"Your human body is so weak, so weak that it will shatter with the slightest touch."

"Despite your strong desire to survive, so what."

"Although your strength is very strong on the human side, so what."

"How can your strength surpass us."

Meng Shuangshi walked towards Jiang Ran step by step, and his expression was also full of pride.

This control of power makes them feel very comfortable.

He was very relieved in his heart, although Jiang Ran in front of him was one of the few people who could hurt him.

But so what, even if it can hurt him, so what.

Can you hurt him, do you mean you can kill him?

Perhaps at some point, he also admired Jiang Ran a little and was able to let his companions leave first.

If Jiang Ran chose a "three seven three" person to escape, he would leave all those people behind.

Meng Shuang Clan thought that Jiang Ran would definitely be able to escape, and he would definitely be able to avoid the pursuit of these people.

But in Meng Shuangsian's opinion, Jiang Ran is too stupid, people are not for themselves, isn't that a proper idiot?

It is incomprehensible to sacrifice your life in order to be a hero.

In Meng Shuangshi's opinion, he is a proper fool.

"In order to be a hero, you are already dying, do you think it is worth it?"

"When you die, I will still kill all of your companions without leaving them."

"At that time, your death will be completely meaningless."

A hideous smile appeared on Meng Shuangshi's face.

The scars on his body were still dripping with blood, and the pain was still with him constantly transmitting the nerves in his body.

But the more pain he had, he had the idea of wanting to smash Jiang Ran's corpse into ten thousand pieces.

"I'm afraid you're thinking of the wrong thing."

"I dare to stay, not just heroic style, nor is it a deliberate sacrifice to leave them a way to live."

"You say, could it be that I am sure that I can kill you?"

Jiang Ran did not smile angrily, the smile that appeared slightly at the corner of his mouth, and there was a trace of blood hanging from it.

But it was such a contemptuous smile that made Meng Shuangshuang's face immediately show a hint of anger.

Swinging his huge fist, he slammed down towards Jiang Ran.

But Jiang Ran's figure disappeared in an instant, like an afterimage.

When Jiang Ran appeared again, he had already come to the back of the Meng Shuang Clan.

A sword did not hesitate and stabbed directly at Meng Shuangshi.

The sword in his back was directly broken out of his chest, and Meng Shuangshi's eyes widened, and he slammed his fist behind him.

And Jiang Ran had already dodged and came to the sky.

A giant sword formed from the air formed by the convergence of countless natural forces.

This is Jiang Ran's strongest blow, the sword intent condensed by the sword heart, along with the blessing of spiritual power, the power of nature also gathers.

When the power that continued to burst out, Jiang Ran did not hesitate, and a sword fell directly.

In Meng Shuang's terrified eyes, the power of this sword directly seemed to completely annihilate him.

The endless dust accompanied by the explosion of the mushroom cloud, and Meng Shuang's aura also began to wither.

Jiang Ran didn't care about this guy's life or death, and the various forces in his body had been almost consumed.

At this time, he could not linger, and without hesitation, he went in the direction of Yeka and the others.

After Jiang Ran joined the battlefield, Yeka and the others also got out of the predicament very easily.

The group headed in the direction of the country, and the group of thirty embarked on the road of return. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Regarding Meng Shuang's question, Jiang Ran just brushed it off and brought it over with a spiritual impact.

After all, Meng Shuang's spiritual power is very weak, which is a conspicuous weakness, so Jiang Ran can suppress it.

The group was already injured, and it took half a month to finally reach the army outside the lower city.

Jiang Ran's injuries were not shallow, and he began to receive treatment after arriving.

In total, nearly forty of them escaped, and when they returned, there were only twenty-seven.

Yeka also immediately told everything to the high-level, after learning that a Mengshuang clan raised humans.

The high-level Terrans were also furious, and immediately sent elite troops and awakened people.

Going to that ruin, Jiang Ran didn't know what the end was, because all this was no longer something he could manage.

Instead, he returned to the Hongyan office.

It has been a few months since he went out this time, and Meili and Hong Yan have a very tacit understanding as partners..........

Meili's powers have also awakened and evolved into B-class abilities, and they are also shining in the Hongyan Office.

I have also made a lot of money in the past few months, because there are very few medical talents in the downtown office.

Most of them were injured and had to go to the general hospital in the lower city.

Many people spend months recuperating for months, but they can't do anything during these months.

At this time, the addition of a medical staff is very important.

What's more, it is a healing system known as a gift, and Meili's healing effect is very strong.

In addition to the inability to recover the broken arm, it is only a moment to connect the broken arm.

Therefore, many firms regard Hongyan Office as a medical clinic.

Most people are willing to pay a lot of money to have Melly treat them.

There are even some firms that privately use a lot of money to let Meili jump ship, but they are all rejected by Meili.

And Jiang Ran, as soon as he returned to the office, began to fall silent.

I don't go out to do tasks, just a person who starts cultivating at home.

His strength is too low, and the powers in this world are too restrictive to help his strength at all.

Although the spiritual power is very strong, to be honest, the power of nature in this world, compared to the real power, may not be enough to resist those powerful demons in 2.9.

Perhaps many people think that a B-level power can definitely live a lifetime of stability.

But only Jiang Ran knew how a small power could make people feel at ease.

There are too many weirdness in this world, and SS-level is so difficult for him to deal with, not to mention stronger SSS-level demons.

This kind of demon only needs to appear, or come to this city on a whim.

I am afraid that no one can stop it at all, and no one can resist the anger and attack of this demon.

After Jiang Ran began to cultivate hard, no one would bother him.

It's just that in everyone's opinion, something must have happened outside the country, which will make Jiang Ran's temperament change greatly after returning here.

But only Jiang Ran knew in his heart how much his mood had changed after this overseas trip.

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