It's been almost half a month, and Jiang Ran has been waiting for the reset of this martial arts simulator for almost half a month.

Now that he had finally arrived, Jiang Ran did not hesitate to enter the system directly.

【Martial Arts Simulator】

[Host: Jiang Ran].

[Cultivation: Body refining martial artist].

[Sim World: Troubled World].

[Simulation Points: 190].

In addition to the host name, Jiang Ran's system panel was refreshed once.

Although the simulation point is only a measly one hundred and ninety points.

But for Jiang Ranyan, who entered the system last time, it was already too many times better.

【Ding! Whether to turn on the martial arts simulator! 】

As soon as the cold voice of the system appeared in Jiang Ran's mind, Jiang Ran did not hesitate and directly chose yes.

At the same time, he also stood up, walked towards the house, and sat down against the head of the bed.

【Ding! The martial arts simulator is open! 】

[The simulation world has been opened! ] 】

[Please confirm the identity of the host!] 】

After choosing to confirm, Jiang Ran also saw the words that kept lighting up on the side.

Choose one, a martial arts family

You come from a martial arts family, and your parents may be famous martial arts powerhouses in your local or home country.

From birth, you have a good teacher and martial arts foundation.

Redemption points: 1000-3000

Option two, the house of the eunuch

You came from a certain high-ranking official family, came from a solid family, and your career was bright.

Under the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, the resources are much better than ordinary people.

Redemption points: 500-2000

Option three, rich children

You came from a large family and grew up without worrying about food and clothing.

Under the cultivation of money, your body and bones have been stronger than ordinary people since childhood, and your banknote ability is first-class.

Redemption points: 300-1000


After thinking about it carefully, regarding his origin, Jiang Ran did not plan to change.

After all, there is no money for replacement.

And this one hundred and ninety analog points, Jiang Ran also spent all in one place.

That is martial arts talent, and there is no threshold for the consumption of this dance talent.

From zero to tens of thousands, although one hundred and ninety points is not much, it is enough for Jiang Ran to be much better than the previous life at the starting point.

【Ding! Congratulations on the success of the host consumption of simulation points! 】

With all the simulation points successfully deducted, Jiang Ran also felt a deep tiredness.

His eyelids closed because of heavy tiredness, and Jiang Ran also fell into sleep.

In the subconscious, a golden door suddenly opened, and Jiang Ran's consciousness began to blur.


Near the town, in a small courtyard.

The carpenter Jiang Dali was holding his newborn son, and his face was full of joy.

Li Hua also looked happy, although her face still had sweat stains from pain.

But looking at Jiang Ran in front of him, everything was worth it.

Jiang Ran also opened his eyes at this time, and the scene around him was still familiar to him.

He knew that it was the life of the previous life, and it was all over again.

The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised slightly, he was not destined to be ordinary in this life, not like gravel.

An unknown master he met before his death in the previous life, Jiang Ran decided to surpass him in this life.

"Look, the child smiled."

Jiang Dali looked at Jiang Ran, who suddenly laughed, and his face was also full of pampering.

Handing the child in their arms to Li Hua, both husband and wife began to tease Jiang Ran.


Three years later, although Jiang Ran is still a small point, there is no awkwardness in running.

Much stronger than children of the same age.

Since I was a child, I didn't even have a cold and flu, and when I learned to walk and run, I didn't even wrestle.

This is all thanks to Jiang Ran, who has cultivated the Brute Bear Breathing Method since birth.

Although the strength of the physical body is still far from reaching the stage of refining the body.

But compared with children of the same age, Jiang Ran is already much stronger and wins at the starting line.

The porcelain jar for making pickles in the house is a little laborious to hold even Li Hua.

Jiang Ran could also hold it up for a while.

In the last life, Jiang Ran's mother began to fall ill when he was five years old, and died at the age of seven because he had no money for medical treatment.

For Jiang Ran in this life, what he wants to change may not be so simple.

But Jiang Ran still had some plans in his heart, and he felt that Jiang Dali would definitely agree.

In the fourth year, Jiang Ran's height was half a head taller than children of the same age.

Many neighbors said that Jiang Ran inherited Jiang Ran's size.

Because Jiang Dali is five big and three thick, he thinks that Jiang Ran is definitely not small when he grows up.

And it was also this year that Jiang Ran tried the Gui Yuan refining method once.

In the previous life, this technique changed Jiang Ran's fate a little.

It was also regarded as the main exercise by Jiang Ran, but when Jiang Ran was cultivating, there were no small difficulties.

Because the qi and blood in Jiang Ran's body were not as sufficient as in his previous life.

The effect was much reduced, and even the pain, Jiang Ran only felt a little.

But Jiang Ran did not give up, and still cooperated with the Brute Bear Gong to cultivate the Gui Yuan refining method.

In the fifth year, Li Hua's body began to show signs of weakness.

Doing housework will even be a little reluctant, Jiang Dali originally planned to accompany Li Hua at home.

But Jiang Ran took over the responsibility of taking care of his mother with a small body.

The housework at home, including taking care of Li Hua, was all done by Jiang Ran.

Jiang Dali worked harder and began to work as his carpenter.

In the sixth year, compared to her previous life, Li Hua's condition was somewhat alleviated.

But in this world, without good medical equipment, even minor illnesses and pains are difficult to heal.

Li Sheng also suddenly came over one day to find Jiang Dalian.

But he was driven out directly by Jiang Dali very mercilessly, and in the previous life, Jiang Ran thought that this Li Sheng was here to borrow money.

After all, his own cheap uncle is accustomed to eating, drinking, gambling, and is idle.

But today, Jiang Ran heard the conversation between the two.

Li Sheng meant that Jiang Ran was about the same size as an eight- or nine-year-old child.

If you want to send Jiang Ran to Luo Mansion as a child servant, you can get thirty taels of silver.

And there is still a lot of wages every month, enough to use this money to heal Li Hua.

But Jiang Dali decisively refused, as a father, how could he sell his son with his own hands.

But Jiang Ran didn't think so, but instead found Jiang Dalian.

"Dad, listen to your uncle, send me to Luofu."

"My mother's illness can't be dragged on, and my mother's health is getting worse and worse."

Jiang Ran looked at Jiang Dali who was boiling the medicinal soup in front of him, and said very calmly.

The change in the family made this originally full of temperament man's face already covered with the beard of Raja.

After Jiang Dali heard Jiang Ran's words, tears couldn't help but slide down from the corners of his eyes.

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