes me feel very bad.

"I can't tell you what it's like, but it makes me feel very dangerous. "

Jiang Ran looked at Ye Ka on the side and said in a low voice.

The sound was so low that only the two of them could hear it.

Today's Yeka is the real leader, if such words are spoken to everyone.

They are already tired and have just relaxed, and they will definitely collapse a little.

That's the scariest point.

They had just arrived at their destination, but were told that it was even more terrifying than the place they had passed.

No matter how strong a person is, the psychological bearing will also be affected.

"All attention, despite reaching the destination. "

But he still couldn't relax, approaching inside according to the formation, and at the same time began to contact the squad. "

"See if any squads have arrived, and pay attention to the marked locations along the way. "

Ye Ka also understood what Jiang Ran meant, and did not directly say Jiang Ran's words.

But still did not let down their vigilance, let people start to explore around.

The journey of their group is actually relatively far.

According to their original estimates, the fastest party should arrive here in three days. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

So Yeka's first order was to start looking for their companions.

After all, when the number of people increases, their safety can be best guaranteed.

But as Jiang (cifi) got closer and closer to the inside of the town, Jiang Ran's uneasy feeling got closer and closer.

Because the scene inside is too weird, so weird that people feel a little scared in their hearts.

The surrounding towns were as desolate as the mission had said.

Compared to Jiang Ran, the place where they grew up was much smaller.

Or more like a city inhabited by humans.

"It's really weird here, and I feel an uneasy breath too. "

"You have to be careful, you are more important in the whole team than I am outside of here. "

"Remember to put your senses to the maximum, otherwise it will be difficult for us to go back." "

Yeka's expression at this time is not very good, his strength is very strong.

Natural senses are not weak, and with many years of military career, his senses have long been honed to the extreme.

For everything that happened in front of him, and the conviction he had along the way, he didn't think this place would be simple.

As a lost town, everything here is so weird.

"Hope it's just our delusion, this is a lost town after all. "

"If something really happens, it shouldn't be a very difficult thing to deal with. "

Jiang Ran shook his head, and there was not much relief on his face.

But just as the words of the two fell, there was an exclamation from the side.

Following the exclamation, the scene on that side made Jiang Ran and Ye Ka's expressions change slightly.

It was rows of corpses nailed to the dilapidated walls.

Judging by the degree of air drying on the corpse, time should have passed a long time.

But the problem is that these corpses, Ye Ka and Jiang Ran both know.

It was the people who came with their group, no doubt said.

There is absolutely no doubt that these people are the companions of one of their gangs.

"How is it possible, why are the people from the first squad here?"

"Looking at the dried traces of the corpse, it should have been about a week since it died." "

"It only took us a total of five days to set out, how is this possible!"

Impossible, it shouldn't be an illusion. "

Listening to the companions of these squads around him, they constantly began to discuss.

Ye Ka's face gradually became ugly, as Jiang Ran said, it was not simple here.

And it's not a simple kind, after all, this situation in front of you.

Without hesitation, that is the most difficult thing to accept.

"What do you think of this incident. "

Ye Ka looked at Jiang Ran, who also felt incredible on the side, and at this time, he could only discuss with Jiang Ran.

After all, in the entire team, Ye Ka felt that Jiang Ran was the most reliable.

"It's hard, and the best thing to do is definitely get out of here right away. "

"But obviously, that's unlikely. "。

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